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janetkind Sun, Mar-16-03 12:24

Help i have fallen,
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Well i have really blew it this time. I was doing great on atkins for 6 weeks. Monday will be my & week.
well it started with looking at scale and saw nothing like i waanted to. in fact dont know if i saw a 2-3lbs gain.
Even though i know darn will iam getting ready for TOM any day now. and could be water. i knew it couldbe any thing i was doing. in fact still on 20 carbs and my calaries have not went over 1000. if they did it was last week and then calaries were not over 122oo. i am not hurgery just though hell with this i did better on doing my own diet and lost. but of course i was back then waalking ect. now am not. or not n much.
will like i said i feel off big time. i ate junk and high cabs and 1 reg. pop. and so on. didi i feel better?? Yes and no. i was going to get on scale today but say no. that would have reaally threw me i bet. so iam starting agin atkins. bot the whole 6 weeks over. do u think?? and watch 20 cabs and get this clean out of body. more then likely will tal ke me all this week to undo what i did..
i need to go to walmart today and get some of that stuff that helps burn fat like atkins saids. any one take and does it help.?/ there is at walmart to stuff to take for carb dieting that i might try to or look at.
going to weigh Monday and take keytones to see if still burning. but maybe to this worked. Hope to give body food to burn and help start n moving again. i dont know. just feel badon what i did to self. i want o lose by fall and i will. Should we give our selselfs one free day to eat what we like or every TWO weeks?/ i wonder if that might help. will just wanted to let someone know i fell and having a bad time. pull me up. will do chat later today. take care and hope all had a better day then me. i can not belive it happened but it did.

DDMariana Sun, Mar-16-03 12:37

Janet... :there:

First of all, today is NOT yesterday... :sunny:

Now, you've been doing Atkins for all those weeks, you know that this is not a diet, but a slow and progressive plan to manage the food choices we make for the rest of our lives.

When you totally blow it, the next morning you can regroup and readjust yourself - deal with a 1 lb. up if it's there - no biggie.

You don't have to start over, you haven't done terrible damage, your ketones are more in practice than your sugar intake, so chances are good that within a few days your body won't even remember that you beat it up!

TOM does that to ALL us women...3-4 pound gain is normal...after a few days, it all evens out and likely to give you a whooshe too!!

Hang in there...get back on your plan, help yourself to a little SF jello or LC cheesecake, and relax. Don't think "diet" and "failure" ... think great new way of eating, lots of choices, easy adjustments... success little by little.


janetkind Sun, Mar-16-03 14:36

thank u
Donna thank you. made me feel better. today is new day and i did what i did and thats it.
Monday weigh in and do keytonesand start working hard. Went with daughter for first bike ride this year. 4 miles. i could not go more. it was hard. it is such a pretty day here.
Daughter said come on mom lets go. that is why your not losing like u want to and did before get moving so i moved. doing Monday to. even though she will be at work and her house. but got me going. thanks agin Donna.
janet i9 will be on chat tonite,

Lisa N Sun, Mar-16-03 15:40


what's done is done. The best thing to do now is forgive yourself, pick yourself up and keep going on low carb. We've all had our slips and binges, I'm sure, but those that are successful always get back on the wagon again and keep going.
Remember...the difference between those that fail and those who succeed is not that those who succeed never had a failure or made a mistake. Those that succeed keep on trying and don't give up. :)

red1cutie Sun, Mar-16-03 15:47

Hi Janet! Hi DD!

Aww Janet, sorry you fell off, but like DD said just start again and remember what triggered it so you can avoid it next time. I am so afraid of getting a craving that leads me to lose control. I have not been out with my friends since I started Atkins because I want to avoid situations that could lead to this.

I think that every time someone shares their experience of falling off Atkins it is a chance for the rest of us to be aware of how easy it can happen and how not worth it is is because of the guilt after. So thanks for sharing. Good job on getting some exercise in also. :thup:

Good luck! And don't give up. You should get some l-glutamine. It is supposed to help with cravings.

Be safe
red :wave:

Elihnig Sun, Mar-16-03 17:38

Does anyone else think that 1000 calories are a bit too low, even if you are only 4 ft, 11 inches?


Lisa N Sun, Mar-16-03 17:47

Beth...from what I've read, even those who are very petite (or vertically challenged as I like to call myself ;) ) should not go below 1,200 calories daily; otherwise the metabolism starts lowering to compensate for the famine that it perceives is going on.

Janet...I know that you said that you're not hungry, but you need to make an effort to get those calories up at least above 1,200 consistantly. I didn't catch how low your calorie level was the first time I read your post. The gain might just be TOM water retention, but your body could also be putting on the brakes and holding on for dear life because you're not eating enough to sustain it. The best way to add more calories without adding a lot of food is to add more fat in the form of butter, olive oil, mayonnaise or even heavy cream and cream cheese. Smaller more frequent meals can help you keep your calories up without leaving you feeling stuffed too.

dcbrowne Sun, Mar-16-03 17:52

Janet-Just remember that 1 day cannot undo the weeks worth of effort you have under your belt. Tomorrow is a new day and low carb will be there waiting for you with welcoming arms!

janetkind Mon, Mar-17-03 11:52

back on track
Hi gals.
Thanks to all who wrote. Iam back on track with Atkins. I got on scale and back to 155. gained 2-3 lbs.But i also started my Tom month today.
Iam going to try to up calaries to 1200 or as close as i can get to.
i really think for me writting calaries down helps me or i would be even lower. with out trying. now last nite had 730 cals and day before that 790. carbs on both days were 13 carbs.. last nite had pork rings to try to give more fat and ate steak too. tonite i will have steak. corn beef and chicken with 2 cups salad with half tomoe and geen beans. with bacon fat added. that should help.
I went to check my keytones but pee is so oranage that it just did not come out to see other then orange. iam taking pill called Azo for yeast infection. and last nite startred taking L_carntine 500mag. 3 times a day to help bur fat more. think that what atkins meet it would do. and taking to carb cutter. i feel great. just wish wt. would move down more. i will be on chatt latter today. it is so nice out. going for bike ride to. will going to drink water and make baccon and eggs with 1/4 cuo cheese.
take care.
now to stay off scale this week.

lkonzelman Mon, Mar-17-03 11:58

I'm with Beth here and even think 1200 calories is too low.

The point of this entire way of eating is eating to satisfaction while slowly getting to your goal weight.

The eating to your satisfaction helps you with keeping it off and less binging.

My advice is to only count the carbs and learn to enjoy eating again and without guilt.

You body knows when it is hungry and full. Learn to trust yourself a little and try not to weigh so often.

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