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tragedian Fri, Feb-17-12 19:36

somebody say something nice to me
I feel so so so sick. Today is my 3rd day on nicotine patches, and i want cigarettes so bad that at times i'm literally crying, and finally, after almost 3 months of error free LCing, i went out and bought a disgusting pile of sugary crap and ate it all. Not because i wanted carbs, but because i wanted cigarettes. I know my priority right now should be kicking the cigarettes, not flawless LCing, but I'm still disappointed in myself and i physically and mentally and emotionally feel like crap now, and im not thinking straight. Can somebody explain myself to me right now?

All those pamphlets and websites talk so optimistically about 'you can do it!', and it's frankly bull****. Not smoking after the type of relationship i had with cigarettes is unexplainably hard, and i keep crying and everything just sucks right now.

What im asking for is this; i cant think straight right now. Can somebody give me some perspective please?

0Angel0 Fri, Feb-17-12 19:52

You are doing an amazing thing for yourself by quitting smoking. And one of the toughest things you'll ever do! You should be proud of what you've accomplished already. Just remember "this too shall pass". What you're going through is temporary! You'll feel better soon. What you ate is done and over with. You can't change it but you can decide what you will eat from here on out. Just buck up and get back on plan.

Have you ever considered Chantix? My ex smoked for 25 years and nothing worked for him. Chantix worked like a charm. The very first time with no side effects. I normally would never recommend drugs but in this case I've seen how this one can work wonders. Just might be something to consider.

tragedian Fri, Feb-17-12 20:39

Thanks. I just want it to be over. I'm gonna just have water the rest of today and start tomorrow with a walk and a few days of induction. I spoke to my dr about the meds, i had heard they were good, but he didnt want to give them to me because he said they could cause mania, and i have bipolar disorder, so he prescribed the patch for me. I dont know im just nuts tonight.

WereBear Sat, Feb-18-12 08:43

My doctor says nicotine is the MOST ADDICTING SUBSTANCE ON EARTH.

So don't be too hard on yourself.

Are the patches really working? I would question that!

What helped me tremendously was cups of herbal tea with a big heaping teaspoon of ROSEMARY in it. It does nice fizzy things to my brain. Be sure to inhale the aroma: sage "smudging" was another technique that helped me get over the cigs.

Remember that nicotine has definite neurological effects; that's why we crave it. But once it's over; it's over, and our brains adjust. One of the things my husband discovered is that he smoked because cigs gave him a "filter" that let him screen out too much stimuli: a side effect of his illness, CFIDS, is a "broken filter." So come up with other ways to filter, and you can cope with the cravings, better.

Best of luck!

Sam Knox Sat, Feb-18-12 12:23

Quitting nicotine caused me to crave sugar, too. Based on what I've heard and read, that's a near universal response.

I knew that the sugar/nicotine cravings would eventually fade, and that in the long-term getting off nicotine was more important than avoiding sugar, so diet-wise I just did whatever was necessary. If that meant eating a couple of Snickers bars, that's what I did.

My advice to anyone in your situation would be to focus on overcoming the nicotine addiction and otherwise just do the best you can.

Jenevere Sun, Feb-19-12 19:00

Oh I just saw your post! I'm so sorry you're having a rough time. Cigarettes have a type of sugar in them (or something like that), and quitting makes your body crave sugar. You can hardly help it! I had the cravings when I quit too. I gave into them.

I've heard that sweet fruit might help? Try also 1000mg of L-Glutamine when you get a craving? I sure hope it helps. We all slip up, you can't be perfect. Keep looking forward - it's all a learning experience. You can absolutely get through this.

Cigarettes are not your friends anymore.

Hang in there. Don't beat yourself up for being human. Sleep through the cravings if you can... you can make it to the other side of this! You can! :)

April 2 Sun, Feb-19-12 19:25


It's horrible, yes I know from experience. Nothing, nothing at all will feel as good as that first hour that you don't crave a cigarette!!!

Follow the directions, eat what you need to, and keep putting your face (and health) to the future.

You can DO this. :cheer: :clap:

becky7474 Mon, Feb-20-12 07:57

I know this may sound a touch strange....but when I was quitting and really wanted a cigarette, I would put my fingers to my mouth like I had a cigarette in them and draw air into my lungs, slowly, fill them up and release the air slowly. I would do this until the cravings stopped. I don't know why, but it worked.

The horrible cravings will pass, just give it some time. If I could do it, so can you. :agree:

RuthannP Tue, May-29-12 17:49

Sleeping helps. You can't crave a cigarette when you're sleeping.

Chocolate helps. Find some low carb chocolate recipes - candy, pudding - to help you get through it.

Becky's right - inhailing AIR does work!

raven132 Tue, May-29-12 18:39

Sleep. Get as much as you can during the night and hang in there! Breathing is nice, and so much easier. Smells you had forgotten about get noticed again. It isn't easy, but it is worth it. Hang in there.

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