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redefine04 Tue, Nov-01-05 10:27

"Peeps" 2005
This is a continuation challenge:

Start date November 1st.
End date-- last day of 2005.

To continue to make and meet goals along our way to changing and bettering ourselves.

1. Post a beginning statistic. This can be a weight, measurments, size, or anything concrete you would like to use for comparison at the end of the challenge. These will be posted and carried through the thread on "da list!".

Post a beginning picture within the 1st week of beginning the challenge. We will finish the challenge with posting an ending picture. Sometimes others can see even subtle changes that we cannot see in ourselves since we see our body each and every day!

3. There will be several small goals and one final goal. It is suggested that you put you're goals in your signature line so you are constantly reminded what you're "big" picture is. Post the 3 main goals and then any smaller goals you have along the way (a personal goal throughout or one that changes each week as you meet your goal or change something in your thoughts)--
GOAL #1: Set a goal to be obtained by Thanksgiving.
GOAL #2: Set a goal to be obtained by the end of December.
GOAL #3: Set a plan for each holiday respectively for how you are going to handle you're goals over the busy holiday season. i.e- I will allow myself to eat what I'd like at the party, but will work out 2 extra hours before that date to allow for it. Or- I will allow myself one date to choose for the Thanksgiving Holiday and the Christmas holiday to eat what I want, and will only do so for that day. Etc. Plan how to get through the stress and temptation of the holiday so that you know ahead of time what you will allow for yourself and what you want to try and stand firm on.
PERSONAL GOAL: Set a personal goal that doesn' have an outcome you see on the scale, tape measure or in your clothing size/fit. i.e: drink 32 ounces of water before each meal, take vitamins, try one new exercise each week out of a fitness magazine, add in one new food each week, try one new LC recipe a week, increase cardio workouts by 1 hour each week, etc.

4. Post in the forum at least once per week... even if you let us know you're still in the challenge and are just busy.

5. Let us know if you're frustrated and going to be MIA for awhile because of time, or lack of progress, or whatever-- it will keep you accountable rather than just disappearing. It's easy for people (me included) to fall away from the group when we are not having success; however, this is usually when we need to stick around the most!

6. HONESTY. Don't join if you cannot be honest with yourself or your "peeps". Or if you're not willing on working on being honest with yourself... that is half the battle in bettering ourselves as people.

7. COMPASSION/EMPATHY. Don't join if you cannot be a supporter. We are not "competing" we are there for each other and gain strength through each others support. We don't judge. We listen, offer support, or just don't address things we don't care to agree with/support.

8. HAVE FUN WITH THIS! This can be a wonderful group of friends... another support system in your life... another group of people you have some thing in common with... treat everyone with respect, enjoy their company, take their support, and offer your own!

Hope to see some old names and new alike!


redefine04 Tue, Nov-01-05 10:45

Getting the list going...
"Da List"

redefine: 138

golflady59 Tue, Nov-01-05 11:59

Of course I am in, just need to decide my goals and such. Thanks Dawn for getting this started once again! Hope we have several join us!

"Da List"
golflady59: 190
redefine: 138

redefine04 Tue, Nov-01-05 12:38

Yeah! Glad to see you Donna! How was you're weekend resolve? I did great over the weekend and had a full blown carb fest yesterday-- haven't done that in awhile! :bash: READY for this challenge though, cheating done, resolve in tact, and at least one old LC board friend here with me. :D

Question for anyone:
Does anyone get VERY ill from eating carbs/sugar? I don't mean the "I'm mad at myself" sick, but rather physically ill? I experience dizzyness, GI issues, sweating (like hot flashes), and then a HUGE crash... where I can't function. People ask if I have the flu, or check my forehead for fever, etc. This seems pretty extreme and can happen for even something simple like a couple sips of someones Margarita, or a 1/2 a donut. Then I just feel like a mac truck hit me. The more I eat containing sugar/carbs, or the faster acting on the glycemic index the longer it takes to recover. Just wondered if anyone else was/does experience this dramatic a reaction. Know carbs make me tired, lethargic, etc. when I ate them regularly-- but this seems like an extreme reaction. Thanks for any input anyone can give me! :wave:

"Da List"
golflady59: 190
redefine: 138

Akasha Tue, Nov-01-05 13:38

Of course I am in, guys! :) Sorry I have been so scarce lately. I've been on and off plan (the weekends KILL me), and I won't lie that I am struggling. I finally had a whole day eating clean yesturday, and good so far today, but I am SOOOOO hungry. :(

I'll have to think about my goals for the afternoon. I'll post again later. Hope to see the rest of you "peeps" join in! :) Hurray to a new challenge!!!!

