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ldypgmr Sun, Mar-17-02 22:24

Brag Room
OK, so I've been thinking about it, and there is really no place to post our results. I am bad about not remembering where someone's stats were last week and seeing how well they are doing.

Also, I was in the company of fisher people most of the weekend, and heard them brag about "the one that got away." I just braged about catching 3 Trout on the fly I made myself. Sometimes I just amaze myself. :D

Any who, thought why not start a Thread where we can brag about our accomplishments or post our weekly losses so we can get all kinds of kudos.

This is kinda like Sunshine Moments, but here you really want to brag about that really thick 128 oz chocolatey shake made with homemade ice cream, that was topped with whipped cream and chocolate shavings you just passed up. Or how you just lost 5 pounds of extremely ugly pants filling fat that tried to take your life.

Have fun with it....

So, in the words of my fishing coach Sherman...let 'ur rip!



stilldeb Mon, Mar-18-02 07:53

OK, I'll go first
Got up this morning, and had lost three more pounds over the weekend! I wore a shirt yesterday that I couldn't fit into before, so now I'm going to go through my whole closet and find what else I have "shrunk" into!

OH...and I'm having to wear shoulder pads in my clothes again! For awhile, I had sort of "grown my own" shoulder pads, but I normally have NO shoulders at all, so I guess I've lost my shoulders might know...when what I WANTED to lose was, well.....LOWER! Oh well, at least it's GOING!


DWRolfe Mon, Mar-18-02 13:47

Hey Dee...
You go!

If I haven't said it anywhere on this board before, you're doing great! I really enjoy reading your many contributions to this board.

You too, stilldeb!


Donald :wave:

briannajoy Mon, Mar-18-02 14:26


I think this is a great idea!! Kind of a buffed up sunshine moments ;) hehe wtg for your continued weight loss :D

Debbie, wtg :D especially rewarding over the weekend I think wow! That's 3 pounds over what 2 days? WTG :D

I guess I have something for bragging. :)

I know I came back from a .. break I guess??

You can read my "I'm Back" post ;) but here it is..

I have these pair of pants, that, when I first started this diet, I could BARELY squeeze into, yesterday when I wore them I noticed they were actually getting baggy on me!! :D I really really can't wait to go clothes shopping, I hope I have another brag moment then hehe

:) keep it up guys :)



hjackson Mon, Mar-18-02 14:39

Down 3 more pounds
But I didn't use the same scale, so I'm not certain it couldn't be more. It is the same scale I got my high weight on...the 236 number, so I know that from 236 to 222 is 14 pounds. Wahoo!

ldypgmr Mon, Mar-18-02 19:34

The deadly Dentist
Well, you all know how I just hate to brag, but I went to the Dentist today for the 6 month cleaning. And you know those chairs, those low low chairs with the arms that stick you in places that I would just rather not mention in mixed company? Well, I fit in said chair without needing to point the arms outward. And the it use to be that the Dentist had to help me up out of that contraption from HELL. Well, not today. I simply....stood up!

Then, and again you know I hate to brag, but the Dentist announced that I have the gums of a 30 yo. And it has been 5 years since I have had a cavity! Which is truely a miracle for me. Have I told you that I love my Dentist...He even gives me a My Dentist Loves Me sticker to wear all day!

So the next time you go to the Dentist, see if you can beat that!!!!



DWRolfe Mon, Mar-18-02 19:47

The dentist chair...
It's so funny that you mentioned the dentist's chair, Dee...

...because I just visited my dentist last week too, and more than anything else from the previous few visits (as I grew larger) I dreaded getting in and out of his chair! The last time I thought I was going to have ask for the Jaws of Life to get me out of the thing!

But this time I was comfortable and slid right up and out of that baby. :spin:

Life is good.

Donald :wave:

wbahn Tue, Mar-19-02 00:31

Today I got my first ackowledgements that I look thinner from someone (two people) seeing me in person. Granted, both know that I am LC'ing it, but I think they were sincere. Made me feel real good.

DeeX2 Tue, Mar-19-02 06:38

I did it!!!!
I have been on the program for 13 days now and I have lost 10 lbs!!!! Im happy, Im happy! :daze: :spin: :roll: I have now added the body for life workout program to my low carb plan. Today is my 2nd day on that one, Im sore but I do feel great!!! Life is wonderful! :wave:

In_Control Tue, Mar-19-02 20:05

Lost 4 LBS after Day 1
Yeah, I know this kind of weight loss is NOT going to keep happening. But it truly made my day.

I've been on Atkins before. The induction is so hard, but hey, if you stick to's SOOO Rewarding too. I hope I have the success I'm reading from all of you. Gosh, very inspiring!

Mike Tue, Mar-19-02 22:58

Hey all!

I got onto the scale this morning and my loss is up to 25 lbs in a little less than 7 weeks. Not too shabby considering I blew it a week ago with a party I was at.

Even though we just had it.. I'm looking forward to the family get together for Christmas... We are all scattered around the US and don't see each other except for Christmas. So I'm looking forward to being 2/3 the person I am today...



briannajoy Wed, Mar-20-02 03:44

Sounds like everybody is on the right track! I wish I had some gauge of my success but my gauge I suppose is the loosening of my clothes!

Way to go wbahn, it's great when people take notice that you've lost weight, it's very encouraging :) :) When my mom said that she could really tell I felt so great and was even more determined than before.

I used to hate looking in the mirror but now I look in the mirror a lot, to remind myself that YES I am loosing weight and becoming a thinner person, and I am liking what I am seeing!

Way to go everyone!



OKwoer Wed, Mar-20-02 08:14

Well I set a mini goal for myself that by the end of my third week, I'd be down 20lbs and exercising at least 15mins at least 5 days a week. Well as of today (3 weeks and 2 days), I'm down 21lbs and exercising 17mins a day.

In the words of the hardest working man in show business,

briannajoy Thu, Mar-21-02 14:56


Big eye opener for me today! :wiggle:

I have these pair of pants that, before I went on this
diet were *very* tight, especially in the thighs and waist.
Well a few weeks ago I left them over at my boyfriends
house, and I didn't get them till yesterday, I washed them
and put them on today and I was SHOCKED! They are BAGGY
on me!!!!! :hyper:

If this isn't proof I'm losing weight, then I don't
know what is! I was so excited, I looked in the mirror
and pulled the pants off my leg you know, and I have lost
QUITE a bit, there's tons of room in these pants now!
I feel great! My mom feels great, she's on the diet too,
and she looks great. I'm so grateful for this WOL and for
Dr. Atkins.. it's amazing! I'm also grateful for this message
board, I'm sorry I don't post more, I probably should :bash:
but I'll work on it ;) I also haven't posted in my journal but I will
be doing that soon. I'm going to be taking a new picture probably
in the next month or two, I will be excited to compare the difference.

This WOL is amazing.. it never ceases to astonish me.

Thank you everyone

*big group hug*

Brianna :D

ldypgmr Sun, Mar-24-02 09:54


Doesn't it feel good to have the slack loose. I think I get a bigger kick out of the loose clothes than I do seeing that stinkin' needle on the scale go down. :daze:

Well, I wore my square dance attire to the dance Friday night, and had soooooo many people come up to me and tell me how great I was looking and wanting to know how much weight I had lost. I danced all but 1 tip and had a great time!

Life just keeps getting better and better.



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