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LC_Dave Tue, Dec-31-02 08:07

Your New Years Resolution!
What's your New Years resolution ?

Mine is this -

I don't like the old me - I want to be a different person, re-invent myself.

My resolution is to be the person who sticks to my goals, commits to this WOL, and to no longer be scared to go out and get what I want!


BrewWa Tue, Dec-31-02 12:39

My New Year's Resolution....
OK Dave, here we go....

Things I need to do (health wise) in 2003:

1. Stay focussed doing Atkins WOL. I will get back up after each stumble and get on with life. I'm not going to say that I will lose X pounds by 12/31/03. I realize that I'm not in a race. I will, however, commit to staying focussed.

2. Start a weight training program. I am in the process of looking for the best equipment for me.

3. Continue to participate with the good people in this forum. I will ask for advice and tell of my experiences where appropriate.

4. Start a journal. I've been putting it off because I feel I spend too much time on the computer now. I will make my best effort to squeeze it in as often as possible.

God Bless and Good Luck to all in 2003!!!


Anybody Tue, Dec-31-02 13:17

I will continue to treat myself better.

I will follow through on my goal of losing weight and becoming physicallty fit.

I will try snowboarding the 3rd week of January. I had set a goal weight of 260 to attempt this. We'll see what happends. If Im close.. I'm going. :)

I will do things that have been hard or impossible for me to do at my old "normal weight" I will paintball, I will skydive, I will get back to sailing again.

I will try out for the semi pro football team my friend belongs to in the fall.

I will get rid of whats left of my credit card debt.

I will continue to post on this website. Gain as much information as I can and try to be encouraging to all my cohorts in LC'ing and exercising.

And I want to wish you all the Happiest and most prosperous new year you can have.



DWRolfe Tue, Dec-31-02 16:03

2003 Resolutions
I can hardly believe it’s the end of 2002! We’ve all heard it said that each year seems to speed by faster as we grow older, but this year it really does feel as though the time slipped away in a flash.

Of course when I look back at what has been accomplished in 2002, it’s just as easy to be amazed that it’s been only12 months. In that time I’ve:

*Shed 104 pounds
*Stayed LowCarb for one year
*Reduced my cholesterol to 159 (105 for the “bad”)
*Gone from a size 58 Big Boy pants to a size 44 regular
*Gave up the remote control for an exercise program
*Lost inches and inches from my girth
*Loved my partner and puppies as well as I know how
*Managed my finances and bought my first home
*Maintained a savings account
*Survived 3 rounds of corporate downsizing
*Pulled myself out of a horrible spiral of shame
*Gained self respect and esteem
*Forged many wonderful friendships in this forum
*Helped others struggling with weight and esteem issues

So it strikes me as weird that now, at the beginning of a bright and shiny new year, I find myself struggling for words to describe my goals for 2003. Up until now, I assumed my list of resolutions would flow forth like wonderful LC nectar. But instead, everything I write strikes me as trite. I mean, we all want to lose weight, and we all want to handle money better and we all want to be more loving and open and help others and achieve success in our work. Frankly, I’d be happy if 2003 brought more of the same as 2002! ;) But I stand on ceremony and join the masses. Annual reflection and planning is a good thing. So here goes...

In 2003, I resolve to…
…be the best I can be. :thup: I will respect myself as well as others. I will not indulge in behavior; foods or actions that I know are not good for me physically and spiritually. I will ask for help if I falter. And I will not let myself get so caught up accumulating “stuff” that I forget to count my many blessings. I will stop to smell the roses, and I will bend over at the waist and touch my toes while doing so! I will broaden my circle of friends and acquaintances by reaching out to others in my community. I will put down the tools and paint brushes and allow myself quiet time to recharge my batteries when I need it. Oh, and I will stop biting my fingernails when my clippers aren’t handy.

Love to one and all...

Donald :wave:

LC_Dave Wed, Jan-01-03 01:26

Hey - nice picture Don!

