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Sherry B Mon, Sep-30-02 22:28

Do you ever get the blues?
Happened to me yesterday. Feeling more enthusiastic today, but I wasn't sure what came over me.

How about you? Do you ever just feel down about your progress or lack of it? What do you do to pull yourself out of it?

Karen Mon, Sep-30-02 23:24

Hi Sherry!

What does progress mean to you, and how do you define it?


Sherry B Mon, Sep-30-02 23:43

Well progress can be a lot of things I suppose, it depends on the context. In my case I think of progress as some change in the direction of my goal. Actually some measureable change. Could be weight lost, could be inches lost or clothing fitting differently (better). Could be calipers measuring lower

I suppose there are other types of progress like better endurance or heavier weight being lifted, but those things don't feel as much like progress to me as actually seeing or measuring a change in my body's shape or size or weight.

Karen Tue, Oct-01-02 00:15

Have you considered other things like not being a slave to carbohydrates any longer, or at least realizing you have a choice not to be a slave?

I can give you a bit of my own story...

I've been and LC'er for a bit over three years. The first 6 months seemed like a miracle to me. I had gone on a diet and lost weight! After that 6 months, things started to slow down for a whole bunch of reasons. I realized that becoming thinner was a frightening prospect because I would not have my fat protecting me. I recieved some news that kept me upset for over a year. I was recently divorced, had just bought a home and learning to stand on my feet again.

I realized that I had to do some internal work and not focus on the fat. The more I focussed on the fat, the more miserable I became. The more I travelled inward and started unearthing all the BS that I used to get fat in the first place, the freer I became. Somedays I was miserable with that too, but I had made progress so it seemed pretty stupid to turn back.

Some things became very important to me. Maintaining a peaceful enviroment that I could share with others, doing a bit of volunteer work, clearing the physical clutter out of my home and thanking my god everyday that I was alive and had free will. I could appreciate all that I had in my life. It was abundant and I didn't need anything or want it for a change.

I suppose the point I'm trying to make is not to let things like numbers or scales be a measure of success. There may be thoughts, patterns and behaviors that you have to sort through first before more physical change is possible.

I don't know if I'm making any sense to you here, but it all made sense to me. :D


Tigra1965 Tue, Oct-01-02 02:44

Dear All

I've read your posts with interest, especially since I've been waivering with the control of lcing for a couple of weeks now.

Its made me realise that I have alot to be thankful for : -

my family
my new career
my health - though am poorly at the moment
this forum
and many others

yes we all like to see the scales move and the tape measure become smaller, but maybe if we focus on other things, then they will happen too. sometimes I think we set too much importance on things in our lives and the others suffer - just a thought anyway.

Happy Lcing everyone :wave:

asugar Tue, Oct-01-02 04:38

What I do to pull myself out of it, is to think back to how I felt about myself at my all time high weight (just over 200) compared to how I feel about myself now. Like any long journey, there are going to be rest stops along the way and it really helps me to focus on how far I've come when I hit one of those rest stops. Sometimes it helps me to try on clothes that used to fit me so I can see how far I've come.
You're doing fine and you have traveled quite a distance from your starting point. Almost everybody gets the blues now and then whether their losing weight or not..........better to have them while we're losing weight. :D
asugar :wave:

orchidday Tue, Oct-01-02 09:36


Hi Sherry fellow triple digits club member!

I feel really down sometimes too. Mostly because I cannot believe I let myself get this big. I gained over 60 pounds in one year! And taking it off is so much harder than gaining it. I just smell doughnuts and I gain 5 pounds! I am grateful for the weight I have lost, my health, etc. etc. But when I am nude in front of my mirror - well it is a shock. I think it is natural to feel a bit depressed about it sometimes....otherwise we wouldn't want to change! Cindi

UtahKat Wed, Oct-02-02 10:01

Hi Sherry- me again. To continue the idea that I started in your journal-I probably sound like Little Missy Do-Good but here goes:

One thing that is effective for me when I am feeling down, or discouraged, is to reach out to others- look through the posts, see if I can cheer anyone else up with some good words or positive suggestions. I think we have a duty to share what we have learned, and Sherry, you are really great about that. You have helped me so much. But like your experience in the store last night, when you talked the lady out of her Slim Fast, it tends to pull you out of you doldrums and refocus your energy, to teach others about lo-carbing. It is like an affirmation.

This is one of the really useful ideas from the 12 step programs like OA. Service to others helps US most of all. And posting here has an added benefit and reinforcement for us- when we "go public", we have to live up to our own press! You can't "talk the talk" if you don't "walk the walk"! The thought of confession, public humiliation and shame :D keeps me straight a lot, I know.

Another OA tip is to start listing things for which you are grateful, when bummed out. I am not so good with that one.

Oh yes, Cindi, I sure know what you mean about the nude-in front-of-the-mirror thing. Geez! What an ego-deflator that is! And those thoughts- "How could I DO THIS to myself!!" But maybe those can be positive reinforcements too- I usually come back around to the thought "Well, I sure don't want to go through this again." I gotta learn, gotta learn!


Catmom Sun, Oct-13-02 16:01

I understand what you are feeling. There are times - particularly during stalls when it is hard to feel positive and you just get the blues. I try not to wallow in it and do something I enjoy. I have a supportive DH and talk to him about the slow progress and he helps make me feel positive. Mostly I talk to myself and say STOP with the negative thinking already. Then I remind myself that I feel good, have lost weight ,and will continue to. A diet is all in your mind - where your mind goes the rest follows (especially the fork to mouth). If you "head" is in the right place you won't eat things you shouldn't. When my "head is in the wrong place I figuratively smack myself. (Sometimes I think I should literally smack myself in the head - LOL) It has worked for me for 2.5 months but I'd be lying if I didn't say that it is a struggle at times.

I have had moments where I pigged out - that psychological need to just stuff things in my mouth - but did it with legal foods. It seems to work for me.

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