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LisaNSean Sun, Apr-20-03 23:00

Newbie, looking for buddies
Hi there,

I am about to start the Dr.Atkin's low carb introductory in the morning and I am looking for some buddies so we can lose weight together.

I currently weigh 241 lbs. I am 27 years old and 5'7.

I have faith in myself and Dr.Atkin :roll:

I also have msn messenger.

Thanks in advance :cool:

(my friends call me Lis)

js4kx Tue, Apr-22-03 16:52

Still Looking for a Buddy???
Hi Lisa

Are you still looking for a Buddy, It looks like we have similar goals and are similar size. I am very new to this board so still trying to figure out how it works. Ijust started Atkins today but I think having a buddy would be very helpful and keep us on track.

hatetocook Wed, Apr-23-03 14:06

I'm close too...
Hi Lis & js! :wave: :wave:

I think your mini goal of 220 would be a good place to start.

LET'S GOOOO :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

maddieb1 Wed, Apr-23-03 16:03

Hi ya'll I'm with ya. I just started last week. Doing O.K. just getting frustrated with breakfast and snack ideas. But hanging in there. :daze: MaddieB1 :wave:

maddieb1 Wed, Apr-23-03 16:10

Oh yeah, something a friend of mine said (who by the way went from 300 lbs to 130 on low carb ), "I don't care what I look like today, I don't care what I look like tomorrow, I care what I look like a year from now" And let me tell you, that helps. Everytime I look at myself in the mirror and see my fat after I have been working out and eating good for awhile and look the same, it reminds me it's not going to happen immediately or even 2 mo from now, but by this time next year I will have an entirely new body. Hope that helps. :)

LisaNSean Wed, Apr-23-03 17:38

Hi Buddy's!
Hi JS, htc and madd

I am still looking for buddies, I think it would be great to have the support! Right now I need it.....
I cheated:cry: bought some chocolate

Well I don't know if you have msn messenger or not but if you do my name on there is LisaAndSean7 at hotmail dot com. I am doing it that way so that I don't get bombarded with junk mail like they said.

I think 220 right now would be a good goal for us except for madd cause she is 210. Madd are u up for the challenge of 190??LOL Thats about 20 lbs for all of us.... we can do it:cheer: :cheer:

Take care buddies


hatetocook Wed, Apr-23-03 20:54

What a great attitude
[QUOTEI don't care what I look like today, I don't care what I look like tomorrow, I care what I look like a year from now [/QUOTE]

I love this Maddie! Thanks for sharing it.

Lis: re MSN Messenger. It looks like our computer picked up a virus, so until we get that taken care of, I'm not going to email or IM. Will let you know when we're safe again.

20 lbs. or bust!!!!!!!

LisaNSean Wed, Apr-23-03 22:02

Hey htc
It is a great attitude to have, but the problem I have is I do hate the way I look, maybe I can somehow change my attitude about it. I hope so

Ok well you have my address when you get rid of the nasty virus!

Take Care!

Lis :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

maddieb1 Thu, Apr-24-03 07:52

Hey guys, 190 lbs cool that will be my first goal! Wow, I haven't weighed that in almost 3 yrs!! Are we susposed to have a date for this goal or is it just whenever it happens? I don't have msn messenger so I'll just communicate through here. Glad I found ya'll! :wave: Off the subject but I see ya'll are from the north, either of you wouldn't happen to be hockey fans would ya? I'm a huge Dallas Stars fan!! What have ya'll been snacking on? That is the hardest thing for me. I have always been a snacker.

LisaNSean Thu, Apr-24-03 08:31

Hey Madd
Hey Madd,

I think setting a date is good, I saw a thread any they were making their date May 24 weekend. Well that is close for us so any suggestions would be good.

[QUOTE]Originally posted by maddieb1
Off the subject but I see ya'll are from the north, either of you wouldn't happen to be hockey fans would ya? I'm a huge Dallas Stars fan!! What have ya'll been snacking on? That is the hardest thing for me. I have always been a snacker. [/Q]

Hockey Fan??? How can I live in Canada and not be lmao. Although our Toronto Maple Leafs got creamed by the Flyers. :eek: As for being a Dallas Star fan, they are one of Sean (dh)'s favorite teams, he likes Modano, somebody else and Sador please excuse my spelling lol

Well I have discovered a snack, its new to me anyway its celery with cream cheese on it. But if your in the induction you have to watch because 1 cup of celery equals 5 g of carbs

Chatting here is good too! I am addicted to this website lol :roll: this and

Well off to weigh myself and figure out my new eating habits.

Take Care!


maddieb1 Thu, Apr-24-03 13:31

Hi LisaNSean! First of all, Modano rocks!!I stood in line for 3 hrs to get his autograph last December. My family thinks I'm crazy. I like Sador too and Arnott and Hatcher and Zubov well I could go on and on so I'll stop. lol. Yeah, Belfour really sucked this year.
So, I have no idea what date to set. I'll look at some threads and see what others are doing.
Yeah, I'll eat just about anything with cream cheese on it. I read last night about putting parmesean cheese on a plate in the microwave and letting it get crisp. I thought I would try that.

lkonzelman Thu, Apr-24-03 13:35

You guys! Consider starting a journal. You each will have your own personal space to post menus, exercise, thoughts... and then we all visit each other and offer support here.

This entire board is a big buddy forum.

LisaNSean Thu, Apr-24-03 21:53

Hey Madd
Hey Madd,

Do you I watched Jason Arnott play hockey for the Oshawa Generals(my home town) wayyyyyyyyy before he made it big. I thought in the last game they should have pulled Belfor at like the 3rd goal but then again I don't how good Kidd is so.... I think that the leafs just didn't want it bad enough, and they went into the playoffs with injuries.(Sean's excuse) LMAO

Well enough about hockey, I don't know how much I will be on here tomorrow because I have my bowling banquet and on Saturday I am throwing a housewarming party for my best friend.

I think we should set the day for June/July?????

Well I will post my weight gain/loss tomorrow morning...

Take care and Good luck :cheer:

Lis :wave:

maddieb1 Fri, Apr-25-03 08:23

Hey Lisa
That is so cool about Arnott. He is AWESOME! O.k. well I'm thinking maybe July 4th? I'm on my 8th day and still at 5 lbs so I'm afraid if I do it any sooner I won't make it. :( I don't know what do you think?

js4kx Fri, Apr-25-03 17:58

Hello all
Great to see so many on this thread interesed in suppoting and challenging each other. I am all for a challenge it helps me when I am accountable to someone so letting each other know how we are doing would be great. Are we able to continue using this thread? I find it sometimes confusing to find a particular thread.

I see we have Hockey fans....too bad about the Leafs. Although I am in Calgary now my loyalty is still with the Leafs.

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