He he I remember back when you were just new on the forum and quite a bit heavier! Congrats! (actually you are a reason why I keep trying!)

BrewWa and Anybody, good to see you two are getting started early!


slowday Wed, Jan-01-03 09:53

The problem with all of my past New Year's resolutions is that they were always made in desperation on December 31st and conveniently forgotten January 2nd. So for this year I made my resolution on October 1st 2002. I will start doing the LC thing on January 5th, that's the day I go food shopping.

I can't begin to tell you how inspirational and helpful this site has been in the last three months in getting ready for the 5th. I learned the necessity for really reading the book, how important it is to pay attention to what and how much you eat, and the importance of just hanging in there when you don't want to. I've got my induction meals all worked out using fitday, an exercise program schedule that started last week; I've had a physical with the blood work. My doctor was happy I was willing to try something after not trying at all. Monday I get my body fat measured. I've tried to get ready by the book.

I even had my wife do my measurements last night. It was brutal but the truth sometimes is.

I've never been a yo-yo dieter. In fact I haven't been on diet at all in about 15 years. The times the wife thought I was at a Weight Watchers meeting I was actually shooting pool with some friends. LOL. :D

But this is different. This is something that I want to do, not something that anyone else thinks I should do. That makes a big difference to me. Next year at this time I'm sure I'll look back to a bumpy road that leads to a healthier and narrower me.

Nuevo Ano, Nueva Vida- A new year, a new life.


liz175 Wed, Jan-01-03 10:06

Dear Abby's New Year's resolutions
Dear Abby's New Year's resolutions (based on Al Anon New Year's resolutions). They are very applicable to many of us in the Triple Digits Club. I couldn't possibly say it better myself, so I will post it:

JUST FOR TODAY, I will live through this day only. I will not brood about yesterday or obsess about tomorrow. I will not set far-reaching goals or try to overcome all my problems at once. I know that I can do something for 24 hours that would overwhelm me if I had to keep it up for a lifetime.

JUST FOR TODAY, I will be happy. I will not dwell on thoughts that depress me. If my mind fills with clouds, I will chase them away and fill it with sunshine.

JUST FOR TODAY, I will accept what is. I will face reality. I will correct those things I can correct, and accept those I cannot.

JUST FOR TODAY, I will improve my mind. I will read something that requires effort, thought and concentration. I will not be a mental loafer.

JUST FOR TODAY, I will make a conscious effort to be agreeable. I will be kind and courteous to those who cross my path, and I will not speak ill of others. I'll improve my appearance, speak softly, and not interrupt when someone else is talking. Just for today, I'll refrain from improving anybody except myself.

JUST FOR TODAY, I will do something positive to improve my health. If I'm a smoker, I'll quit. If I'm overweight, I'll eat healthily -- if only for today. And just for today, I'll get off the couch and take a brisk walk, even if it's only around the block.

JUST FOR TODAY, I will gather the courage to do what is right and take responsibility for my own actions.

Happy New Year everyone! May we all have a wonderful year in 2003.

tripletmom Wed, Jan-01-03 10:58

I'm with you, slowday... I made my resolution around Halloween, that I was going to go back to this WOE on January 1st. I started accumulating the things I would need along the way, and did my grocery shopping this past Sunday. I had my "last hurrah" last night, and have a carb-hangover this morning as proof. So... for my resolution:

• I will dedicate every bite I eat to my health.

• When I feel weak, I will look at my young sons, and remember all the things I look forward to doing with them... including going to a pool!

• If I have a moment of weakness, I will hop right back on, and not wallow in self-pity or self-loathing. To err is human, to get back up and keep going, determined!

• If I feel myself losing sight of my goals and dreams, I will ask for help.

• I will spend more time being charitable, and less time worrying about mutual funds!

• I will savor laughs, and I will savor tears. I can learn from every situation.

Hey DWRolfe, you look FAB! I have a feeling you're going to keep me VERY motivated with all these great pictures you keep posting!

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