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In_Control Thu, Mar-21-02 15:50

Why I hate being fat! Join in. How about you?
I want to start a motivational section called WHY I HATE BEING FAT!!!! Then every time I even have the slightest thought to go off my diet, I can come back here and look and see why I MUST STAY IN CONTROL!!!!!!

1. Clothes. Tired of nothing fitting and going to the BIG women's section. They have the UGLIEST CLOTHES!!!!

2. Sweating! I hate sweating! And I've noticed in the last 10 lbs or so that I've gained...that I sweat when doing things!!!! AHHHHHH. I'm so tired of that! I of course live in the most humid and hot climate, but gosh it's so much worse now. Does anyone else have this problem? :tears:

3. Too Tired all the time!

4. Want to play with my kids, like a kid. But I feel like a fat 90 year old woman.

5. I WANT to be sexy again. Let me rephrase that... I WANT to feel sexy again and Free.

I actually made a list of the reasons I hate being fat, and I've come up with 65! And all of them are pretty good.

Please add your comments too!

Mike Thu, Mar-21-02 16:07

My primary reasons are my kids.

I want to play with them with high energy as long as they are want to.

I don't want this to be the example they follow for their health.

I want to live long enough to see them go to college, get married, and have kids or whatever they've got in store for them.

Now that I'm losing some weight, if I could just stop sniffing paint fumes, everthing would be grand. (J/K)


In_Control Thu, Mar-21-02 17:27

Mike DITTO! Thank you for adding some really important reasons to stick with this WOL! I share those reasons as well.

I'll add another one....

I HATE being fat because when I see myself in a mirror or window at the mall as I'm walking by...I don't know who that person is looking back at me. I'm appalled that it's actually me I don't recognize! I want to see the REAL me looking back.

ldypgmr Thu, Mar-21-02 19:17

Why I hate being FAT
1. Fat people are generally isoloated from the mainstream of society.

2. Everything I want to do, I am over the weight limit for the equipment.

3. My butt is ugly. My whole goal is to have a cute little one!


rncomet Thu, Mar-21-02 21:14

i hate being fat,

i am unable to ride bikes, play tennis, hike in the mountain, go to the beach, go swimming.

the reflection in the mirror cannot be me.

i cannot connect the two, eating and fat! eating disables me from doing the things i want, however LCing has given me hope. i like the energy and the diminished cravings, they help me feel in control. thanks i feel somewhat liberated

Pete Thu, Mar-21-02 21:35

Benefits of being leaner
Sex is better. That's can be a good motivator.

Elora Jade Thu, Mar-21-02 21:57

Sex is Better??
Sorry, no bite here, I think that if you are secure enough with your relationship with your spouse, the sex IS wonderful regardless of your weight. (but this is my opinion) And from a personal standpoint, where I was with my husband before and after all the weight its only gotten better as the years go by.

Well, now that I have probably horrified some of you;

Some of the reasons I want to be thinner:

1) I want to have a baby (working on 10 years of infertility here)
2) I want to actually LIKE having my picture taken.
3) When I go into a health food store I dont want the clerk to assume I am there for treatment of my weight.
4) I want to be healthy, and not a walking heart attack (or any other fat ailment)
5) I want to "do stuff" (skiing, rollerblading, - these are things I have never done and have been too self conscious to do-afraid to make an ass of myself in front of all those skinny people)
6) I want to buy the occasional sweet treat and not have people give me....."THE LOOK"....
7) I want to be an example to my children (if and when) of a healthy lifestyle
8) Want to wear nice, sexy clothes (okay, a little vain, but hey!)
9) I want my husband to bear hug me and lift me up without my fearing he is going to seriously hurt himself!! (he does it all the time, and he says that I'm light as a feather - yeah ok - I love my hubby! :rheart: )

This is a great topic!!

Pete Thu, Mar-21-02 22:07

From a man's point of view, sex is definitely better when you're in shape. Don't get me wrong, sex is always good, but after all, there's some excercise involved.

In_Control Thu, Mar-21-02 22:25

Elora Jade, we share something. I also went through infertility (4 years...found out it was a problem with hubby and fixable, even though for years they said he was fine...HE WASN'T!) and GOODNEWS...I have 2 wonderful, beautiful, sweet, adorable, etc. kids now.

