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Saliena Wed, Mar-20-02 08:26

Perhaps Here I will get a reply
Hiya Guys,

I posted this on another part of this forum and did not get alot of a reply. So, I thought perhaps triple digit club would be a better place. Okay, here goes.. I started at 397 pounds. With working out and this WOL I have dropped 90 pounds. I am now at 307 pounds and still dropping!! Yeah... But, my question is this.. How did you al find your goal weight. I don't want to be skinny. Shoot I don't want to be thin. I want to be smaller. Just not sure how much smaller. So, what should I do? Go until I am comfortable? When I was small er I remember being comfortable around 250. So, that is why my goal is so high. Any ideas guys and gals?

Saliena :daze:

DWRolfe Wed, Mar-20-02 08:41

Welcome to Triple Digits!
Lots of wonderful folks here...
...and we love to answer questions!

Contrary to many traditional diet guides and many of the "bibles" used by members of this board, I think we each have to determine our own goal weights using our own sets of considerations.

For instance, the goal weight I have set for myself puts me 70lbs over the general ideal weight for a person with my structure and height. But knowing that I like to lift weights and bulk up, I know that I like the way I look at around 250.

But in the Atkins book, they suggest shooting for one's ideal weight and that one should have total confidence that it can be reached.

I also don't believe that your goal weight has to be set in stone. If 250 is the goal weight you would like to establish for now, do it. When you hit it, check out how you look and where things have ended up. Maybe you'll want to lose more. Maybe not. But since this is a WOL, you'll be in control and can make that decision for yourself.

Congratulations on your achievement!

Donald :wave:

texas-newf Wed, Mar-20-02 08:55

Saliena , I would just lose until you look good. When you are comfortable with your appearance and are physically able to do the things you were not before losing weight, then I would be happy at that point. I agree totally with Donald in that many of the so called "bibles" or gauges to the "perfect weight" is not a good measure for everybody. Many of them do not take into consideration large body frames, etc. So have fun, congrats on losing so much thus far ! Don't worry too much about the scales. Just think about feeling great !

Victoria Wed, Mar-20-02 09:18

Goal weight
Some people here put down goal weights in increments. So say they want to eventually weigh 150 but they are now 225...they may put down 200 as their goal weight. And then when they reach that they change their stats to reflect another goal. I like having my ultimate goal I keep looking at that number and know that it's in my future. I am not basing my goal weight on any chart. But what weight I remember feeling normal and thin for me. On the charts they usually want me to be 140 or so. We'll see when I get down that far...but I suspect I'll feel satisfied at 160-175. I think it's your own you decide. You have to do the work to get there. ;) The thing with me is that if I stopped at say 225...I think I would be in danger of gaining it back. I want to be normal sized (for me) so that I am physically fit to keep the weight off. The ultimate goal at the end of the rainbow is to be HEALTHY, feeling good and in control of my weight. Not really how I look. That's just a bonus. :D Victoria

odd sock Wed, Mar-20-02 10:35

All a matter of choice
I have to "ditto" everything said above! It all depends on how you feel rather than any chart or 'expert' advice.

I picked my goal weight because it sounded about right for a medium-build, 5'4" (well.... if my hair is sticking up a half inch) female. I will see what it's like when I get there, because last vivid memories only cover somewhere around the neighborhood of 175-200. :rolleyes:

I also keep in mind that I plan to carry my exercise through to higher levels which will up the scales since muscle weighs more than fat. As Nat says, if the smaller size clothes fit, I don't care how much I weigh. I suppose it has to do with each individuals motivation, too. For myself, I have never in my life wanted to be SKINNY or look like a model or actress, just me. I want to be lean and healthy, ready for anything life sends my way. ;)

odd sock Wed, Mar-20-02 10:41

hit the post thingie twice! :rolleyes:

wbahn Wed, Mar-20-02 11:31

There was a thread not too long ago that hit this pretty heavily.

Goal Weight...

The general trend seems to be that people pick a weight at which they remember being happy. But that's a starting point - or should be. As you lose weight and start getting even remotely close to your goal (which you could just pick off the first chart you find as long as you are willing to change it as you reevaluate it as time goes by) you should start asking yourself the following questions:

At my present weight, to I feel I need to lose more?

If so, why? Is it because of comfort? Appearance? Fitness? Sense of well being? Because others seem to think I'm still fat? Because I don't like the number on the scale? Because I still can't get into the clothes I want to?

Be brutally honest with yourself and then ask if the reasons you want to lose more are healthy and rational.

