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Tired Tue, May-25-04 12:17

Need Comfort/Sick Food for Atkins Induction Phase
Hi everyone

I'm on week 2 of the induction and I'm sitting at my computer working and feeling sicker by the moment. I feel like I'm coming down with a flu or cold thing or something. These are the times that I always fall off the diet so I thought I could be proactive this time and ask for some receipe suggestions.

What do you like to eat when you're feeling sick and that's allowed on induction.

Thanks for your help.
Ann-Marie :(

relliott1 Tue, May-25-04 12:20

faux egg drop soup!
Take some chicken broth, bring to a gentle boil in a pan. Mix up two eggs (as if you were preparing to make scrambled eggs). Using a fork, drop portions of the egg in to the broth until it is gone. Add a handful of broccoli flowerets. Cover and simmer 10 minutes, or until broccoli is tender. You could also add chicken to this if you wished. Warm, filling, satisfying and a good food for when you are sick!


GrlyGrl Tue, May-25-04 12:25

Concentrate on getting better first...but you can stay careful about carbs if you want.

Sip hot tea if your throat is sore

Try putting a chicken with skin in a pot of water, salt, lots of garlic, onion, celery plus other veggies you like. Boil it up and eat when the chicken is fully cooked. Be sure to drink the broth!

There are sugar free cough drops. Jewell-Osco is a store that sells a "store brand" cough drop made with Splenda. (I think Jewell-Osco is called Albertsons in some parts of the country, Like Colorado.)

I hope you start feeling better!

Claudius Tue, May-25-04 12:37

Ann Marie, OK if you feel the dreaded "Ebola" virus sinking in I suggest BACON!! Bacon is the cure-all and right close to that is any form of alcohol. However as you are on Induction... that whole alcohol/drunk thing simply wont do.

Any form of chicken broth (store bought or home made) would really help. You can actually buy that sodium reduced carton of beef or chicken broth from any Lablows or Loeb and melt some cheese in there (read: lots of cheese). Then I add bacon (always bacon), cauliflower or broccoli and pieces of chicken. Then whatever veggies you want (green onions and fresh mushrooms) and boil it for a while. Again most of this stuff wont get you anywhere near 20 gr of carbs. The secret is then to drop half a lb. of black pepper in there. The key is to then start crying and sweating when you are downing the soup. It just truly sweats it all out of you... I have really grown attached to my pepper mill -- brings me comfort and joy.

Anything that is warm, steamy and thick will help out. Also drown yourself in vitamins and supplements to help out. Grab some peppermint oil and add a few drops of that to some hot steaming water and throw a towel over your head and breathe it in.. helps out if you get all stuffed up like I do plus gives you a wicked bed-head look when the towel comes off. Damnit flu season! I blame all the mutants at work that keep exposing me to all this bacteria!

Tired Tue, May-25-04 13:44

Need Comfort/Sick Food for Atkins Induction Phase
Thanks Relliott1, GrlyGrl & Claudius for your menu suggestions. I was feeling hopeless about it but now I feel more determined to stay on plan.

Sounds like all of you are suggesting amended versions of chicken in broth so on my way home from work, I’m going to pick up the necessary items and have my daughter (who’s 16 and helping me on the days I have no motivation and I’m going to slip) help me make something to eat.

I’ve never really made soup before so I’m going to ask probably what is a pretty basic question but I’ll ask anyway. If you’re adding chicken chunks or pieces to any of these receipes do you cook the chicken first? I’m thinking so but I want to confirm. Also, what about the bacon Claudius, do I cook that first separately? And did you really mean just throw some cheese in the chicken broth? I never would have thought of that.

I'm really looking forward to a hot bath with peppermint oil, warm cozy pajamas and some chicken, cheese, bacon, veggie broth.

Thanks again everyone.

scrapgirl Tue, May-25-04 13:47

OK if you feel the dreaded "Ebola" virus sinking in I suggest BACON!! Bacon is the cure-all and right close to that is any form of alcohol. However as you are on Induction... that whole alcohol/drunk thing simply wont do.
ROFL at claudius!!! How funny!

relliott1 Tue, May-25-04 14:10

I would definitely cook the chicken first. Better yet, buy a whole roasted chicken and just tear it up and throw however much you want in to the soup. Bacon should also be cooked first. The cheese you can melt right in the soup. I would bring the broth to a very low simmer, then take a whisk and start stirring in the cheese. I usually use shredded cheese because it melts quicker. Don't add the other ingredients until the cheese has melted, or else you will get cheese clumps! LOL

Good luck, broth based soups are pretty easy and quick. Nothing like soup when you are sick :)

Elsah Tue, May-25-04 14:11

If you add some ginger to your chicken broth that might help to settle your stomach if it's uneasy. If you can handle a little more than just the clear broth you might add some heavy cream to help you feel fuller. Also thyme is supposed to be good to add if you have a head cold. ;) Hope you feel better soon!


Selena26 Tue, May-25-04 14:35

My chicken soup dinner
So I have been making this chicken soup recepie for ever, but never knew that it was Atkins approved.

1 precooked roasted chicken torn into peices. Both white and dark meat
1 onion diced
1 red bell pepper diced
1 green bell pepper diced
1 zuchini pilled and diced
4-6 celery stickes diced
4 cans chicken broth

Salt and Pepper to taste

Throw it in the Crock Pot or slow cooker about 8 hours before you want to eat on high.
Top it off with cheddar cheese at serving time.

I hope that you are feeling better soon! :)

LisaAC Tue, May-25-04 15:20

For me if I feel I'm getting sick, I love a good bowl of chinese hot and sour soup. Why? Because of all the wonderful, and healing, spices it has in it. It's very nourishing and it can be made to be more low carb.

LilaCotton Tue, May-25-04 16:54

I just got over a cold in absolutely record time (two days and let me say it was a dilly while I had it!). When I'm sick I always eat a lot, and I've found the few times I've been sick since starting Atkins I do the very same thing. I think the more a person eats when they're sick, the more fuel you give your body to fight off the ailment. I don't worry about counting carbs or calories, only to make sure, like I said, that it's LC foods and not junk.

I am going to have to remember that bacon cure-all, LOL.

Tired Wed, May-26-04 10:46

Need Comfort/Sick Food for Atkins Induction Phase
THANKS Everyone!

I'm feeling a lot better today, not quite sure what's wrong. Just over all feeling not too bad but yet not too good.

Your responses and well wishes were appreciated and it sure does let you know that other people in the world care. I do have a loving family but they don't quite get the 'struggle' i'm going through right now adjusting and changing my lifestyle so 'horrays' for you guys for supporting a stranger the way you did.


katlo Tue, Jun-01-04 10:14

Hey Tired .. how did you do getting through your sick phase on Atkins? I just got sick on Sunday and I'm not sure I'll make it staying on Atkins. I really want ice cream for my sore throat and orange juice! Just checking to see if you got through okay to help motivate me..

delaneyc52 Tue, Jun-01-04 10:19

I just got over a cold/flu thing and found Robitusson (spell?) has a sugar free cough/cold medicine.

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