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MPrufrock Tue, Apr-21-15 09:46

Anyone who adjusted their weight goal?
I'm about 8 lbs from goal weight, as you can see. The lowest I have ever been is 18-20 lbs lower than my current (low carb last time around but not in a healthy way) I picked my current weight goal because I have been this weight comfortably in my life and it's also a bmi of 23.

But currently, I strength train and love it. I wear a comfortable size 6 and feel great. I think I'm heading towards a stall or already at it.

Did any of you adjust your weight goal to a higher number because of altered circumstances (fitness, age, other factors)? Words of encouragement would be appreciated.

Liz53 Tue, Apr-21-15 11:10

I have not changed my goal weight as I still look a bit pudgy ~5 lbs from goal, but if you are wearing a size 6 at 5'8" tall, you probably look and feel long and lean. Who cares what you weigh in the end? It's more about how you look and feel.

BMI is a not a good gauge for everyone, but again, if you look good and feel strong and your BMI is in the normal range (which yours is), then your body's stall is probably an indication that it is comfortable at this weight. I say you adjust your goal and call it done.

Whofan Tue, Apr-21-15 11:37

I set my initial goal weight at something like 120lbs which I had been for a day and a half as a teenager.

By the time my low carb weight loss stopped I was a post-menopausal 135lbs, happily eating everything I wanted to eat, drinking moderate wine, and looking great in size 6. I didn't want to give up wine, 90% chocolate, cheese, and fruit, all of which would have been necessary for me to go lower. So, I adjusted my goal to 135lbs and declared I was in maintenance. That was 4 years ago.

IMO it's more important to find a way to eat that's sustainable (for you) forever than constantly white knuckling to doggedly pursue a number on a scale, which can backfire with eventual weight gain. If you feel healthy, like how you look, and are not hungry - you're there!

ojoj Tue, Apr-21-15 11:46

I se my goal weight at 140lbs, but as I neared it, I didnt know how to stop and maintain. Someone said why stop? So I didnt, kept with the same balance of carbs (induction) and kept losing - until I hit around 126lbs and then the weight loss just stopped for no apparent reason - it was like my body just settled at the weight it wanted to be. And thats pretty much where I've stayed eversince

Jo xxx

jessdamess Tue, Apr-21-15 11:53

I'm 5'9.5"
My original goal was 160, but I moved it down to 150, but if I get as low as 145 I won't be unhappy about it. Unfortunately, I'm having a bit of trouble getting the scale to move right now. I'm still committed to my more recent goal. I'm anyway. :lol:

MPrufrock Tue, Apr-21-15 13:56

Thanks, all of you. Maybe I will reconsider my goal and see what happens.

Just Jo Tue, Apr-21-15 14:19

My story is pretty much like ojoj. Originally I started out with my desired goal weight set at 150 lbs and found out I would still be considered obese on the BMI chart. :bash:

So I changed my weight goal to 130 and kept eating op plan like always and finally settled at 114 lbs. It took me 8 months to lose the extra 16 lbs. I just let my body settle at the weight it wanted. I've been at 114 lbs since November (fluctuates between 113-115).

Recently suffered a broken leg, so I hope with my continued eating on plan and extra weight training, I will not gain weight. But if I do, its not like it's something I did and I know how to get if off!!! :thup:

Wishing you much success on your journey!

Onward, DOWNWARD & MAINTENANCE 4ever! :cheer:

:rheart: Jo :D

Hi! :wave: My name is Jo and I’m a recovering morbidly obese carb addict!

patriciakr Tue, Apr-21-15 15:19

I originally set my goal to 140, which would get me to a normal weight per weight/height charts (I have shrunk to 5' 4-1/2 inches) but at 152-153, I found I am so thin on top - I can see my scapula, vertebrae, sternum, ribs etc., that as I discussed this with my doctor, we adjusted my weight goal back up to 146.

