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Rita M. Mon, Jun-17-02 20:50

Is it sodium????
Hi Guys,

Well, I take one step forward and 2 steps back. :(

I had my first salad, just lettus, with a cut up chicken cutlet and some mayo. I was feeling really good. Then I come home and I up 2 pounds. I am dumbfounded (if that's a word).

I tried Atkins about 4 years ago and one day for lunch I had tuna with mayo. The next day I was up 2 pounds. I said I would never have it again.

I'm so confused. The jar says 80 mg per tablespoon. I had about 4 tablespoons. 320 mg of sodium which is nothing compared to some of the stuff I would normally have.

I know I'm sensitive to sodium so I stay away from high sodium foods. But I really can't have mayo???? Does anyone have this same problem???

It's really starting to frustrate me and it's really limiting my choices of things to eat. - :confused:


Chrissy Mon, Jun-17-02 21:13

Hi Rita
Do you really expect a loss of weight every day or during the day?

The scale doesn't just weigh fat. It weighs muscle, bone, water,
internal organs and all. When you gain "weight," that doesn't
necessarily mean that you've gained fat. Weigh yourself once a week, otherwise you'll go crazy.

You may very well be sensitive to sodium, do your rings feel tight? If so, stay away from can fish, salted nuts, porkrinds, pickles, salted butter, bacon and process meats, cheese has sodium too. And drink lots and lots of water, this will not only flush out the excess sodium as well it will flush out your body fat.

Water makes up about 60% of total body mass. Normal fluctuations in the body's water content can send scale-watchers into a tailspin if they don't understand what's happening.

Hang in there, fluctuations are perfectly normal. Expect them to happen and take them in stride. It's a matter of mind over scale.


Rita M. Mon, Jun-17-02 21:27

Hi Christine, :wave:

Thanks for replying.

No I don't expect a weight loss every day, but I've been on induction for about 2 weeks now and I've lost 4 pounds. I'm still learning what my body can and cannot tolerate and apparently sodium is one of them. If I had known this, of course, I would be further along I believe.

Your stats look great and I would like congratulate you on your weight loss. It is very imspiring. It's just frustrating because I have read stories of such large pounds lost during the first 2 weeks. I guess I'm a little disappointed to have some loss and then just go up like that. :(

Can you give me some idea of the things you ate when you lost the most weight.


Rita - :spin:

Pat S. Mon, Jun-17-02 21:39

Hi Rita,
I just got through with I induction lost 6 pounds and not an ounce since :daze: in fact if I eat to much salt I will retain a pound or 2 then lose it in a day or so. I have been on this WOE before always quite before my body caught up not this time. You said you had a chicken cutlet was it breaded or possibly marinated in something I have gotten so I will not eat anything that isn't natural. Boy they are always slipping this past us.

Rita M. Mon, Jun-17-02 21:49

Hey Pat,

No girl, I bought fresh chicken cutlets from the supermarket and grilled them myself. Just put a little onion powder and pepper on them. That's it.

I just read a whole bunch of threads on the mayo though. I use Hellmann's which says it has no carbs, but apparently it does.

I guess I have to find a good dressing instead. Any suggestions??



Rita M. Mon, Jun-17-02 21:52

Hi Chrissy, :wave:

I've just been reading some of your journal. It is very inspiring. I'm new and I know you have heard it a million times, but thanks for sharing your success. I will help me more than you'll ever know.

Rita..... :spin:

Chrissy Tue, Jun-18-02 02:33

Hi Rita, thank you so much for your nice compliment, I really appreciate it! You should start a journal too, it really keeps one on track. I don’t write in mine as much as I like these days, been very busy in my life, but I try when I ever get a break to come read the messages.

First of all....4 pounds is a wonderful loss, you should be happy! Its better than gaining, right???? Everyone will lose at a different rates, don't compare your loss to someone else's loss.... and yes it will be frustrating as hell at certain times during your journey, because that darn scale aint moving the way you want it to. If you follow this WOE to a "T" and exercise for LIFE you will get the benefits, just have patience with yourself. I know it’s a little overwhelming at first when starting as there are so many things to learn about this new WOE, what you should have, what you shouldn’t have, how come this person can eat that and I can’t, etc, etc......But in time, you will find your own balance to suit your own body. Just don’t let yourself get frustrated, because that will only get you down, and when your down, you’ll give up. So hang in there girl! You can do. Just give it time.

