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Maribet Thu, Mar-06-03 00:53

reward meals
Hi, I am new to this forum as well as new to CAD.
This question about the reward meal may sound silly but it is one that I have been wondering about and can't find an answer.
I have no problem finishing my meal within the hour but do I have to also finish drinking my tea inside that hour ? I go through pots of tea in a day (I should explain that I use one tea bag to a large pot and each cup has the caffeine of a cup of decaf). So far I have stopped drinking my tea within the hour and do not make a fresh pot for about 2 hours. Is that restriction necessary ?
I do like this diet. One bonus is that I no longer suffer from continuous heart burn. Before I was eating antacids steady, a bottle beside my computer, beside my bed and one beside my chair in the living room. Since I have been on this diet I have not taken one antacid pill.

Vel Thu, Mar-06-03 12:14

Hi Maribet,

It would depend on what you have in your tea. If you drink it clear, then you can have it anytime you want and there would be no need to stop at the end of your RM. If however, you take milk or sugar in it (or honey), then you would only have it at your RM, except for one other cup with milk in a day, which must be drank within 15 minutes. It is the same as for coffee.

Welcome to the CAD forum, it is nice to see new people coming in :)


Vel Thu, Mar-06-03 12:17

OH, by the way..
Forgot to mention, I know what you mean about the antacids. I used to take 3-4 at a time, sometimes several times a day. Same as you, since I have been doing CAD, I don't need them at all anymore. Just one more of the many benefits of low carbing :)


Maribet Thu, Mar-06-03 13:47

Reward meals
Thank you Tracy for your response. I hope you didn't think it was too silly a question. My problem is being analytical to a fault and so I have to make sure before I go on. I am still nervous about posting on a forum. I have Fybromyalgia, arthritis, diabetes, etc. etc. . This diet has been the best thing going. Even when I am in a bad flareup it is so much easier just to stay on this diet then to go off. I think my score on the CAD quiz was about 58 or so. Before CAD I could barely go 2 hours without having to eat something because the pain and nausea in my stomach was so bad. Now for, I think, the first time in my life I felt normal hunger. We we traveling to the Coast and it was about five and a half hours since breakfast . I started feeling funny in my stomach and finally I realized that this was 'hunger'; and I also realized that it was no problem to wait another 15 minutes to stop for lunch. Before, if I didn't have my bag of snacks to eat on during the trip I would have been quite horribly carsick. The freedom from having to eat between meals is so wonderful. :roll: I wish I had heard about this diet years ago.(I am having fun with these little smilies)
:thup: :lol:

Maribet Thu, Mar-06-03 13:55

Hi again ! I was so excited about getting a reply that I forgot to answer your question. I drink my tea clear and my coffee 'bare foot' (a saying of my husband's late father). I cut out coffee as one of the options and I find it does help. :roll:

quikdeb Sun, Mar-09-03 22:31

Welcome, Maribet. I'm so happy that you are enjoying so many benefits of the WOE. It really is wonderful and has made life quite liveable for so many people here.

Hope to see you around here often. Start a journal soon so we can visit you there.

Deb :wave:

Maribet Sat, Mar-15-03 22:17

I don't know about a journal. I have just got up the courage to actually post on the forum . lol. I am enjoying reading comments from people all over the world. I have printed off several pieces which I found especially helpful. I am on a plateau right now so I will be examining my 'comp' meals. But I lost two more inches off my hips and another inch off my waist during that time. :spin: :wave:

Vel Sun, Mar-16-03 07:19

Hi again Maribet
Nice to see you posting Maribet.. this is such a wonderful place to come for support and ideas. I have learned a lot here.

Don't worry about the plateau you are on at the moment. I have had many many of those since I started. But, as long as I stick fast to the plan.. inevitably I have started to lose again, usually with a nice little whoosh at the beginning. Feel free to look over my journal if you like. I post my weight every morning.

I have arthritis too.. just a bit, I think, in my knees. I have noticed a big improvement since I have been on CAD. Even before the weight started to come off, as soon as I went on it, I could notice a difference in the swelling around my knees. Its great and I have a lot more mobility

Have to go for now, but I'm sure I will see you around the forums :)

Take care,

skyspinner Tue, Mar-18-03 06:27

Boy, you're sure right about the heartburn! I was eating Gaviscon like it was popcorn until I got onto CAD.....had a jar at the computer, on the coffee table, in the pantry, in my purse, and beside my bed.....oh, and one in the car! :lol: Now only occasionally do I feel a twinge.

If you don't see a drop on the scale, but do see a decrease in your measurements, don't consider that a "plateau"...that's some real progress! It really helps to keep your measurements for just those times.

Glad you're off to such a good start.....see you soon. Come by my journal if you want to talk....until you start your own journal, that is. ;)

Saweetie Fri, Oct-03-03 11:31


Its a great thing eh?

IthinkIcan Fri, Oct-03-03 11:47

:agree: My tummy is a happy camper on CAD. I knew that Atkins elimanted heartburn, unless I had hot sauce, then I'd get it. On CAD, I get zero heartburn so far, even with hotsauce.
That alone is worth a million bucks!

muweek Fri, Oct-03-03 18:41

Maribet, welcome to the forum! I was scared about posting and journaling here because I didnt want anyone to know how bad I was doing sometimes. But it keeps you accountable and the support is AWESOME! i record as much as I can to look back on for myself to see what went right and what needs improvement. We are all in the same boat so nobody judges you. Peek in my jounal anytime you want and see some of my rantings!.. If you go to the person you are looking for, then at the bottom, click on journal, you will see their meanderings. Good luck and I will visit again soon.

newcarbgir Sat, Oct-04-03 05:23

Originally Posted by Maribet
I wish I had heard about this diet years ago

Hi Maribet, I think lots of us can relate to that! I've been on CALP for three weeks, and I have bulging boxes full of treats in my kitchen, waiting for me to get round to them. I never used to be able to keep anything in the house for fear I'd binge on it straight away. And the difference in energy levels - and the lack of cravings - terrific.

Come and visit some of our journals and you'll soon want to start one yourself. It's great keeping a journal on the good days, cos you get so much encouragement, and it's even better on the bad days, cos you don't feel you're alone :roll:

I'm sure you'll love this woe - we all do :wiggle:

lowco Sat, Oct-04-03 19:39

i've never experienced heart burn. i am no longer bloated. my tummy is soft and fat. when i was on atkins i'd get bloated whenever i introduced starch to the diet, and it was noticeable. Now(after doing cad the right way), my tummy seems flater. For the past 2 weeks my co-workers are asking me if i lost weight. i feel slimer, but my scale doesn't reveal that i lost weight, neither my clothes. 2 DAYS AGO i started waking :yay: so i know it's not excercise.
the weirdest thing is the last two times TOM visited, my breasts were not sore and bloating was unnoticeable.

kokle Mon, Oct-06-03 05:12

When I drink tea, I add a little bit (I think it
s about 1/8th of a teaspoon) of Vitamin C crystals. It adds a lemony flavor and gives me a nice dose of Vitamin C. A little bit of crystals goes a long way as far as flavor effect and Vitamin C content.

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