Having gone through these 2 pregnacies I can tell you...being overweight makes it sooooooooo hard. The last time I was pregnant I had gestatioinal diabeties! Thank goodness she's okay, but that was scary.

I want to try for #3 but...unlike yourself, I'm getting old! But I MUST get down to a reasonable weight before even trying and the clock is ticking!

I wish you great success and I love all the things you stated. My hubby loves me at this ridiculous weight, but I want to love me more than I can right now. This weight problem is my GREATEST WEAKNESS! If I can overcome this, hopefully I can start working on the other weaknesses with great strength, knowing I overcame my greatest personal challenge.

Keep in touch and good luck!

ldypgmr Fri, Mar-22-02 06:56

I agree with what most of you have said. I don't date, not because I don't want to, but because I am ashame for anyone to see this body without clothes.

I just ended a 10 year friendship because I suddenly woke-up and realized that he was treating me like trash. AND I DESERVE BETTER! My self-esteem is rising. I no longer feel like "I deserve to be treated differently, because I am overweight and" .... I think you all probably know the rest of the words.

Yes, losing this much weight is quite an accomplishment! This WOE has been no problem for me and not a real stretch. I know that I will have other challenges as I near my goal...mainly flabby skin. But a good surgeon can take care of that! I just want to be thin, I want to find someone who shares my interests, and I no longer want fear to hold me back.

That which does not kill us, makes us stronger!



DWRolfe Fri, Mar-22-02 09:04

So many reasons...
...So little time...

I'm not sure there's enough room on this board for all of my reasons, but I'll boil it down to just these...

I hate that people look past me as though I don't exsist or as though looking at me hurts their eyes.

I hate that I have to buy my clothes at big men shops or through mail order instead of off the rack at nicer places.

I'm tired of the split seconds of consideration I have to give before I sit on a chair or the worry I have before attending meetings and events concerning my comfort.

I don't want my parents to look at me with concern for my health in their eyes...

But I could go on....

On the flip side, I'm down 47lbs today and I feel great...I fully intend to meet my goal.

Donald :wave:

OKwoer Fri, Mar-22-02 12:43're a great inspiration. Keep up the great work.

Some of my reasons for hating being fat:

1. I can't play with my daughter the same as other dads.

2. I hate walking into a room and thinking that the sum total of who people think I am is based on how I look.

3. Not having the stamina to do the things I really want to do.

4. Well I don't like being morbid, but seriously, I hate feeling like this might be the year my weight catches up with me and kills me.

5. Riding in someone elses car and having to squeeze myself in and then having muscle spasms from being contourted.

Oh man...I could go on for days...

Looking forward to seeing all the others.

OKwoer Fri, Mar-22-02 12:45

Oh...I had to add one more...this one is a biggy with me...

I hate having to ask for a table instead of a booth at a resturaunt.

DWRolfe Fri, Mar-22-02 13:01

Hitting the nail on the head...
Right on, Jim!

I'm so looking forward to fitting into booths in resturaunts again. A friend of mine mentioned an eatery that he enjoys and suggested that I would too. But he qualified his recommendation with a comment about it being a "booth only" place...which sort of hurt my feelings..even though I know he truly only had my comfort level in mind.

And muscle spasms from being crammed in cars hit home for me too. I've experienced spasms that were so awful I thought I'd faint. :mad:

And this IS your year, Jim...just not the one you worry it might be...

Donald :wave:

kiwi Sat, Mar-23-02 06:49

I feel for everyone on this thread. All of your pet hates about being overweight certainly ring true for me also. There is even less acceptance in our country of overweight people than in yours I believe. I haven't dared go to a beach or public swimming pool for years. Unfortunately people stare and make comments to their mates as if being fat makes you deaf as well. I understand completely about "booths" in restaurants, this has long been a problem. The other awkward time is in airplanes and movie theatres. Fitting in without drawing attention is one of my biggest goals. I must be strong and get back on track, the holiday season really knocked my diet for six. It's time to get stuck in and I hope by checking back here from time to time to gain inspiration and resolve from your stories.
Good luck to everyone, I'll touch base again next month.
All the best KIWI.

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