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HulaGirl Mon, Aug-12-02 20:03

Who is doing BFL right now?
Calling all Body for LIfers!

Is anybody doing the challenge right now? Can we start a thread to share our work out successes/failures, our eating successes/failures? And the best part! SHARE RESULTS???

I'd love to keep in touch with people who are in the challenge, or who have done it in the past. Support always helps!

I did a practice week last week, and started my official challenge today.

Anybody want to chat about how they're doing on the program?

dewdrop Tue, Aug-13-02 11:40

:wave: Hi HulaGirl!
Wow, Honolulu! I'm from the cold north (aka) Canada! I would love to have a buddy! I am in week two of the BFL challenge and have been living the LC way of life for over a year now. I have lost 80lbs thus far. I got interested in the BFL program to help me shed those final 30lbs and transform the flab!! The hardest part for me was the food. It has proven to be a percise science!! I read alot of other peoples threads on this page and one night just sat down and put my head into it. I'm still working things out but I'm getting my 6 meals into me and keeping my protein up(200gr) and carbs(30-40gr). I would love to share with you (I haven't had anyone to share this with since I started a year ago!!) Talk to you latter eh!! :wave:

Bec Tue, Aug-13-02 16:34

Hi, I would love to join you guys. I am hoping to start the BFL tomorrow and if not for sure on Thursday. The food issue has me so confused!!!!!!!! I have been lowcarbing on & off for about 3yrs. I am pretty much at goal weight,,,can lose about 5 or so more lbs. I am very flabby and need to start some form of exercise. I don't know if I should do my first challenge by the book or do it w/lcing also. I hate the thought of buying fat free crap, if you know what I mean. If I do the lowcarbing, how much protein/fat/carbs do I eat? How did you figure yours out? That's what is holding me back. Also do you drink the shakes or lc bars as a meal. I bought one of each today and had them, since I was on the road a lot during the day.....they are not bad and I could probably do this. Please help, thanks

itsjoyful Tue, Aug-13-02 16:54

Hey there ladies...

Just wanted to share with you that I finished my first challenge last week, and loved it. You will have a great time, and supporting one another will really help. Remember to PUSH yourself to "build your body for life"!
I'm so excited for you all.

Here's a little link about who's done it/doin' it:

and here are my results:

before & after pictures

Good luck to you!

Bec Tue, Aug-13-02 17:22

Congrats Brenda, you look awesome! Did you do this lowcarbing woe? thanks,

itsjoyful Tue, Aug-13-02 17:49

Hi ya, bec!

If you click on my www thing on the bottom of my post, you will access my fit day account that has everything I ate the entire time (except free days).

I was low carb the entire time. For me, I react badly to wheat , yeast, and sugar, so adding things even like whole wheat bread are not really an option. I really don't think ya need 'em anyway.

dewdrop Tue, Aug-13-02 18:55

:p This is great! I was so hurt after applying for a buddy in the buddy room and nobody replied!! Now I have you guys!! :roll: Ok I'm better now!!
Thank you "Itsjoyful" for the heads up on the other groups!! Oh by the way HELLO!! :thup: you look great!! I had to laugh at your kitty in the photo's. I have a dog that insists on doing the same thing.
Hello Bec. :wave: I'm no expert but I think anybody here could tell you, Do It Low Carb!!! It has been such a way of life for me, that I wouldn't change for anything. I've read alot of threads in the LC/BFL section. There are very knowledgeable people there. I found threads by Natrushka and Marlaine to be very helpful with meal planning. That is where I got my info on (1g of protein for every pound you weigh) and to keep your carb intake (between 30-40g )a day. I do not use bars, however I do use protein shakes. I add to my shakes 1 TBLS "UDO'S oil "and "1TBLS ALL GREENS." I have been doing this since I started LC a year ago. Now since BFL I take one shake in the morning ,one in the evening and 1/2 one 30min before lifting weights. I got myself some L'Glutamine powder it came highly recommended by Natrushka. I only use it in my 1/2 shake before weights and right after in some water. I plan every night what I'm going to eat and at what time. I find I have to eat every 2 hours just to get my six meals in. Sometimes I even have seven meals to fit in my required pro/carbs. I try to eat as close to nature as I can. ( chicken,fresh and canned salmon,canned tuna,red meat,no processed meat of any kind.) I eat raw veg(broc,cauliflower,romaine lettuce,spinach ect) cooking them uses up too many valuable carbs. I do not eat cheese any more because it platues me. :( I can't remember who suggested it in one of the threads but I live for my one little piece of heaven: 1/2 cup cottage cheese. 1/2 cup strawberries or blueberries and a sprinkle of splenda!! To me this is cheese cake heaven!!! (14.4 carb-18.0 protein) I do not take a "day off" from eatting LC but may have a diet cafeine free coke for a treat on that day. Last but not least water, water, water!!!! I hope I haven't lead you astray with what I'm doing. Anybody, Please correct me if I have. I'm new to this too. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Anyway, Bec here is what I know in a nut shell. :daze:
Let me know if you find anything out different ok!!!!

itsjoyful Tue, Aug-13-02 19:01

Just one more thing..
It's the best way to keep all your info in one spot, and trust me, you'll be happy you did.

