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ValerieL Wed, May-26-04 15:03

Why I Like Being Thinner. How About You?
As a corollary to the Why I Hate About Being Fat thread, I thought I'd start a Why I Like Being Thinner thread for us to note all the cool things that we are noticing as we diminish in size.

To start us off, I really notice how much easier it is to wear heels, not killer ones, just normal 2-2 1/2 inch heels! I like wearing heels but at 300 lbs, it was torture to wear them all day, even just low heels. Now that I'm down some weight, I can wear my favourite heels all day and unless I've been walking alot, no pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


erinleigh Wed, May-26-04 15:31

I like that I can see my collar bones, its flattering to see that I am re-shaping...if you get what I mean! Then the fact that my rings are all to big,followed by the wrists, and my favorite of all that the baby fat under my chin is slowly disappearing! Which is really nice, I have started to wear earrings because its cute, before I wouldn't cause I thought that it would attract..but it works for me know!! I love this WOL!

Carina8 Wed, May-26-04 15:31

My clothes don't hurt... infact, some of the old comfy ones are a little loose! Yeah!!


sophotia Wed, May-26-04 15:33

What I like about being thinner

-I can ride my favorite roller coaster at Kings Island (The Beast)
-My feet dont hurt anymore after a long day on them
-I like all the compliments I get
-I can almost cross my legs like thin women do.

diemde Wed, May-26-04 15:52

Good question, Valerie! I have lots of reasons, probably too many to list. :lol:

- I like wearing sexier clothes... mind you they aren't really "sexy" yet, but I feel sexier wearing them :D
- More endurance - I can walk longer and am overall much stronger than I used to be
- No double chin!!!
- I can fit in those little plastic patio chairs (that was a big one for me)
- spending less money on new clothes
- not hitting the bottom board in my waterbed :lol:

and most of all, feeling like I'm normal now... I don't stand out in a crowd. Of course, now I look forward to standing out in a crowd when I have a really nice figure. :lol:

LucyLucy Wed, May-26-04 15:53

I haven't lost a whole lot yet, but I do like how I'm not taking up so much 'room'. I fit better in the chairs at my fav place, I've chucked two pairs of pants because they were falling off me, my rings are all big, I don't huff so much climbing a flight of stairs, I have an open weave sweater bought 2 years ago that never fit, now it does!

I also have some clothes that are going to look great in about 20lbs losing, so I look forward to wearing them!

LL :)

loserbaby Wed, May-26-04 18:53

I love that moment when you do something that you haven't attempted in a long time ( because of being fat), and realize that you can do it now. Yesterday morning I was very late for class and I saw the bus coming up the street. I was still 2 blocks away from the stop so I took off running. Mid stride I realize OMG I CAN RUN AGAIN! I caught my bus and wasn't even out of breath. It was the best feeling ever (but being able to wear non-plus size clothes is also quite great).

ValerieL Wed, May-26-04 19:08

The plastic chair thing! Yes, that's a biggie for me too! And not having to worry about fitting into a booth at a restaurant. There was a time I automatically asked for a table instead.

Marieshops Wed, May-26-04 19:13

Shopping for clothes in "regular" departments

Playing with my son (biking, basketball, chase etc)

Fitting in seats at concerts, sporting events, restaurants

Feeling and being healthier

The list could go on forever - YEA!!


hummelda Wed, May-26-04 23:04

Lots of health things including decreased BP meds that will soon be completely history.

Not getting those second glances you get when you are really heavy. And they are the opposite of wolf whistle glances.

Astounding people who have not seen me for a year.

Self confidence and self esteem have increased by leaps and bounds, enabling me to stand up for things I should have long ago. I don't know which came first - the self confidence or the weight loss but it doesn't matter, it has arrived!

skipping down/up the stairs

A guy I didn't know bought the same jacket I did (long story). He asked me what size I bought. If he thought I was overweight, he would never have asked that question. (We both bought size L)

I've actually started believing people when they give me a compliment.

I could go on but it would start to become mushy! :D

HeMe2Kids Thu, May-27-04 03:27

I like finishing the aerobics class and still being able to breathe, in fact just finishing is somehting that was hard in the beginning.

I like trying on new clothes. FUN!

Crossing my leggs and not having to wrap one around another chair leg to hold it down! LOL


And I cant wait to surprise my relatives this summer in FL at a big reunion when the expect the BIG one to be there!

crysania Thu, May-27-04 03:32

- i love being able to buy clothes from the normal depts
- just having people look at me because of how I dress not how much I weigh (I will *always* stand out in a crowd)
- confidence and self esteem ... need I say more?

the thing that annoys me is being asked if i plan on loosing anymore and being told i look ok now well maybe i want to look better then "ok" lol ...

AntiM Thu, May-27-04 04:31

I'm glad it's so much easier to move. Painting my toenails is no longer an aerobic activity! :lol:

kenkobiz Thu, May-27-04 05:44

This thread is a great idea - and I would recommend people participate even if you haven't lost a bunch of weight because this type of visualization is what will help you reach your goals!!!

I like not being on BP medication anymore

I like wearing pants that are 5 sizes smaller, and being able to buy shirts without an additional charge for the bigger sizes

I like the years that I am adding to my life

I like that my wife can hug me and touch her hands on the other side now

I like that my wife and son are both looking great and doing great (32lbs lost for the wife, 23lbs lost for the son)

I liked being able to ride in an airplane and not having to ask for a seatbelt extension!!

And most of all - I LOVE BACON!!

jadefox26 Thu, May-27-04 05:50

Loadsa reasons here too - to list but a few...

I will soon be able to go to the theme park and go on the rides without thinking I might get my a$$ stuck!

I am able to boast that my rings are swimming on my fingers to anyone who cares to listen!!

I am able to go to a store and chose the next size down

I can feel riteous when someone I know is stuffing crisps/bread/past and think - well you're making yourself fat and I'm making myself thin!

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