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lossiebeth Mon, Apr-08-02 04:28

Nuts to nuts!
Well, this is interesting. I got a bunch of different knds of nuts on Saturday, to make up some wee bags of "safe" food for my upcoming 11.5 hour plane journey.

As I was making the bags, I nibbled some, and had a handful for breaksfast. WELL, off I went!

I am not sure which of them triggered me, but something sure did, as I ate nuts all day long, off and on, and kept getting hungry. I didn't know which of them, if any, were safe, but finally separated them out again so I have a wee bag of each kind of nuts. Every day I will try ONE of them and will see which "do me bad". BTW, after separating them out (handling them) the palms of my hands were bright red and itchy for AGES!

Luckily, I kept within the limits of allowed foods yesterday, despite my lapse, and didn't go crazy with sweets or anything (haven't had any sugar since the 13th of March). So, while I AM a pound up today (on top of the 3 already with t.o.m.-poop!), I was in high ketosis today (not 16, the very darkest purple, but 8, the one next to it), which is better than yesterday, when I was Moderate, 4!

Go figure! :confused:


Karen Mon, Apr-08-02 08:08

It's probably the "nibble factor" that set you off. For carbs, safer nuts are macadamias, almonds and Brazil nuts.

What about bringing some canned tuna - the zip-lock kind - a bit of cheese and pork rinds?


fiona Mon, Apr-08-02 14:14

Pork Rinds better
Karen is right. Pork rinds are much better re: nibble factor. More filling too.

{Beth : BTW, after separating them out (handling them) the palms of my hands were bright red and itchy for AGES! } Hope you are not allergic to nuts.

Take care.

lossiebeth Tue, Apr-09-02 15:29

Thanks but no thanks
I can just see me with tuna in a bag on the plane. I have more sympathy for my fellow passengers than that; I'd spill it everywhere, trust me!

I understand what you are saying abut the nibble factor, but as you may have seen in my message, I got HUNGRY within a few minutes of eating them. If I get MORE hungry when I DO eat than when I don't, I figure there is something I have a problem with.

Yesterday I had some pine nuts and was fine after them, and today I had some pecans and was fine. I wasn't hungry, didn't get red hands, nor did I nibble. I had a handful and put them away. The ONLY thing I have found hard to resist that I CAN have without problems is cream. It is far too more-ish, and I might end up having to drop it for awhile. Sigh.

Tomorrow I will try Brazils or Macadamias, and the other the next day. I am pretty sure almonds caused at least part of the nut trouble as they were the ones I was eating most of...and kept going back for more of them. Poop, I like almonds.

As for pork skins, I have never seen any over here that don't have all sorts of junk in them. My mother lives on them in America, so I will, no doubt, have my fill (and then some) of them there.

I doubt that I'll starve on the plane now. I have kabanos (sausages), bacon, cheese, and now pine nuts and pecans. I'll probably have more to eat on the plane than anyone else there! ;) As much water as I plan to drink, heaven help the person next to me if I can't get an aisle seat! :roll:

Thanks for the replies.


disneybebe Wed, Apr-10-02 06:03

Hi Beth,
I've had cashew nuts twice since I started this WOE on the 1st Jan. But boy, were them cashew nuts trouble for me!
The 1st time I had them, I ended up eating the entire 180g-tin in one sitting, plus I was really really hungry afterwards. I went on a 3-day-high-carb-binge! I went nuts (insane).
The 2nd time I had them, I also got really hungry (I don't understand why though) & ate about 12 porkchops after I ate the cashew nuts. For me, cashew nuts = disasters :exclm:
I'm perfectly alright with walnuts, peanuts, almonds & hazelnuts (but I hate them really). I'd love to try Brazil nuts but I've only seem them in Marks & Spencer. Are Brazil nuts nice? I've never had them b4......
Have a great trip!

Bebe :wave:

fiona Wed, Apr-10-02 14:46

{Beth: I got HUNGRY within a few minutes of eating them...} That is not hunger. It is something setting off the cravings in your brain. We all have triggers like that.

