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Tigra1965 Sat, Jun-15-02 09:16

LCer Meetings - Anyone Interested?
:wave: Hiya to All you UK LCers out there

Right I think something should be done. I've just been reading Wendye's journal and she met up with some of the LCers from around her area.

I think we should also do something like this a few times a year. It will not only allow us to support each other more - we all have the same aims - but it will allow us to put faces to names.

I admit we are a wide spread bunch across the UK - but surely there must be some where and some way we can meet. It will give us all something to look forward too. We wont have to worry about how people look at us COS WE'LL BE ON MASS and just let anyone go against that !!!

So how about it guys and gals - lets do something for us for once.


fiona Sat, Jun-15-02 16:46

Calling all Liverpool Area Members
That's a good start Julie. You'd need to narrow the venue a little bit. As you are way up north, I expect you'd want it somewhere within easy reach of Yorkshire?

I'm always ready but would find it difficult being in the south east. Wish you success in your Get-Together though.

Take care,

LittleAnne Sun, Jun-16-02 06:41

Hi Julie

A meeting is a great idea. But like Fiona I think you need to stipulate an area. As you know I live down in London and so a day trip up your way is rather daunting!!

Hope you are having a good weekend and that others look in to check out your suggestion.

amb Thu, Jun-20-02 02:03

Hi Julie,

I'm with you - I reckon we should should pick a date and a place and start letting people join in as they can. Nowhere is going to be great for everybody, but perhaps if as many meet up as possible initially, little local groups can be sorted out and broken into from this.

So long as we give people plenty of notice it should be okay. It could even be worth looking into hotels that do discounted group rates for people that didn't want to do just a day trip....perhaps we could have a little drink then as well (vodka and diet coke for me thanks) :spin:

Speak to you soon hopefully


fiona Thu, Jun-20-02 12:36


{….It could even be worth looking into hotels that do discounted group rates …}

Now there’s a thought. A couple of days break up north might appeal to some people from the south.

Choose a good venue, easy to get to by train, bus, coach, car and set a few dates (2 or 3) that are okay. You need to plan waaaaay ahead as it is surprising how people’s diaries fill up.

Take care,

lastchance Fri, Jun-21-02 10:54

Would love to do evening in London area but can't get away for much longer.

Anyone interested?


10stone10 Fri, Jun-21-02 16:29

Sounds like a good idea to me too. I know the folks down south have met up a couple of times in the London area. The idea of a lowcarber weekend sounds interesting. It would be good to organise something more centralized. Where's the geographical centre of the UK?

Boogie65 Sat, Jun-22-02 08:10

Meeting Up
I'd be up for a meeting, I'm in Telford which is close to Birmingham.

Geographical centre of UK seems to be around Newcastle but if you live in the Highlands of Scotland or down in Devon anywhere's going to be a loooong way.

How about if everyone who's interested in meeting up posts where they are, and then Julie can try to find the centre point for all those particular people?


amb Sat, Jun-22-02 09:11

LC Get-Together: When, Where, How?
Hey everyone,

It sounds like quite a few of us would like the chance to get let's do it.

Whoever would be happy to help me organise this please post here :)

Whoever is interested, please mention where you are so we can figure out a sensible and fair location, and then I will start checking out venues in that area, check dates, and let everyone know how much roughly it may cost.

Could be a lot of work, but I bet it would be worth it!!

Hope to hear from loads of you!

Amb :wave:

fiona Sun, Jun-23-02 00:31

Difficult to comit in advance
If I am able to I'd love to come but it is just a tad difficult for me to commit to anything right now - I hope (fingers crossed) to be moving in the near future - coming your way Chrissy, though not definite.

Sara I would be interested in London meeting - subject to where I am on the day that's finally fixed and what is going on in my life!

Amber Heard about the earthquake (tremor) in Cardiff. Did it affect you at all? It's good of you to put so much effort into getting us all organised.

Take care,

juicyjacki Sun, Jun-23-02 13:20

A great idea. In case any of you guys did not know there is a lowcarb get together on the 27th July in Birmingham

amb Mon, Jun-24-02 03:33

Hi Fiona

I'm glad you said that - I was getting a little worried that I was sounding bossy or something! :) I really hope it hasn't sounded like that, and that I haven't stepped on anyones 'toes' so to speak, it's not like I've been posting here long or anything!

About the earthquake - I didn't even know about it until you told me! So I guess we weren't too affected! *lol* My husband didn't even believe me when I told him what you had said....he thought I was losing it! hahaha.....

Anyhow, I'll just hang on, and hopefully something good will happen (with regards to these get togethers). I didn't know there was one happening in July - how many are going, do you know?

Take care
Amb :wave:

fiona Mon, Jun-24-02 13:24

Enthusiasm always welcome
Amb your enthusiasm is great. You've nearly succeeded in arranging a Cardiff Get-Together. Be safe though. Doing well.

I didn't know about the 27 July meeting either. Hope Juicyjacky will post more details.

The earthquake in Cardiff was on one of the news bulletins. Nothing serious but it did measure on the Richter scale - forget how much. Just some shaking and pictures falling off etc.

Take care,

Boogie65 Wed, Jul-03-02 16:37

LC Get Together
Hi everyone

Haven't been around for a few days - but would love to know if anything's still going on?

Fiona, where abouts do you think you might be heading for?

I've got my LC support group started by the way - am "guiding" a group of local ladies (and one man) through the beginnings of this WOE and so far so good with their weightloss and they're very impressed wtih how they're feeling and what they can eat!

I'll keep you posted on how that goes, but would love to hear more about what's planned for a meeting.

Best to everyone :wave:


fiona Sun, Jul-07-02 01:37

9-7-2002: 6 pm ish : London NW
A few of us are meeting in London.

Anyone interested? Sara?

{where abouts do you think you might be heading for? ...} Chrissy, it's all a little uncertain at the moment. Watch this space.

Take care,

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