Dew~WOW!! I would say you have it ALL right on. There isn't anything I'd add or change. You are a stellar example of the WOE.

That sucks that no one responded to your buddy post. I sometimes get hurt too, when my post/s get ignored and/or unanswered.

I'm watchin' your progress!

p.s.~ you'll be happy later, if you take your bf% now...

HulaGirl Tue, Aug-13-02 19:11

This will be great!
This will be a great way to compare what works for us!

I started the challenge over this week. (Started last week lowcarbing, and felt AWFUL). So, I bumped my carbs up, and am following the BFL eating plan too. Which for me works out to be about 120 grams/day.

So, we can compare notes, and see how everybody does on different levels of carbs.

I will be on day 3 tomorrow. I'll start keeping good gym logs and food logs in my gym log HulaGirl's Hana Hou Hoedown....


Bec Tue, Aug-13-02 19:16

Brenda, I couldn't see your link to see your fitday log. Could you please give that to me again. Thanks :)

Dewdrop, wow thanks for all that info. I think I am going to do it lowcarb. I was already freaking out just thinking about what I couldn't Lowcarb is just so easy for me, I can do it anywhere. I just have to figure out my foodplan for 6meals/day. I was used to eating 3meals only and on very few occasions a snack. I am not used to counting grams of protein, so will have to figure what has how much and plan it.
Luckily I do drink lots of water, I do also drink coffee in the am and diet soda during the day but I make sure that I at least have 96oz of water/day.

itsjoyful Tue, Aug-13-02 19:21

here ya go...

my fitday

click on the date, then the calendar will come up, pick a date!

also, at the bottom of my post, there is a www sign...just click on that!

Are you using fitday?

Bec Tue, Aug-13-02 19:30

Thank you Bren :) . I have fitday but have hardly ever used it. I will start now. I was trying to figure out how you knew how much you had eaten by the end of the day but just figured out that you probably enter the data the day before and know how much. YOU PLAN AHEAD....hehehehe....what I need to start I just got Okay, let me make sure that I get this food plan....if I keep by protein at 1g/body weight (127.5lbs) and than my carbs at 30-40carbs/day...what about the fat grams? Should I also count those?
Did you by any chance see my post on:??? re: measurements....If you can, do you mind taking a look at that. I want to make sure I did my measurements correctly and that I enter the right data into the online bf calculator. I would really appreciate this.....I think I might be ready to start tomorrow.....I am so excited!!! :D

itsjoyful Tue, Aug-13-02 19:59

Hula Girl! I've been reading your gym log since you started, but have yet to post. I'm glad you found your path for what will work for you. This will be a very interesting 3 months!

Bec...I pick a few things I like and kinda stick to it. I resisted planning for a long time because I though I didn't have the time, or whatever,'s totally worth it. Just try it and if you think it's lame, then don't do it anymore.
re: what to count...if you are still of the low fat mindset then eating all that fat will be scary at first. figure out your protien...if you are 127.5 lbs, and eating 1 gram per pound then that's 128grams of protein= 510 cal. can varie a bit depending on FIBER issues, but inho, you are safe to eat up to or around 70 grams of carbs with at least 25 being fiber, making your ECC 45 grams which =280 cal. being from carbs. so...
790... eating 12X your body weight = 1536 calories, then 746 of your calories will come from fat, which is = to 83 or so grams of fat a day.


HulaGirl Wed, Aug-14-02 12:26

Day 3...shaking and starving! :)
Did everybody make it to the gym this morning? I sure didn't want to get out of bed, but forced myself, and did my UBWO. Could not WAIT to get to work and scarf down a protein bar! I was shaking and starving!

Ahhhh...hurts so good!

Actually, I made a huge mistake back on Day 1 during my LBWO. Is this not a true spaz move or what?? I was doing the hamstring leg curls, and I set the first 12 reps really 20lb...and planned to pyramid up to 23.6 on the second set of reps. But I didn't look very closely when I moved the pin (didnt look at all, actually! I was still lying on the machine! Bad Hula!), and jumped it up to 50 lb instead! I did 10 reps, and then made it heavier, and did 8.

I thought to myself, "Damn, I'm so weak! Push yourself Hula!" Then I realized the error of my weigh(t)s. All I have to say about how my hamstrings are feeling....OUCHY!

Have to confess...didn't drink enough H20 yesterday.

dbackdeb Fri, Aug-16-02 17:59

Hula girl, Hello!
I lived on Ohau for about 5 years. In Wailua, on the north shore.
I will be starting with challenge 1 on Monday the 19th of Aug.
Just turned 46 on the 15 of Aug! Now I live in HUMID WV!:(
Would like to have someone to be accountable to. Will keep in touch. Deb

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