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marchbaby Sun, Mar-14-04 07:50

Carbs for cardio & weights?
My friend just became a personal trainer in the last year. She claims she is also a nutritionist. She says that you need the 'right carbs' but in higher than Atkins levels before weight lifting/cardio, and then after working out to eat protein. She was basically saying that Atkins is not good in the long run b/c you stop losing body fat and start losing muscle.

MISSRED197 Sun, Mar-14-04 08:07

I asked my doctor and she said that staying low-low carb (say induction) for a long time was good, but if you make good choices (i.e. fish or chicken over beef, etc.) and take supplements for the things you might be missing, it wasn't too bad.

A woman from my bible group asked her doctor and he said the same thing.

I look at it this way, I'm high risk for all sorts of things, including death at this weight, I can't afford to not do something. And if it works and I don't feel bad, then I'm going to stick with it.

As for working out, I used to work as a program director and a step aerobic instructor at a health club, (btw that was my favorite job, so much fun and I learned a lot) and if it doesn't feel good don't do it. Your body lets you know. I know my body pretty well, ALL my body (lol) and if I felt bad I wouldn't do it. Don't over-do it! Add a little when your ready, again your body will let you know. I had a personal trainer/nutrionalist put me on a high protein diet. He looked great!!! He was certified and also a "show" body builder. He had me eat eggs and bacon or sausage for breakfast, protein and salad for lunch and dinner. Along with lots and lots of water. That's the basic premise of LC.

And ALL of us, couldn't be wrong...could we?!? :agree: :spin:
Best of luck, and I hope that helps, I sorta rambled.


bonesigh Sun, Mar-14-04 08:47

Hi Marchbaby:

I'm not sure what the answer is, but you might want to browse through the "Exercise-Forums." I need to find out the same thing, as I plan to start a cardio & weight training program over the next week or two. I currently keep my daily net carbs below 25g.


LadyBelle Sun, Mar-14-04 11:38

How is removing refined sugar and flour from your life not good in the long term? Most hunter gather societies have done it for thousands of generations. As for the muscle, protien builds muscle. Glucogen cna help push things to the muscle, but sugar will not build or eat muscle. Also if your body is getting adiquet protien for your activity level, why would it try to take form your muscles?

The plan she sounds kind of like talking about sounds liek Body for Life. You have somewhat higher carbs when mixing it with LC (by the book BFL is low fat high carb) and have protien right after working out with n o fat or fiber to slow absorbtion.

GQed76 Mon, Mar-15-04 11:50

I lift and have been on induction levels since January 28th. I also do cardio

I dont recommend any excersise rotuine the first 5-7 days as your body is dealing with enough adaptations.

When you get to the gym, think of it as a process you build upon. So many people over work out and burn out the first week or 2 and quit.

NOONE sees rapid results in the first 2 weeks being a maniac!

The first 2 weeks are there to get a routine, let your muscles "learn" the forms. and give time for your ligaments and tendons to respond also

As for cardio, lower heart rates will burn more fat than sprinting a mile.

Get on an elipitcal walker, choose a nice pace where you will sweat but not be out of breath.

Remember, you arnt trying to get in the marines, you are starting your body on a road to fitness

LISTEN to it.

So far atkins induction hasnt caused me ANY issues in the gym as a male. Females again may respond a bit differently. Be sure to NEVER go to the gym hungry, or have a protien shake with low carbs before you start. Excersising hungry will cause your muscles to break down for fuel, defeating the purpose!

Message or email me of you have any questions :)

HogarthNH Mon, Mar-15-04 12:50

Just ask Dr. Trager, head of the Atkins Physician's Council.

He's an Ironman triathlete.

Granted, he's probably at maintenance, but definitely doesn't have any problem with eating the Atkins way and losing muscle or being unable to do cardio.

maggieb Mon, Mar-15-04 13:16

My trainer told me I may have to up my carbs " a bit". I was at 20 when I started two weeks ago. He also said to remember any carbs I ate before my workout would be burned off so not to worry and that if I added 10 -20 carbs it shouldn't be a problem but for me to decide for myself based on how I feel.

The first week I didn't change anything and did feel pretty draggy but that just could be from not exercising for so many years!!! Not sure, but I decided to add to my normal breakfast of an egg and 3-4 slices of bacon a slice of LC bread 6 carbs plus 1/2 an orange. I go to the gym within 1/2 an hour to one hour of eating. Do my weights and 45 minutes on treadmill. WhenI come home I have a protein drink and the rest of my orange. I feel much better, not as draggy...

This has been working really well for me and I haven't gained or lost any weight. I expected not to lose any...he said I wouldn't at first and just go by measurements.Plus I have been in a stall...I am happy as long as I don't gain!......
I have read so many differing views on this question and I feel it is very much an individual thing...I amd definately continueing LCing but certainly I think modifications are in order and the more we weight lift and exercise we will need to adaot our diet....
Good luck!!!

atlee Mon, Mar-15-04 13:59

For most of the last year, I've been working out 6 days a week, three days of cardio (30 min run/walk) and three of reasonably vigorous weight training for about 45 minutes. I generally keep my carbs in the 35-50 range and my calories in the 1700-2000 range if I'm trying to lose weight, a bit higher if I'm maintaining. For me, the calories actually make a bigger difference than the carbs -- I can do just fine at 20-25 carbs for a couple days, but I'm noticeably weaker and more tired if I cut calories below normal for a couple days. I eat a little more protein than most LCers -- 125-150g per day -- and I think that's the right amount for me, because I start craving it if I eat much less.

