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blue4lemon Wed, May-26-04 21:19

what do I say to this girl??
I work with this girl who can't keep her mouth shut about health and diet. She knows I am a low-carber and constantly talks about how "just eating healthy better for you". She uses the word "they" a lot too. It drives me nuts "you know they say black tea is bad for's not as good for you as green tea...but i don't like that stuff, it tastes sick"...."they say not eating carbs is bad for you". I can't get through to her, she is a total numbskull. She is about a size 8 (complains when she buys in the junior department that she has to buy 11's), average height, weighs 130 (she told me) and still wants to be "115...that is a perfect weight". No matter how many times I tell her that I DO eat carbs, that some people, like me, have insulin problems and truly need to limit starches and sugars, she still wants to tell me to eat low fat, low cal. I'd love to tell her that I eat 2500 calories a day, over 100gs of fat and lose weight. She would have a cow! She also likes to preach about how children should not eat eggs and meat so much, and that she "eats a lot of fruit, and sometimes meat maybe 2 times a week" and has kept her weight down. Keep in mind this girl is extremely close minded and will not accept words from anyone unless she sees it in the bible or a women's magazine. She criticizes anyone who is not like her (thin, big boobed, young, with a child). I just want her to shut up or at least accept that maybe there is more than one way to feed your body.

blue4lemon Wed, May-26-04 21:20

And I do not work in a big place, we have three employees counting the manager so I have to deal with her in close quarters.

potatofree Wed, May-26-04 21:40

I doubt there's anything you CAN say that's enough to open her eyes and close her mouth! I'd say if you can't walk away or ignore her little lectures, or even change the subject as often as needed to get her to drop, that'll get you fired.....<thinking>, that'll get you ARRESTED. <sigh> sorry, refusing to discuss food with her is the best I can do! :D

blue4lemon Wed, May-26-04 21:43

I guess that is pretty good, just telling her I don't want to discuss food. But she always wants to discuss something argument-forming, like diet or religion. If she isn't talking about weight or God, she talks about self tanner and fashion. JUST as annoying.

iamlindab Wed, May-26-04 21:53

Most of my co-workers tell me how bad Atkins is for me too. As they sit there shoving donuts, chips, candy and an assortment of other stuff that I choose not to eat. They tell me how eating so much meat is so bad for me - I don't eat any more now than before I started doing Atkins. I say I eat other stuff besides meat - cheese and vegetables are also in my lunch. They tell me how they couldn't eat like I do because I never eat treats. Wrong again, I eat low carb yogurt, sugar free Jello and an occasional Z Carb bar - all treats to me.
Any way, I have learned to just ignore their comments. I used to try to explain to them about how carbs work in your body and educate them a little but I gave up on that thought. Until they are ready to really listen it is a hopeless cause. I eat what I choose just the same as they eat what they choose.

LucyLucy Wed, May-26-04 21:57

I think the problem is that by engaging her, she rants on and on, simply smile your biggest smile, walk away and continue with your work or whatever you were doing. Simply don't engage her in any conversation about diet. could simply change the subject, but smiling and not saying a word, she's like a bully, eventually she'll tire of talking to herself.......

LL :)

LadyBelle Wed, May-26-04 22:06

I agree with the nod and walk away. That or just smile and say "While I find your opinion interesting, I really have to get some work done." If she persists gently remind her you are at work to work.

potatofree Wed, May-26-04 22:10

If all else fails.....duct tape.

jjbswest Wed, May-26-04 22:11

I would say to her "they say if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." Then tell her that if she can't find something else to talk about, it's best not to talk to you at all because you are trying to keep positive and think positive about others. And then tell her, "they also say that scowling when they are talking bad about people causes those little lines to appear between her eyebrows" like she has. (I don't know if she has but she will be looking at herself in the mirror where she needs to be looking anyway.) Sorry, I just do not like people like that.

potatofree Wed, May-26-04 22:16

jennifer...<snort> :lol: Evil.....I LOVE IT.

Kris S Thu, May-27-04 00:31

I've always found that a well placed "that's nice" gets the point across really well. When she gets no reply further than "uh huh, yeah"...she'll find something else to discuss or go away.

AnnieFelac Thu, May-27-04 01:42

re- I'd love to tell her that I eat 2500 calories a day, over 100gs of fat and lose weight. She would have a cow!
I think it's time she has a cow!!! Your profile says you're halfway there, so why not? She needs to know it's working for you! It will give you a boost and stun her. Then you can follow up with that great remark about scowling causing those lines. Of course, all of this with a great big smile. hehe That would really do it! It's not evil, just well planned. :) Good luck, let us know how it goes. Annie

monica26 Thu, May-27-04 05:09

I would just say dont knock it till you try it, rolls your eyes and walk away :) While flipping the bird...
no no not the last part.. LOL

itmekim723 Thu, May-27-04 05:13

Casually ask her if she has put on a few pounds. <evil grin>

blue4lemon Thu, May-27-04 05:45

Originally Posted by itmekim723
Casually ask her if she has put on a few pounds. <evil grin>

she says that when she was pregnant she weighed 60 pounds more, i keep looking at her imagining those extra 60 lbs on her. it's pretty funny cause I can actually see it in my mind. i know it's mean :)

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