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pd Rydia Wed, Jan-28-04 13:44

Atkin's and antidepressants
I'm curious to see if anyone else's experiences can reinforce what I've found out to be true for myself.

I'm bipolar type two, and before starting the Atkin's diet, I was on a mood stabilizer (Risperdal) and a low dose of antidepressants (20 mg of Lexapro). After about a week of Atkin's, I noticed an abnormal increase of energy, ideas, self-esteem, trouble falling asleep, calming down, etc...I went into hypomania, basically. (Hypomania, experienced by type two bipioles, is a less severe form of mania, the opposite of depression). Taking the hypomania as a sign that the antidepressants had become superfluous, I obtained my doctor's blessing and first dropped my Lexapro dose in half and, suffering no ill effects, stopped taking it altogether.

My mood is now slightly above what it used to be before the diet. Thinking there might be a connection between Atkin's and my hypomania, I scrounged around on the internet and found the following:

"The safe way to build up the serotonin level (a way to treat depression) is to enable the body to manufacture its own serotonin by taking the immediate precursor to serotonin [tryptophan ("Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that is found in a variety of high-protein foods...including beef, chicken, fish" [])]...Other natural substances for depression include N-acetyl tyrosine ("An amino acid present in dietary proteins" []), S-adenosyl methionine (SAMe) ("SAMe (S-adenosyl- methionine) is a synthetic replication of a compound that the body makes naturally from methionine, an amino acid found in protein-rich foods." []), acetyl L-carnitine ("Carnitine, or L-carnitine, is a naturally occurring substance found in...animal foods" [])...and most of the B-complex vitamins (found in green, leafy vegetables; meat; poulty; fish; cheese)...These supplements relieve anxiety..." []

So, basically, the high protein diet is working as a natural (low dosage) antidepressant. :]

I thought I'd share this with others, as it's kind of interesting I think. I was also wondering if anyone else has had any similar experiences, or have anything they could add to this.

amym Wed, Jan-28-04 18:31

Hi Rydia... I definitely agree with this. I was on Celexa 20 mg. and before that Prozac 30mg...after gaining weight and losing my energy feeling like a zombie I read a few books on natural treatments for my depression. I take 5HTP,vits B,and eat a much more balanced diet with plenty of protein. I feel so much better and am excited about this. I have been off the SSRI for 6 months and I wake up everyday looking forward to it rather than dreading it. I am sure it has to do with eating this way!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AMY

cs_carver Thu, Jan-29-04 13:51

Partly the boost, partly the lack of depressants
I'm seeing stabilized moods and I think it's partly from increases on the serotonin side but also as much from not eating the stuff that depressed me. Had a run in with hidden corn-syrup last night that left me feeling all my progress to date was for nothing and I might as well fall into the (regular) ice cream.

Only that's not the way it happened--I fell apart, and this morning I read the label and saw the corn syrup. Wow. Not going there again!! And to think I used to live like that every night! It was only the 7 months of freedom-from-food-related despair that allowed me to see it was the freaking CORN SYRUP!! there is no therapy on the planet that can fix CORN SYRUP!

pre3teach Sat, Feb-07-04 19:17

I have wondered about being bypolar at times... I have terrible PMS and am on a low dose of paxil. It works wonders but I have noticed periods of sleepyness followed by incredible energy. Sometimes it will last days sometimes weeks. I used to be able to see the atkins diet was the reason for the energy but not so lately...I wonder if I have some hidden carbs I am not aware of when I get that awlful fatigue?

I have tried to go off the paxil to try natural methods but the withdrawl is sooooo bad I never do it! It is awlful

mollymom Mon, Feb-09-04 13:46

Paxil Withdrawal
I must be one of the chosen few who can stop taking Paxil without effect. I have taken it starting in September and discontinuing abruptly in April for many years, to deal with severe Seasonal Affective Disorder (in my next life I wanna be a bear...with sign on butt..>WAKE ME FOR SPRING). I do know that some people coming off Paxil, take half their dose for a while, then skip a dose every other day etc. I guess I am just lucky. I am investigating a light box. Since they are expensive, I would like feedback from anyone who has used one.

Just a note, my entire house is even decorated taking SAD into account. Light colours, sheers only on the windows, I rarely draw the blinds, etc. My class complains that I insist on having the curtains open even on blindingly sunny days. My principal even offered to install full spectrum lights in my is that for support! :) I know it is partially mental (no pun intended in this forum) but I even find buying myself bright flowers etc. helps me keep the faith that this too will pass and SPRING and longer days WILL come...they do every year!~:yay:

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