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JLx Mon, May-20-19 14:17

Fruit neutral or beneficial for obesity
Impact of Whole, Fresh Fruit Consumption on Energy Intake and Adiposity: A Systematic Review

Stephan J. Guyenet

Background: The energy content of whole, fresh fruit derives primarily from simple sugars, which are currently under heightened scrutiny for their potential contribution to obesity and chronic disease risk. Yet fruit also has a relatively low energy density, moderate palatability/reward value, and high fiber content, which together may limit energy intake. Although reasoned arguments can be made that fruit is fattening or slimming, the question is best resolved empirically. ...

Conclusions: Current evidence suggests that whole, fresh fruit consumption is unlikely to contribute to excess energy intake and adiposity, but rather has little effect on these outcomes or constrains them modestly. Single-meal RCTs, RCTs lasting 3–24 weeks, and long-term observational studies are relatively consistent in supporting this conclusion. Whole, fresh fruit probably does not contribute to obesity and may have a place in the prevention and management of excess adiposity.

I thought people who post here might be interested in this one. Speaking as someone who could probably quite happily eat her weight in strawberries when in season! :D

cotonpal Mon, May-20-19 14:43

I can easily binge on fruit and have. I haven't eaten any fruit for years. I'll trust my experience over a study any day.

JLx Mon, May-20-19 18:17

Thanks for the VLC input on the semi-low carb thread.

cotonpal Mon, May-20-19 18:47

I didn't notice what forum this was in. I just noticed the article about fruit and reported my experience. I am sorry that it upset you. It was not my intention.

JessAus Mon, May-20-19 20:44

Originally Posted by JLx
I thought people who post here might be interested in this one. Speaking as someone who could probably quite happily eat her weight in strawberries when in season! :D

Thanks for posting - I eat small amounts of fruit and have not seen it impact my weight loss at all. I do believe we only benefit from the nutrients, eaten in moderation of course.

Glendora Mon, Jun-24-19 20:34

Apples and some other fruits set me off on uncontrollable binges and always have, so I must be the exception to the study's findings.

Ms Arielle Mon, Jun-24-19 20:53

I do ok if I stick to berries, like blueberries, raspberries and blackberries. Easy to control carb count due to size of berry. Had kumquats late winter for the first time in years. Just could not stop eating then. Sweet, sour, and bitter. A huge flavor experience. Guava fruit is good too. They are like a very small lemon in shape and color. Not sweet as we define most fruit, rather a mushy, seedy piney and hint of sweet. Easy to just eat one. Satisfies the need for fruit.

dan_rose Mon, Jul-01-19 11:26

I eat one portion of fruit as a dessert after lunch and try to vary it as much as possible throughout the week.
I think if I ate fruit on it's own as a snack I'd probably be hungry soon after.

Ms Arielle Mon, Jul-01-19 14:21

That is what fruit does to me. While cutting fruit, I sampled it. Thinking a few bites will be ok. Nope. Led to a full on binge. I do think if fruit had been topped with plain whipped cream the outcome might be better.

Fruit season is arriving at full speed. The blueberry bushes are loaded with a bumper crop. The peaches are green walnuts. Son srarted picking the mulberry bush.... fighting off the wild birds. Lol

Bob-a-rama Mon, Jul-01-19 18:40

Berries are probably OK because they have lower sugar content.

But the apple of today has been selectively bred to be not much more than a bag of sugar. The original apples were more like crab-apples. Same for most other fruit.

Strawberries however are #1 in the 'dirty dozen' for insecticide poison content, so if you do, try to get organic.

Carbs are carbs, whether they are in fruit or not. Carbs minus fiber doesn't leave the formula when eating fruit, there are no exceptions.

Some people can handle more carbs than others, I can't do more than 20 without regaining so fruit is pretty much out.

It hasn't hurt me any, I'm 72 (73 this month), on zero prescriptions, and with a heart/circulation system of a 50 year old person (according to a heart doctor).

But everybody is different. What works for me may not be best for you.


Ms Arielle Mon, Jul-01-19 19:23

Bob, Im interested in old apple varieties. I fondly remember sampling green apples in my youth, the small sour unripe hard pingpongs. Loved them. Kept sampling until time to get the bushel basket and pick, load into gardenway cart and head to kitchen.
These days I love a hard Mac or Cortland. Most of the Golden Delcious types are too sweet for my preference. Do like Pink Lady. And Granny Smith.

Figure someday to have an orchard filled with nany varieties to taste test.

Rhode Island Greening might be like Granny Smith. IDK.

And praying for a repaired insulin system that will allow an apple a day again.

Bob-a-rama Tue, Jul-02-19 07:33

When I say old, I mean before the dawn of agriculture.

Every since we learned to grow crops, we have taken the seeds from the biggest and sweetest fruit to grow future harvests.

Then we have taken the seeds from the biggest and best tasting of that generation to grow the next generation. And on and on for generation after generation after generation after generation.

Even the varieties of our youth that are no longer around bear little resemblance to the original.

Humankind didn't know we were making them less healthy, we just wanted them to bear more and better tasting fruit.

The fruit of today bears about as much resemblance to it's wild variety as a Model T does to a modern Ferrari.


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