I should say, though, that I think my current eating is the *minimum* I need to seriously work out. It's low enough that if I don't also get enough sleep, I can really wear myself out in a hurry -- I can handle any two of carb, calorie, and sleep deficits, but not all three at once for more than a couple days. I'm also pretty small to start with, which makes a difference. If you've got more to lose, you will definitely want to eat at least a bit more than that.

My trainer gave me the same spiel about losing muscle and all that, but I've actually gained about 2 lbs of muscle and lost 11 lbs of fat, which dropped my body fat from 25% to 18%. I consider those pretty acceptable results :).

black57 Mon, Mar-15-04 15:38

If you compare cultures who live extremely low carb, like the early Native-Americans, Alaskan Inuits or Australia's Aborigines to other cultures, like modern America You might draw this conclusion: If you are accustomed to sustaining physical activity with a minimal amount of carbs over a great length of time, you are okay. But, if you have lived a life where carbohydrates were the body's main energy source, it is difficult to achieve the same stamina level without more carbs in the system, even if one changed to the low carb woe.

jennabrams Mon, Mar-15-04 17:36

Hi everyone---
I just wanted to jump in here because I work out very often and have been at or around induction levels of carbs for almost 18 months. Before starting this way of life I worked out a ton and at first it did affect my energy level, but after about a month I was completely fine. I don't feel in any way that I am burning muscle...I am energetic and only feel fatigued if I don't sleep enough or consume enough calories. Many trainers consider themselves nutritionists, but if you do a lot of research and gauge how you feel personally you are the best judge. There are many trainers that don't fully understand this way of living and are against because they think we need carbs.
Good Luck

maggieb Mon, Mar-15-04 18:53

Hi Jenn, Can you tell me approx how many carbs/calories you take in a day?
Thanks so much.....

jennabrams Mon, Mar-15-04 19:15

Hi Maggie...
I typically don't use fitday so I can't give you my breakdown in percentages like some people do with their fat, carbs, and calories, but I can try it out for today. The one thing I always count still is carbs, I know a lot of people on this forum would disagree with my carb intake, but typically I take in anywhere from 10-16 net carbs per day. I know that sounds low, but it works for me. OK...I'm going to fitday to check out my calories...hang on !

I'm back and I plugged my day today into fitday. I had 11 net carbs today, 1120 calories, and 50 grams of fat. I'm actually surprised at how high my fat intake is, but this does work for me. I eat pretty much the same things this is my typical day :
Coffee w/1T. cream & 1 splenda
Supplements: Centrum, Calcium, essential oils, green tea extract, fibercon, vitamin e, dieter's advantage
2 eggs
1 slice muenster cheese
1 medium portabello mushroom
1 Chicken Breast cut up and mixed with 2 tsp. mayo
Nitrate Free Sandwich Meat
Steak or Chicken or Salmon with 1-2 cups of veggies
Sugar Free Jell-O

Other than the coffee I only drink water, obviously I do vary it, but after about a month of struggling I found that my workouts had improved. I run a lot...maybe 6 times a week (I want to run a marathon), use free weights 2-3 times a week, and take Bikram Yoga 4 times a week. I think your body just needs time to adjust to itself after cutting carbs.

maggieb Mon, Mar-15-04 20:03

Thanks Jenn, Really appreciate info......I have been having all sorts of trouble stalling.....may go back to lowering carbs, upping calories.....I just don't know anymore what to do......I was around 15-20 carbs and about 1200 calories a day before I started exercising and someone said I was in starvation mode for my weight, but I find it hard to eat much more than that. I find it easy to eat fruit so thats why I upped the carbs and the protein shakes help with some added protein and calories......I guess I will just wait and see for awhile with my exercise..... The weight has to give at some point!!! (I hope)

jennabrams Mon, Mar-15-04 20:41

Hang in there! It will happen...I'm a lot like you, I could eat tons of fruit, but it's hard for me to eat more than what I wrote earlier. You sound like you have a good plan and I definitely think adding the orange is a great idea. It will please your trainer and satisfy your fruit cravings. Another good thing if you miss fruit is the sugar free jello. Sometimes it helps me....I don't know much about protein shakes...but you sound like you are due a whoosh any day now!

madp67 Tue, Mar-16-04 09:48

1200 calories may sound a little too low for your weight. I was just told today by my trainer that I should be eating about 1200 calories to safely lose about 2lbs a week (I weigh 153lbs). That pretty much confirms how my body was feeling. I had upped the calories a few days ago because I thought I was't getting enough food, but my body was dragging. Yesterday I ate about 1200 calories & today I feel good. The other thing that I like is not eating anything past 6:00pm - I always did this in the past & I find my body likes it better also.

In terms of excercise & eating, there is a post in the exercise forum by TrainerDan that indicates that you burn more fat by doing your cardio in the morning withour having had breakfast. I am also trying it & I like it better than eating prior to cardio. Again, my body was telling me the same thing, but I wasn't listening to it. I was listening to the trainer instead - saying that I should have a little something before excercising. Of course, after cardio you should eat within an hour of having completed it.

So, bottom line, listen to your body......


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