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lisalaura Thu, Mar-27-03 13:31

How's everyone doing?
Sometimes I feel like "only the lonely" on this Zone board :D

How's everyone doing in the Zone?

Seeing any results?

Getting stronger at the gym?

Clothes fitting better?

Getting headaches from all the math?

Just curious? :)

I am real happy with it. I think I have finally found a "way of life" that fits perfect into my everyday lifestyle.

I wish you all the best!

ZoneCoach Fri, Mar-28-03 23:36

Re: How's everyone doing?
Originally posted by lisalaura
Sometimes I feel like "only the lonely" on this Zone board :D

Just a little pre-occupied lately, not to mention a software upgrade that did not go well... :mad:

lisalaura Wed, Apr-02-03 12:23

Actually I am moving in 4 weeks (5 hours away!) so I am pretty busy too.

I was just feeling sorry for myself that day :)

OUCH with the software! Hope all's OK with that. :eek:

adnil53 Wed, Apr-02-03 16:16

Ok, Lisa... not many in this forum... but hey, we're here together, right? We'll make it to our goals too! :thup: :D :wave:

headstrong Thu, Apr-03-03 13:47

2 weeks, no weight loss, but feel pretty good anyway
Well, I tried Atkins - HAAAAATED it. I felt crappy and didn't lose any weight after over 3 months. I heard so many people tell me that I'd gain weight the minute I stopped doing Atkins, but I figured what they meant by that was that I'd gain BACK any weight I had lost on Atkins... thinking I'd have to at least lose a few pounds on the diet before I gained any back. Not so... I didn't lose any weight during my diet, but as soon as I stopped doing Atkins and began eating normally again, I gained 10 pounds so fast it made my head spin.

I then went for Nutrisystem, but the food is so unnatural it scares me and I couldn't really get into it. These strange boxed foods that seem to have eternal shelf lives and taste horrible... what's IN that stuff that makes "meat" survive on a shelf for months? It just can't be good for you... and I didn't lose weight anyway, so I stopped that too.

So here I am trying out the next diet trend to see if I have any success. I have to admit, I like the food much better than the other diets, and though it SEEMED harder to follow, I've found that it's not really that hard at all. But the fact that it's been 2 weeks and still no weight loss makes me wonder if I'm just not doing it right. I suspect I'm "overeating" in the zone. I suppose I'm supposed to have 11 blocks, but I probably actually eat 13. Can't help it... I'm hungry otherwise. Perhaps my problem has never been that I can't follow a the rules of the diet... I eat the right foods, I prepare them in the right combinations, but portion control may be the real issue for my frame.

is it possible that by eating a block or two over would really stall the weight loss process that much? I'm drinking my water, I'm active, I am very careful with my food selections, but when it comes to snack time, the snacks just feel too small and I think that's where I get in trouble. A half of a zone bar just doesn't do it for me, I feel like I need the entire bar... y'no? Why don't they sell the zone bar packaged in halves if that's how you're supposed to eat them all the time? That might make it easier. I've had to stop eating zone bars cuz it's too tempting to eat the entire bar. Cottage cheese & fruit is the norm now, but even that tempts me -- sometimes I want that extra strawberry so bad!

Well, even though I haven't lost any weight, the good news is this diet does make me feel good. Gone are the sugar highs and lows, and I do seem to have more energy than before. I've dramatically cut back on my caffeine intake -- only a little bit in the morning with breakfast to get me going... where I used to be an addict, consuming lots throughout the entire day. So... maybe I just need to give the diet more time. I do realize it's not a quick weight loss plan...but maybe its just much slower than I had thought.

The only problem I have is wondering if I'm doing it right, wondering when ... or IF ... I'll finally see some real results in my weight. I'm trying to be patient, but its hard to put blind faith in a plan when I have had so many dissappointments with other plans.

lisalaura Fri, Apr-04-03 09:32

Maybe it will give you some comfort to know, I too have been the diet fade whirlpool. Atkins, lost 20, gained it back the moment I stopped, Somersizing, just plain old gained b/c I loved her chocolate too much! :) And Body for Life I did lose, but felt I didn't have enough fat in my diet. So here I am, with you, in the Zone. ;)

what's IN that stuff that makes "meat" survive on a shelf for months?

