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LaVonna Thu, Sep-18-03 22:01

Questions, questions, questions!
I hate to do this, but I have looked around for quite a while and I still have a few questions. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
First of all, I went to buy some potassium today and a good multi vitamin. I ended up at the health food store (something I am NOT acustom to) and the girl told me to try Nature's Plus Source of Life. It's a Multi-vitamin & supplement with whole food concentrates. She said that this is much better for you than say, Centrum because it's all natural.....what else is she gonna say, she works in a health food store. So, did she feed me a line of crap, and was I a sucker, or is this stuff better than your regular multi-vitamin. It was $28.00 for a months worth.....anyone ever hear of the stuff? It does have all kinds of stuff in it, I'm just so ignorant when it comes to vitamins I just have no clue.

Next, GNC has this stuff that is supposed to block some carbs. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about....question is, does this stuff work? I am almost afraid to find out that it does, because I don't want to go back to my old way of eating, but know I will be tempted if this stuff is available.

One more thing. Does anyone recommend something that will help me sleep better at night? I seem to sleep ok once I fall asleep, it's just winding down and getting tired that is the problem. This isn't just a low carb thing....but I thought I would ask anyway.

I am so happy I have found this forum. There is sooooo much helpful info here. Thank you everyone.
La Vonna:wave:

potatofree Thu, Sep-18-03 22:28

I'm not sure about the multivitamin, but IMO, you're right on track about the carb blockers. I tried them, and wasn't happy. All I got for my money was bad gas, and feeling I could go off-plan just as you suspected! Some will tell you they work, but they block about half of the carbs from starch (NOT sugar) and I've read they actually only DELAY absorption....

For sleep, if a tryptophan-containing snack, like turkey doesn't do it, I like chamomile tea. Also, a supplement called 5-HTP helps me sometimes.

Good luck, and welcome.

LaVonna Thu, Sep-18-03 22:54

Thank you Potatofree for your reply. I think I have been doing very well, I don't have a lot of cravings and am really not inclined to cheat much at all. In fact I'm not sure I have cheated.....oh, wait, I do once in a while take a sip of milk. I can't help it. But it's only a sip every few days. To satisfy any chocolate cravings I will pop a couple of sf reeses peanutbutter cups and that does a world of good. But holy cow, any more than 2 at a time and my family hates my guts, if you know what I mean:p. Anyway, I noticed you are a senior member, so maybe you can help me with my next question. What is up with hidden carbs????? What do they mean hidden?! Isn't the info on the packages correct? And what's up with onions? They have cabs?! Who knew Damn!
Thanks in advance and it's nice to meet you.
La Vonna

Lori H Fri, Sep-19-03 00:04

Hi there! Yes, onions have lots of more than 11g. in one cup of chopped onion. And they seem so innocent huh? I still use them occassionally in moderation.

I was like you...I was using One A Day vitiamins and went to GNC where they give me the song and dance about you don't absorb most vitiamins, they just pass through undigested, etc. There are lots of people on here that use Centrum and One A Day and other quality cheaper vitiamins. I am currently using GNC but it's just because I like whats in them. I do think they are good but I don't know that it's necessary to buy the most expensive ones. As long as you are getting what Dr. A. recommends as far as content I think you will be fine with the cheaper ones.

No more carbs than you get on Atkins, your body needs them so I would avoid the carb blockers. I haven't heard anyone that used them that thought they worked anyway other than sending you to the potty.

We are glad to have you with us and ask any and all questions you have. Someone on here can usually help!

Lori H Fri, Sep-19-03 00:09

BTW...hidden carbs are carbs that aren't listed and such. By law if a food has under 1gr. of carbs (even if it has .9 or almost 1 gr.) it can be listed as having 0 carbs. So you can eat something labeled as 0 carbs and be piling them up if you aren't careful. Look over to your right on this screen and you will see a Hidden Carb counter. Click on it and then click on "what are hidden carbs?" for a more detailed explanation. Also you can put in any questionable food here and it will tell you the exact carb count down to fractions.

scthgharpy Fri, Sep-19-03 01:06

Hi, LV. Welcome to the world of LC!

