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gotaloseit Wed, Apr-16-03 15:42

Things I am not going to miss about......
Things I am not going to miss about being overweight.........

1. I will not miss being out of breath

2. I will not miss sweating massive amounts from climbing a set of stair or walking a few feet.

3. I will not miss large ladies underwear (why is it so ugly)

4. I will not miss looking around for the one chair that will support me.

5. I will not miss the stares and comments

6. I will not miss sitting on the couch watching while others live their lives and have fun.

what about you....what wont you miss????

celtinore Wed, Apr-16-03 17:36

I will not miss feeling that Life is passing me by.

I will not miss the worried frown on my doctor's forehead.

I will not miss being restricted to 9 square feet of a department store for my clothing selection.

I will not miss the pressure on my spine that causes my L4/L5 disk to rupture with no warning.

And I will not miss ANY of the people who dismissed me from their lives because I was fat!!! They can go to Hades.

DWRolfe Wed, Apr-16-03 18:06

I will not miss...
I will not miss...

...worrying myself sick about whether or not I have suitable (and comfortable) clothing for special events or professional outings.

...paying twice as much for my clothing as other men do.

...wearing ugly, unstylish clothes because they are the only things I can fit into.

...the horrible feeling of not being able to clean myself fully.

...having to ask someone to help me because I can't physically do what needs to be done.

...worrying about what other people are thinking about my weight.

...the look of concern and disappointment in my Mother's eyes as she surveys how much larger I've grown since my last visit.

...being squuezed into seats at the movies. belly pressed up against the steering wheel of my car.

...eating bags of fast food while lying on my bed in front of the TV.

...gastric distress.

...the realization that I'm the biggest person in the room.

Lordy mercy...I could go on and on... Thank you for posting this thread.

Oh, and BTW...none of these things is true about me anymore!

Donald :wave:

pixy_nixy Wed, Apr-16-03 18:08

1. I'm not going to miss the way my thighs rub together.
2. The way I feel when a new boss asks me the size of uniform I need.
3. Realizing when I'm in someone else's car and the seatbelt doesn't fit and they give that look. (Its illegal not to wear one where I live)

There are others but this is good.

bb2 Wed, Apr-16-03 18:33

I am not going to miss:

watching my sister go on the rides with my kids becauce i cant fit.

listening to my husbands co-workers talk about fat people and know the are talking about me.

not being able to be comfortable while making love to my husband becauce my fat gets in the way

haveing a constant yeast infection where my scare is becauce my belly hangs over.

I look forward to the day when I can mark each one of these off my list.

saski Wed, Apr-16-03 20:34

I will not miss:

Lane Bryant's.

Little kids' innocent "fat lady" comments.

Any more Hockey games just because I'm too uncomfortable to sit in the hideously tight seats.

Being known as the "nice one" because my sister already has the "pretty thin one" category sewn up.

Breecita Wed, Apr-16-03 22:01

Originally posted by saski
I will not miss:

Lane Bryant's.

No kidding. *twitch* What is with their spring line? I used to count on them to at least give me some half-decent clothing... if I'd worn anything they were selling, I would have looked like a schizophrenic broadway reject...

*twitches more*


I will not miss...

... wondering whether or not the airplane seatbelt will fit me.

... being afraid of what my fiancee's family thinks of me.

... feeling ugly.

... feeling disappointed in myself.

... dreading the scale at the doctors office.

... hiding from life instead of living it.

TraceyLynn Thu, Apr-17-03 00:09

I will not miss...

...looking for places to eat that have open armed chairs NOT BOOTHS!!!

...Having to buy underclothes of the internet!!!

...having to find my size before I can even look at the piece of clothing!!!

...being starred at like a freak in public!!!

...getting out of breath just going to the bathroom!!!

...having to push a cart in the store for support!!!

...being left out because I AM FAT!!!

alighterme Thu, Apr-17-03 07:50

Thank You for this Thread!!
I will not miss...

...the concerned look on my son and husbands faces as I got bigger!
...the ugly bathing suits for big women!
...the feeling that I was just waiting to die! (how I felt)
...not fitting into rides at Cedar Point!
...going to Amusement Park or Niagara Falls and after 1/2 day of gently walking having blisters all over my feet!
...feeling like I ruined vacations because of my inability to do much of anything!
...not being able to cross my legs!
...whenever I laugh too much, I start coughing! hips!

jesdorka Thu, Apr-17-03 08:06

:thdown: having to ask the airline steward or stewardess for a seat belt extender and knowing everyone has heard you

gotaloseit Thu, Apr-17-03 08:39

Alls I have to say to you all is AMEN!! You all got me thinking of a few more things I already dont miss.

Having to leverage myself off the couch like a pregnant woman cause I cant bend in the middle.

Catching a glimpse of myself in a mirror or window and then going home and breaking into tears cause I know how other people see me.

Having a sweat rash in the summer where my fat rubs together.

Having to ask my 4 year old to pick up something I dropped because I cant bend down and having him ask me "Mommy, how come you cant pick it up"

Having my son ask me why I cant run and play with him like the "other mommies"

Being told "You know, you could be so pretty, if only you'd lose some weight you'd look so nice"

And I vow, I will never, ever walk up to someone who is overweight and preach to them about the need to lose weight.

Tiggerdy Thu, Apr-17-03 09:47

Such an awesome thread!

I sure as heck won't miss...

...being the 'fat' one in the group.

...worrying about fitting into seats, rides, clothes, etc.

...being categorized as 'morbidly obese' or even just 'obese'.

...getting lectured by anyone & everyone as to how good I *used* to look.

...looking at all the pictures of the *fat* me (I plan to retake MANY of them when I hit goal).

...low self-esteem, low self-worth, low self-confidence.

...being plus-sized.

Mostly, I won't miss worrying about my health and the increased propensity for disease, heat attacks, stroke and early death.

Nikki :daizy:

Lessara Thu, Apr-17-03 12:30

When I weigh less I'm not going to miss...
I'm not going to miss:

1. Standing by the amusement park ride while my friends are on the ride, all due to me not fitting under the safety harness. :(

2. My hips bumping into every table, wall, desk, you name it, I bumped into it :rolleyes:

3. Being laughed from behind polite hands as I make my way up in front of an audience. :nono:

4. Buying shirts whos minimum length is 30" thus making all shirts look perfect for pregnancy :mad:

5. Finding a chair without arms and hoping it doesn't creak too much. :p

6. Seeing Obese Obese next to my name on my medical chart.
I want to prove that what Dr. Atkins taught me is true! :thup:

hatetocook Thu, Apr-17-03 13:25

I won't miss alot of things that have already been mentioned plus:

* trying to shave my legs & armpits when I can barely see them!

saski Thu, Apr-17-03 16:24

trying to shave my legs & armpits when I can barely see them!

Oh yes! That's a big one!

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