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mischa Thu, Mar-13-03 16:27

Cardio and weight lifting....
why not on the same day????I was told I should not do both together...yet often in gym's you see people doing it this way.
On my upper body workout days I don't have a problem not doing my elliptical trainer or bike..but on the lower body workout, with my home gym there are just 2 exercises I can do for my legs....and then I also did elliptical and bike...just to at least fill one hour exercise . And then I was told I should NEVER do cardio and weight lifting there a short answer to this one? All I want is some lean body with a bit of tone ;)

Thanks Mischa

Frederick Fri, Mar-14-03 06:58

Hi Mischa,

I think you ask a very good question.

I'm wondering just as you are, why not on the same day? Doesn't it seem natural, to say, run in the morning and work with weights later in the afternoon after eating?

I'm interested in reading more views on this issue as well.

mischa Fri, Mar-14-03 10:09

HI Frederick,

I outlined a dream workout in my gym log..I wanted to do it combined..all in the morning. I don't lift heavy weights...max 30 to 40 pounds and wonder if this is only if you like powerlift. I am such a weight lifting virgin and know so little about it. Well maybe we get an answer here:)


Skamito Fri, Mar-14-03 12:26

I'm definitely not an expert :) but I'll offer my opinion anyway.

I think this rule applies when you're serious about lifting and plan to work out every day. Before I started BFL, I asked a question about combining and was assured that it was fine and to start with weights, since it required more energy, and follow with cardio.

There are MANY different methods to working out and I don't see why yours wouldn't be fine. Definitely better than nothing at all! :)

mischa Fri, Mar-14-03 13:17

Angela thanks :) So if I do the Cardio after the lifting I should be fine? I will do this from now today I did and could only do 10 min biking after lifting;) Perhaps I won't even be able to bike and use the elliptical this much after my lower body workout :p After all..I am no super woman :lol: just trying to get in somewhat of a shape:)

Mischa :D

Skamito Fri, Mar-14-03 13:26

Hey Misch, ANYthing is good for getting into shape if you're out of it in my opinion. The only thing I've ever heard really warned against is too much cardio, since it will end up stealing from your muscle mass.

I think your workout should be fine, especially with good weight training to keep that lovely muscle. Course, what do I know? :)

Congrats on resolving to get into shape. Feels good, no?


mischa Fri, Mar-14-03 13:32

Angela heheh I guess too much was never my problem in combination with exercise..or are we talking food and wine :lol: No I just will do 20 min stationary or Elliptical and only on my lower body work outs combined with weights because I really don't know what to do to fill enough time. Can you check my gym log and see for today if this looks alright...I did lower body today..yesterday upper body and there I can fill 1 1/2 hours with all the schtuff to do on the home gym:) Way more fun:)


MAC Artist Sun, Mar-16-03 19:08

From a Personal Trainer
Apart from being a make up artist I am a personal trainer. I used to do it full time, now its just weekends with clients i have been training for over 3 years. So here is what I reccomend.

First of all WHO said you can't do cardio and weights on the same day?? They don't know anyhting about fitness. You can do them on the same day. depending on your goal will determine which u do first. For example. IF your goal is to build , strength, mass and size, than stick to doign weights first. Then you can porceed to do cardio. If you wnat to tone or improve muscle endurance you may do your cardio first. BUt I would reccomend, if your gonna do weights that day, do them first and use your fresh untapped energy for your weights. THen continue to burn fat on acardio machine for at elast 30 minutes.

Now if you have the time, split your cardio and weights, then things get even better. You can do your cardio on an empty stomach in then morning , and then hit the gym and do your weights later in the day. Most people don't have the luxury to do this so thats why I explained the first option in detail.

remember UNLESS your weight training routine is a specific split routine, then you shouldn't do weights everyday!! IF your doing all body weight workouts give yourself at least a day , preferably 2 before you do weights again. This assumes you are working hard, bringing most if not all sets to failure, and doing a dull 45- 60 minute session. hope this helps


DarkLotus Sun, Mar-16-03 19:40

I've heard lots of conflicting things about whether or not cardio & weights should be done in the same day. When I have more time, I'll see if I can dig anything good up. I'm not a trainer, I'm an enthusiast, but here's something I came accross that may address some of what's being dicussed:

Let's hope my link works! It's a good article. The section that is pertinent is Aerobic Training, and how HIIT is more effective, read it all if you have time.

Frederick Sun, Mar-16-03 20:15


On the same token, I think henceforth I'll adopt another practice, "read message boards before writing emails". LOL

mischa Sun, Mar-16-03 20:27

Thanks everyone, I really appreciate the information:)

Mischa :)

l_knierim Mon, Apr-07-03 19:08

I was looking for this thread.
Thanks for all the info. Lynn

gkeenan Mon, Apr-07-03 19:34

Oh no! I was told to always do at least 10 minutes of cardio before I lift (I also only lift small amounts) but was told that it is important to get the heart going and the blood flowing before you lift (warm up the muscles) Am I doing this wrong? this was a paid personal trainer that gave me this advice.


Akiwican Wed, Apr-09-03 09:52

Yes that is good advise :thup: Warming up and cooling down are necessary in any form of exercise.

:wave: Lesley

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