YUCK, who knows? :confused:

I stopped using frozen meals and frozen veggies for that matter, for the same reasons, just not healthy to me. I think that's what makes the Zone so great. It's highly recommended to use fresh food, fruits and veggies. BUT what's great too is that during desperate times you can still grab a packaged meal while staying in the Zone. But fresh is so much better right? :D

I suspect I'm "overeating" in the zone. I suppose I'm supposed to have 11 blocks, but I probably actually eat 13.

Did you measure yourself properly? I had this problem and finally measured myself correctly and found I was eating 2 more blocks a day then I should have been. Measure you waist below your rib cage and 1 inch above your belly button. Measure your hips around the widest part of your butt. If you are using the ACTIVE lifestyle you must be doing cardio for 1 1/2 hours a week or more, but under 2 1/2 hours and lifting weight for 30-45 mins a day for 3 times daily. (Someone please correct me if I am wrong) VERY ACTIVE is 2 1/2 hours or more of cardio a week w/ 3 times a week weight training.

is it possible that by eating a block or two over would really stall the weight loss process that much?

A block or 2 more in my opinion use to be "nah, not really." But the Zone Coach taught me different. She said 2 blocks extra a day is a pretty big deal. (approx 100-200 extra cals a day in my opinion)

Now, for your snacks. I had the same problem as you so what I did was made 2 block snacks.

1 block before I workout in the morning
1 block right after I workout in the morning
2 blocks 1-2 hours after my post-workout meal
3 blocks for lunch
2 blocks for PM snack
3 blocks for dinner
1 block 1/2 hour before bed (that way you don't have time to get hungry, your too busy sleeping :yawn: )

I hope my 2 cents helped a bit. :)


ZoneCoach Fri, Apr-04-03 23:41

Re: 2 weeks, no weight loss, but feel pretty good anyway
Originally posted by headstrong
So here I am trying out the next diet trend to see if I have any success.

The Zone has been around for quite some time (9-10 years I believe). It's just recently it's been been getting more press. I think even the medical community is starting to recognize controlling insulin (the Zone way) is the way to go.
I have to admit, I like the food much better than the other diets, and though it SEEMED harder to follow, I've found that it's not really that hard at all. But the fact that it's been 2 weeks and still no weight loss makes me wonder if I'm just not doing it right.

2 weeks is not uncommon for the body to become accustomed to the new WOE. Try to avoid stepping on the scale. The important thing is: Do you "feel" better. Are you more mentally focused, do you have more energy and are your clothes starting to feel more comfortable? Post a day or two of menus for evaluation.
I suspect I'm "overeating" in the zone. I suppose I'm supposed to have 11 blocks, but I probably actually eat 13. Can't help it... I'm hungry otherwise.

Are you eating 11 or 13? There is no reason to ever be hungry on the Zone. How have you determined your block count?
Perhaps my problem has never been that I can't follow a the rules of the diet...

Some people can be successful following the Zone less than 100%. I would suggest following as close to 100% for at least 2 weeks before straying from the guidelines.
I eat the right foods, I prepare them in the right combinations,

Then you should never be hungry

is it possible that by eating a block or two over would really stall the weight loss process that much?

Absolutely! Eating too much or too little will stall many people. Eating the right amount at the right time is the key to success.

I'm drinking my water,
How much? At least 80 ounces/day?
[QUOTE] I'm active,

Please define.
when it comes to snack time, the snacks just feel too small and I think that's where I get in trouble. A half of a zone bar just doesn't do it for me, I feel like I need the entire bar... y'no? Why don't they sell the zone bar packaged in halves if that's how you're supposed to eat them all the time?

Some folks are on a much higher block count. I know someone who eats 27 blocks/day ~ how he does it, I'll never know! Anyway, the bars may not be the best choice for you. Yes, they're convenient, but they do tend to raise sugar levels in many people (the formula has changed recently). Try "real" food for a snack (a stick of string cheese and some grapes) or try making your own snacks. There have been some "fudge" recipes recently posted in this forum.

adnil53 Sat, Apr-05-03 00:34

Where did you find the info on where to measure yourself? I am going to try measuring in those places... thanks! Also I am going to be more diligent in keeping my block requirements at the right number, rather than getting those extra blocks here and there (more here than there... lol)

Headstrong… I hope Lisa & Zone Coach helped you out some… I wish you the best…

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