I just get my vitamins through GNC-the atkins brand, because, from reading the book, there is a whole science to what he feels LCs should have, and what they shouldnt-like the no iron in the vitamin. Do what? I thought women NEEDED more iron? This way its a no-brainer; I dont have time to think about these things! His basic-3, essential oils and dieters advantage are no more expensive than similar products.

Dont get sucked into the accel or the other funky stuff tho-I see nothing that says they actually help the process. I got a sampler month supply with a start package, and actually did a boatload of research to find out what it does and why-and got nothing, really. Maybe someone else can answer that.

Best of luck!


scthgharpy Fri, Sep-19-03 01:09

Oh yah-and if youre having trouble sleeping (and lo carbing doenst help fix it) go on back to ye old health food store and ask the pro there what she recommends-theres a TON of natural stuff out there-valerian, etc. But it would be best if you could ask her to help you choose one that A-actually works and B-is safe!

sweet dreams!

Natrushka Fri, Sep-19-03 07:21

Originally Posted by LaVonna
One more thing. Does anyone recommend something that will help me sleep better at night?
LaVonna, try some magnesium. It's a mineral we need as LCers to begin with (and as a population in general we are quite deficient). Magnesium, along with some calcium, will help deal with the nasty charlie horses and cramps that come with LCing from the loss of water we experience. Magnesium also has a very soothing effect. I used to be the lightest sleeper going until I discovered LCing. Starting the cal/mag made a huge difference in my life.

I take one of my cal/mags before bed at night and I can honestly say I sleep like the dead now.


LaVonna Fri, Sep-19-03 08:05

Thank you. Any specific kind? And just the one a day?

Natrushka Fri, Sep-19-03 09:17

Definitely a specific kind :)

You want your magnesium to come with calcium - the two work together for muscle contraction and relaxtion. You want to get a chelated version - something that ends in 'ate' like malate or citrate (but not carbonate as it's harder to absorb) and you should find the two minerals together in a 2:1 ratio (usually 333mg calcium / 167 mg magnesium).

They should be taken in two doses, at least - the body can only use so much at once. RDA for calcium is 1000mg and for magnesium its 500mg. I typically take one with 3 meals and save one for bedtime.

HTH :)

RockerChik Fri, Sep-19-03 10:40

Hey, La Vonna - how you doin' girl? I love this forum, too. Anyhow, I have been using Nature's Aide Oral Chelation Formula vitamins, and I feel terrific. You can order a 6-month supply for like $129.00 - it's really worth it. Here's their website:

FORGET ABOUT THE CARB BLOCKERS. They really don't work and you're right, they will get you off-track in this new WOE.

As far as the sleep issue - I sometimes take a supplement called GABA (which stimulated the HGH - Human Growth Hormone - on an empty stomach just before bed.

Another helpful sleep remedy is melatonin extract. You can get both of these items at your health food store, or check online at

Happy dreams and Happy days ~!

korry1977 Fri, Sep-19-03 10:47


On the Mag/Cal supplements... it there any particular brand you reccomend...


Natrushka Fri, Sep-19-03 12:08

Korry, I can't really recommend anything to you because you're in the US and I'm up here in Ontario ( getting rained on by Isabel !)

Can you get Quest or Organika down your way? Both are pretty good quality and good value. Sisu is another brand that's pretty good, but they are expensive (up here they are).

You might try asking over in the supplements forum what other American's are using :idea:


crysania Fri, Sep-19-03 12:20

well my cal/mag supliments are Spring Valley (buy them at walmart really cheap too) each pill has 333mg cal and 133mg mag (and 5mg zinc)
I have not been on it long but i am sleeping better already :)


Natrushka Fri, Sep-19-03 12:24

Originally Posted by crysania
I have not been on it long but i am sleeping better already :)
Great news Crysania! I remember your post a few weeks ago about feeling fatigued and tired - I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better :)


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