Are you watching any of the Rockface episodes on BBC1? Are they all set in Lossiebeth?

Bebe, I like Brazil nuts. Almonds and cashews set off the nibble factor for me but not Brazil nuts.

Take care.

Ella Thu, Apr-11-02 02:07


I've also noticed that Brazil nuts don't do any harm to me. Perhaps its 'because they don't taste sweet and very feeling. I've noticed the higher the fat content the less chances of triggering in my case.

Couple of weeks ago I cut out completely on all nuts for a week and started loosing again, which hadn't happened for a long time. But I'm too nuts to stay away from nuts :D

Here're my five cents.

lossiebeth Thu, Apr-11-02 03:05

Sounds like we're all nuts
Mmm, cashews. I think one reason we all like them is that they are so sweet. Too bad they are poison (or near as damnit!) for some of us :tears:

I got on fine with my Brazils yesterday, probably because they aren't so sweet, so today will give Macadamias a go. I like them so much they are bound to disagree with me ;)

As for Brazils, Bebe, I don't know what to tell you. They are NOT sweet, and can taste a bit earthy. I used to hate them when I was a child, but now I really like them :)

As for not losing while eating nuts, I can see that happening. I got on fine when I was just doing meat, cheese and veg., but my t.o.m. coincided with my adding new things (like nuts). It will be interesting to see when it finally goes away (can take ages) if the weight is all t.o.m. or if some of it will remain, due to cream/nuts being added to my diet. I have been working on my carbos to keep them really low, but I just might have to cut certain things out :thdown:

Still, as I said to my DH this morning, 3 pounds up is still 8 pounds down from a month ago, and if this IS a way of life instead of just another diet, there WILL be ups as well as downs.

Can you tell I'm going on holiday tonight? (-;

BTW, I have decided not to risk airline food. We are due to be served LUNCH on the flight tomorrow so I am expecting sandwiches, and have packed my carry-on luggage accordingly. I have a pack of cooked bacon, all-meat sausages, cheese and 3 kinds of nuts. I DON'T think I'll starve!

If I get a chance (i.e. remember) I'll let you know how I get on with the Macadamias.


LittleAnne Thu, Apr-11-02 05:21


Have a great holiday, where are you off to? Keep the faith while you are away, as much as possible, anyway.

lossiebeth Thu, Apr-11-02 06:27

California here I come!
My brother lives in Orange County (Lake Forest, used to be El Toro). I've never been there, so am looking forward to it. The last time I was in America was 1996, and the last time I was in California was January 1988. I was a vegetarian then :roll: My brother said I'll be easier to find food for me this trip ;)

As far as staying on track, I hope I'll be reasonably o.k. My mother has been an off-and-on Atkins person for almost 30 years, so is happy of the excuse to not pig out when we are together (BAD habit). My husband is WELL pleased at the thought of me not going crazy on all that American food I so love but cannot now have (-; To be honest, I'm kind of relieved; it was always such a worry, when I wasn't stuffing my face :daze:

BTW, I had some Macadamias for breakfast (I do this sort of "testing" on an empty stomach, with no other food) and was FINE, so out of my collection of nuts, it is only the almonds that seem to do me badly (I already knew about cashews-poop). Woo hoo! That helps a LOT! It is nice to know there are snack-y foods/treats that are allowable, that I can find, that I can afford, and that I like. Hmm, that narrows it down just a tad :lol:

This is it until I get home, so as we say in my family, yall be sweet and don't fight :spin:


disneybebe Thu, Apr-11-02 11:03

Hiya girls,
Thank u all for your input on Brazil nuts. I'm going to Marks & Spencer this weekend to get myself some Brazil nuts :D
Have a great day!

Bebe :wave:

izzy Sat, Apr-13-02 12:49

:roll: hi lossiebeth i buy a 200gram bag of cashew nut every week i dairnt buy any more because when i start on them i cant stop MMMmmmm izzy

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