When I first started on Atkins, I lost 11 pounds in 2 weeks, but you have to remember, people with more weight to lose will lose faster, and most of that was just water anyways, the major fat loss came later......During induction I kept it very simple, ate no process foods, no low carb products such as shakes, bars, etc. I went out and bought a huge turkey and beef roast and carved it up into individual containers and basically lived on that for the two weeks of induction, as well as my daily toss salads and olive oil. I was no happy camper let me tell you during those two weeks, but I came through just like millions of other people.

I really can’t say what foods I ate when I lost the most. I’ve been doing this since last March 2001, its been over a year now. I had a little backslide last September and I gained 20 pounds back, but since November I’ve been on a steady roll. I had maybe one period that lasted only 3 weeks just around the time I was 200 pounds, that I didn’t lose anything, so I can’t really call it a stall.......I pretty well lose 1-2 pounds a week on average, I eat approximately 30-40 gm of carbs a day on the OWL phase. I also exercise on a daily basis too. I know things will slow down once I get closer to goal, but that’s expected, and Im not going to worry about, since I’m in this for life.

If you go back to my journal, closer to the beginning, I had recorded my daily menus, that will give some idea what I eat.

The biggest tip I can give you, is don’t view this as a fast/fad diet, view it as a life change, it took me the second time around to realize this. At first I just wanted to shed the pounds fast, get the weight off and go back eating normally (bonk on the head) :bash: I view it as a permanent change in eating for life. And another biggy, don’t let yourself get bored, some people like to stay on induction till they get to goal, but this is another reason I fell off it too the last time. I was bored of the same old foods everyday. Now I experiment with all the wonderful recipes out there, I plan and prepare ahead everyday on what Im going to eat and I always have some kind of protein meat in the fridge for emergencies as well.

Your best bet is to start a journal, and write down everything you put in your mouth, including your carb count, how you felt that day and don’t let yourself go crazy with that scale of yours, put it away and weight yourself once a week.....if your going to weigh everyday, do it only once in the morning after your pee......if you don’t lose that day, remember the fluctuations of water, this is normal. ....and make sure you take your measurements too. Even though the scale doesn’t show it, it will on the tape measurer.

You’ve come to a wonderful Low Carb place for support, there are a lot of wonderful folks here. Keep us posted and good luck on your journey! :wave:


Rita M. Tue, Jun-18-02 05:31

Hi Chrissy, :wave:

Thank you so very much for all your advice and words of wisdom. I truly appreciate it. :thup:

I read some more of your journal. So I guess I will stick with what I know works for the next 2 weeks and see how I do. Then I can move onto more variety.

Another problem I'm having is constipation. I noticed that you were using metamucil. Does this work without cramping? I must find something. I took 2 Correctol the other day and I was doubled over with pain.

Thanks a bunch.

Rita.... :spin:

Pat S. Tue, Jun-18-02 09:53

Hi Rita,
I use Best Food (Hellmans) Mayo so far so good but I started out using a lot now have cut that down I some times make a vinagrette and add a tablespoon on the side and use the old dip fork method I have gotten so I like it just as well.

Chrissy Tue, Jun-18-02 14:29

Originally posted by Rita M.

Another problem I'm having is constipation. I noticed that you were using metamucil. Does this work without cramping? I must find something. I took 2 Correctol the other day and I was doubled over with pain.

Hi Rita, I don't use Metmucil no more, I use natural bulk Psyllium husk, the active ingredient in Metamucil, but much more cheaper, most health food stores will sell this. No problems with cramping. I take 1-2 tbsp every night before bedtime. Keeps me very regular, I also eat lots of low-carb veggies and berries, I also walk/jog everyday and drink lots of water during the day which will help with constipation. You don't want to use those chemical laxatives, they'll do more harm then good to your intestines if you take them on a regular basis.
Doreen has written a very good article on contipation here at this page. You might want to read it.

Christine :wave:

Rita M. Wed, Jun-19-02 20:57

Hi Pat,

Thanks for the tip.


Rita M. Wed, Jun-19-02 21:05

Hi Christine, :wave:

Thanks for all your help.

You said you use natural bulk Psyllium - what does it taste like?

I have added more salad to my diet, so I expect to start becoming more regular. But I still would like to try the psyllium.

Thanks again.

Rita....... :spin:

Chrissy Wed, Jun-19-02 22:24

Hi Rita, there is no taste to it, but the texture will take time to get use to it.....I mix 1-2 tbsp with luke warm water and gulp it down it one shot.

Glad to hear you've added more veggies to your plan, remember Atkins is not No carb, its Low carb ;)


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