I was always a curvey gal, and would look like death warmed over if I went to 120s or one teens, and even 130s wouldn't work for me. I do plan to begin strength training to reshape my body, and know as I build muscle my weight will adjust, so who knows where I will finally stop. For now, it's going to be 146. To be honest, after losing over 210 pounds, I have loose skin and think that is part of my current weight, I think if it weren't there, I'd already be in the mid-140s.

omablue Wed, May-20-15 20:24

I realize this thread is over a month old. Just thought I would post that I changed my goal up by 10 pounds. I had wanted to get to a BMI of 29, merely overweight as opposed to what I am BMI of 31. I have not lost in 2 months after easily loosing 34 pounds in the first 7 months of the project. My weight loss counselor thought because I have a relatively low functioning metabolism that I should stop at 170. I made it to 162. We decided that I would call 165 my goal so that I am a little below goal which will give me an upper number that if I get to it, I will have to go back to induction.

I really don't plan to change my WOE that much, but I will get to enjoy a treat now and then .

SilverEm Mon, Jul-06-15 08:09

Yes, I decided to stop trying to be at the weight of younger years. I can maintain being in the 130s with not too much effort these days. In order to be in the 127-129 range of my younger years, I would need to eat enough less, in a way that makes me feel as if I must be "on a diet".

Eating very low carb, with just adequate protein, and eating very high quality foodstuffs, along with good exercise/movement, sleep/rest, and supplements, I can keep a healthy maintenance protocol and enjoy myself.

The vanity monster still harshly lurks, but I work at being reasonable, walking a straight line, but a reasonable one.

Putting health above vanity, for me, requires a deliberate choice. It is a choice I make anew each day.

I find maintenance much easier in menopause, as the hormonal milieu is calmer. Not as many fluctuations means more constancy in insulin production and appetite regulation. It's nice. :)

MPrufrock Tue, Jul-07-15 07:08

Thank you for your responses. As you can see, I have dropped a little below my revised goal anyway since I posted this. I think bodies are weird and do what they do.

I plan to keep eating well on the WOE and not worrying about numbers now. I feel comfortable in my skin and my doctor is happy, so that's really it for me.

SilverEm Tue, Jul-07-15 07:12

MPrufrock, that is super. Congratulations to you. :) Feeling comfortable in ourselves means a whole lot.

Just Jo Tue, Jul-07-15 07:28

:wave: Hey MPrufrock!

As of my last post on 21 April, I am finally able to put weight on my "now" un-broken leg.

An orthopedic surgeon said it's not uncommon to gain 10-15 or more lbs with that kind of injury & the type of recovery needed! Basically 3 entire months being sedentary... long story short, I gained 4 lbs and have already lost one of those 4, so I consider myself lucky indeed!

To be perfectly honest with you, if I get down to 114 lbs again...weeeeeehoooo :cheer: if NOT, no biggie in my book! :thup:

My clothes still fit the same and it's just a number on the scale at this point. Sure beats weighing 265 lbs +!

I truly believe you have to be comfortable in your own skin whatever size or weight that is for you. And IMHO, only two people care about your weight, you and your doctor!

Wishing all of us continued successes on our journeys to better health! :cheer:

Jonahsafta Sat, Aug-01-15 23:37

16 months almost....Im staying between 137-140 without a lot of stress....Im facing a lot emotional challenges...but my commitment to HEALTH and life means my anxiety demands I face my challenges early...

I have stayed within 30 lbs of goal for 20 years......after my initial 109 lb loss in 1995.. I have been 12 lbs UNDER for 1 year 4 months.......I have stayed stable for YEARS...until I got stupid....149 was my original goal....still a great weight for me...I lost more without effort....Im a sz 2 sometimes tops sometimes xsm..if I stay true to my body..its easy..if I eat emotionally it gets more difficult...I keep myself at a 3 lb range..Im acutely aware that I need to be diligent and accountable...NOT obsessive

Jonahsafta Sat, Aug-01-15 23:43

And original goal was 149......I ended up 16 months ago at 137....I didn't plan that it just kind of happened as I worked to find an easy weight to 137-140 is my goal range...

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