"Da List"
Akasha: 138
golflady59: 190
redefine: 138

Akasha Tue, Nov-01-05 13:43

Question for anyone:
Does anyone get VERY ill from eating carbs/sugar? I don't mean the "I'm mad at myself" sick, but rather physically ill? I experience dizzyness, GI issues, sweating (like hot flashes), and then a HUGE crash... where I can't function. People ask if I have the flu, or check my forehead for fever, etc. This seems pretty extreme and can happen for even something simple like a couple sips of someones Margarita, or a 1/2 a donut. Then I just feel like a mac truck hit me. The more I eat containing sugar/carbs, or the faster acting on the glycemic index the longer it takes to recover. Just wondered if anyone else was/does experience this dramatic a reaction. Know carbs make me tired, lethargic, etc. when I ate them regularly-- but this seems like an extreme reaction. Thanks for any input anyone can give me!

I've noticed that on my weekend binges (which are usually filled with carby food), I literally make myself sick (like I could throw up) because of all the high carb/fat stuff. I also wake up the next morning with a horrible headache (like a hangover, almost), and have "flu-like" symptoms.

Wow, when I say it like that, it makes me wonder WHY I binge, when I KNOW I will feel like that the next day.

rodmick Tue, Nov-01-05 15:08

I get physically ill from to much sugar sometimes. I feel down right like dying sometimes. So why do I do it? Good ? Maybe you might want your BG's checked just to be safe.

I so bombed on the last challenge! I definately need to set concrete goals this time. I just need to think about most of them.

Goal 1 for sure is cheat free until T-day! Ponder the rest!

redefine04 Tue, Nov-01-05 15:35

What are "BG's" Rodmick? Know I should know/be able to figure it out... but I'm having a high carb hangover like Akasha described :D

Thanks for the feedback guys. Not glad to hear you all feel like shit too-- just glad to know the extreme reaction my body has isn't weird. Does make me wonder too-- always-- why I'd want to feel that way. Oh, well.

Welcome back guys! So happy to see you all! I need all the help I can get... and love to be there to help in any small way I can.

Thanks for all the stops by my journal too!

Talk to you all later! :wave:

rodmick Tue, Nov-01-05 15:37

Blood glucose numbers.

redefine04 Tue, Nov-01-05 15:38

DUH! Thanks. :)

PurpleJane Tue, Nov-01-05 15:39

"Da List"
Akasha: 138
golflady59: 190
redefine: 138
PurpleJane: 194

Hi everyone! :wave: Great to be here at the start! New years is the anniversary of my beginning my atkins journey - so I can't wait to see how much I can lose between now and then! :p

Will sort out the picture tomorrow ;)
personal goal: drink my water!! :agree:

lonewolf Tue, Nov-01-05 23:58

I'm in! Here i am! I've been SOOOO busy the alst couple days, and i have to work 5am-1pm the next two days, plus go all teh way to sarasota (about 1.5 hrs from me) to play pool the next two days. UGH! I will get pics, etc up soon.

I dont' normally go overboard on sugar, but the last time i cheated big (back in march) i felt like crap for DAYS afterwards. I think that's why i've not cheated big since then!

"Da List"
Akasha: 138
golflady59: 190
Lonewolf: 122
redefine: 138
PurpleJane: 194

bsheets Wed, Nov-02-05 04:32


I haven't done a challenge before. Can I join in?


Akasha Wed, Nov-02-05 07:02

Hi Sue, Michelle, Purple, and welcome newcomer Erika. :) Great to see you all truckin' over here. ;) Feel free to jump right into the challenge, Erika- just make sure you read the first post. :)

Okay, I *think* I have most of my goals thought out, and now is just as good as any time to post them, I guess. Hehe.

Goal One: No cheating until Thanksgiving. Not once.

Goal Two: 120 minutes on the stairstepper in Nov. 100 Miles on the Elliptical in Nov.

Goal Three: Challenge myself in every way that I can. Whether that be working out harder, trying a new LC dish, or even allowing myself to go out and enjoy myself on the weekend.

Mini Goals: No weigh-ins until Nov. 12, and only once a week after that.

-Have my 7/8's fit perfectly (or even be loose!) by the end of the year.

rodmick Wed, Nov-02-05 09:26

Hi there! Ok I think I have my goals! I posted weight of 160 however I'm fairly sure my scale is psycho. I've had weights varying as much as 8 lbs. I do plan to buy a new one fri so I'll adjust accordingly then

goal 1: cheat free until T-day (if I cheat on T-day it must be T-day and no more)
Goal 2 : exercise 5 days a week (pilates must be at least 2)
Goal 3: drink my 3 big glasses of water daily
Goal 4: cheat free from T-day until Dec. 24
Goal 5: hit the 140's by 1/2006

"Da List"
Akasha: 138
golflady59: 190
Lonewolf: 122
redefine: 138
rodmick: 160

PurpleJane: 194

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