If they are, then try to lose some more.

My goal is based on what I weighed in high school when I was very fit and very happy. Is it an appropriate weight for me now? I have absolutely no way to answer that question until I get in that vicinity.

One thing that is very different is that my lean body mass is considerably more than back then - you don't carry 380 pounds around for several years without building up considerable muscle mass in the lower body. But do I want to keep that muscle mass? I don't know. We'll see as I get closer.

wbahn Wed, Mar-20-02 11:33

Old Sock: Well, unhit the post thingy! :D

You can edit or delete a post by clicking on the edit/delete button at the bottom right of the post (if you are the one that made the post or are moderator or administrator).

After you delete that one, I plan on deleting this one.

But I think you have to do it within 48 hours of making the original post.


odd sock Wed, Mar-20-02 16:18

Tried that already
It wouldn't let me delete my post, which was a repeat of the one before, so I edited it to what you see. If any admin. would like to delete these, please feel free to do so!

razzle Wed, Mar-20-02 16:49

saliena--I apologize that no one saw your post on the other forum! I'm glad folks have answered it so well here.

Post what you like as a goal--you can change it. (I think I've changed mine three times, including this last change from pounds to body fat percentage, and I may well change it again when I hit 22.5%.) Some people use pounds, some use BF%, and some use a size. Use whatever system, and whatever goal, will help keep you motivated the best!

congratulations on your success so far, and best of luck as you progress!

get'nthin Wed, Mar-20-02 19:16

Hello :roll:

The charts suggest I weigh around 145-155 depending on where I look. Honestly the last time I remember weighing close to that I was about 15 years old!!! That was a long time ago!!!!

Pick a weight you are comfortable with and go for it....then when you get there you can change it if it's not what you remember.

Hang in there we can all do it!!!

Keep Smiling :D

In_Control Thu, Mar-21-02 15:37

I think once you really change your WOL then you'll go beyond 250. I mean, there will come a day when you'll be the "healthy" weight your body is most efficient at.

I'm 5'5" and I am definitely comfortable at 145 lbs. I really LOVE being 135 and a VERY long time ago, I remember being 123 lbs...gosh I didn't feel good. I loved being that thin but truly I didn't feel healthy. Now if I told this to another 5'5" woman she might laugh and say 145 lbs ... are you nuts? She may not feel comfortable unless she was 123 lbs.

So my long winded answer is .... you will know! Additionally, the good news is don't worry about it. WE are all changing our lifes to lose weight, but also changing for a healthier lifestyle for the rest of our lifes. The right weight will just happen in that scenerio.

By the way, I am extremely inspired by your success!!!! Good goin!

Rhonda0726 Thu, Mar-21-02 18:22

Goal weight...hmmm?
Hello all.. :agree: I agree with the above. At 5'1", my "ideal weight" is supposed to be 105. Get real !!! I felt great at 125 (20 + years ago), but my main goal besides loosing the weight of course and being able to see my toes, is to get my cholesterol and tryglycerides down in a healthy range and KEEP them there with my glucose levels. For the first time in 10 years, my doc has taken me off of one of my meds for that. Got my labs back this week and they are 144/85. Terriffic!! But I have only lost 1 pound in the last month! But, I also know if I go back to eating the way I used to, they will go back up. for so many years I wanted to be skinny! Now, I just want to be healthy! Keep up the good work! Oh, and Saliena, welcome to our little group! :wave:

Anya Mon, Apr-29-02 17:59

Double Ditto
and welcome Salina.....I do the increments, started at 256, now at 243 and my goal weight is 200 first, then 170, then 150-60....If I thought about losing 100 pounds I don't think I could do it...

briannajoy Thu, May-02-02 10:04

There is such a wide variation in what people (doctors etc) think should be the "ideal" weight, get real folks. Everyone's body is shaped different, different bone structure, everyone holds their weight differently. I take those silly weight charts with a grain of salt. I'm 5'11" with a very large bone structure (I wear size 12 in men's shoes) and "the chart" probably puts me somewhere around 140. YEAH RIGHT! Don't set unrealistic goals for yourself, take it step by step. As far as your ultimate goal, I would *definitely* add weight to that chart, and not stick to your guns, that thing is just absurd. Where are you comfortable? That's an important question in figuring out what weight you should be, if you're not sure, then just continue losing weight until you think, and feel "this is where I want to be" who cares what the *exact* weight is, as long as you are comfortable and healthier.

Good luck :)


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