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AntiM Thu, Jul-24-03 06:31

TDC Fitness Challenge
Welcome to the TDC Fitness Challenge!

The purpose of this challenge is to increase our physical fitness over the course of eight weeks without incurring any kind of injury. This is a special thread dedicated to support members of the Triple Digits Club, women and men who are (or were) looking to lose 100+ lbs.

Our challenge goes officially from July 25th to September 5th, 2003.

Let’s Get Started with Week One …

Make a contract with yourself for what you will accomplish this week. Be realistic, challenge yourself, but don’t set yourself up for failure by promising more than you know you can do.

* Give some thought to how you’ll prevent injury during your workout.

* Some of us will focus on increasing our activity each week, without a final fitness level in mind. However, if you have a set goal you want to reach by September 5th, feel free to post it now, too.

* If you like, you can include your start date weight and/or measurements.

Is there a special something you’d like to treat yourself with next Friday when you meet your fitness goals? Tanya (Gotaloseit) has suggested we chose a simple non-food item, a manicure, a new pair of shoes, etc. This doesn’t have to be anything that costs money, just a treat for giving your health the energy it deserves. Post you’re reward and your fellow Challengers will root for your success!

Body Image Exercise: Arms
Pick a time when you’ll have at 5-10 uninterrupted minutes. Get a mirror (full length is best) so you can take a good look at your arms, from shoulder to fingertips … front, back and sides. Notice every nook and cranny, every plane and curve. Feel where you are rough, where you are smooth. Can you feel muscle, fat and bone under your skin? How are the textures different? Stretch your arms, extend them full length and feel their power and range. Jiggle the fat under your upper arms. Are you dimpled? Hairy? Freckled? Spread your fingers, make a fist, flex your wrists and notice the skill and grace in your hands.

Did any negative thoughts come to mind? You can combat these messages by focusing on what you do like. Find three things you admire and appreciate about your arms. Think of all the abilities they provide you with. Find beauty in their form and function.

For the next week, try to suspend all judgment and just appreciate your arms. Your homework assignment is to notice and praise them whenever you think of it. If you find yourself being self-critical immediately stop and pay yourself a compliment. Your arms are yours, uniquely yours, to use, take care of, and to treasure. Find new ways to pamper them this week … Report back here how it felt to give them extra attention.

Affirmation Of The Week
Many things are possible if I accept the fastest way is one step at a time.

AntiM Thu, Jul-24-03 06:40

Monika's Goal ... Week One
I, Monika, make this contract with myself. For eight weeks, I will participate in this thread and dedicate myself to increasing fitness.

My Exercise Goals For Week One
  • 15 minute walk, 4 days per week - stretching well before and after
  • Leg exercises, 3 sets of 20, both legs, 3 days per week
  • Abdominal exercises, 1 set of 20, 3 days per week
  • Neck and shoulder stretches, 3 minutes worth, everyday
When I complete my weekly goals, I have been promised a 30 minute backrub. During this treat, I will remind myself at least once that I earned this pleasure.

carlab68 Thu, Jul-24-03 07:50

I, Carla, make this contract with myself. For eight weeks, I will participate in this thread and dedicate myself to increasing fitness.

My Exercise Goals For Week One

1 day of arm exercises
1 day of leg exercises
1 day of back exercises
1 day of abdominal

When I complete my weekly goals, I am going to get my hair highlighted!

DusterCat Thu, Jul-24-03 09:22

DusterCat - Week One
I, DusterCat, make this contract with myself (and with all of you!) For eight weeks I will participate in this thread and dedicate myself to increasing fitness.

My goals for Week One:

1) Walk every morning, the weather and my health permitting, for 30 to 60 minutes, but NO LONGER. I don't walk fast, so this is one mile or two. Before I go out my front door, I will assess how I feel (heart, feet and toes, joints) and decide if it's going to be 30 or 60 minutes. If I decide 30 minutes I will stick to that. This will prevent me from "getting in the zone" and ignoring or just not feeling any pain.

2) Start trying to find an alternate way to exercise, for mornings when, for whatever reason, I can't walk. The Jan. '96 issue of Consumer Repts. apparently rates exercise bikes and I'm going up to the library and see if they have it.

3) Do Monika's arm assignment! This is a great idea. Yes, I will jiggle my fat, too. I might even shave :lol:

gotaloseit Thu, Jul-24-03 10:16

I, Tanya,make this contract with myself (and with all of you!) For eight weeks I will participate in this thread and dedicate myself to increasing fitness.

Goal For Week 1.

1. I will do my balance ball ab, hip and buttock excercise routine 5 days this week, doing 10 repetitions of each seperate excercise.

2. I will walk on the treadmill 20 minutes every otherday this week starting today and I will increase my speed one notch from the 3.2 speed I am currently walking.

3. I will make the time to do some gardening work on the weekend for at least 2 hors (this is excercise isnt it??)

4. And I will do my homework starting now!!!

My reward to myself, I am going to have my husband look after my son for a few hours one night and just do what I want to do, maybe go to the library or the mall just to window shop, but I will reward myself with 2 hours of me time!!!!

Good luck everybody, see you all tomorrow.

MTEcho Thu, Jul-24-03 10:38

My fitness goals
I, Echo, do hereby pledge to myself, and to the others of this group that I will perform these fitness tasks.

1. 6 days a week I will do my 1 mile- "Walk away the pounds" tape

2. 2 days of legs exercises from my "Fat to firm at any age" book

3. 2 days of arm exercises from said book

4. 2 days of ab exercises from said book

I give my pledge to you all that for these 8 weeks I will commit to these exercises.

signed: Echo

Toronto Thu, Jul-24-03 14:15

I Rena (aka Toronto), make this contract with myself. for eight weeks, I will participate in this thread and dedicate myself to increasing my total fitness level.

Fitness Goals for Week 1
1) Complete walk Away the Pounds 3 Mile tape 4 days a week
2) Go for a 45 minutes walk 2 days a week
3) 20 minutes of Abs workout Monday to Friday
4) 20 minutes Arms workout 3 days a week

If I complete all my goals for Week 1 (starting July 25th ending August 1st), I will treat myself to a professional spa pedicure.

Affirmation for The Week
Always strive for success, in everything you do. :yay:

Breecita Thu, Jul-24-03 15:23


*15 minutes of stretching when I get up
*20 minute aerobic workout at Curves.
*15 minutes of stretching before I go to bed.

*15 minutes of stretching when I get up
*15 minute weight work at NEW APARTMENT FITNESS CENTER
*15 minutes of stretching before I go to bed.

*15 minutes of stretching when I get up
*20 minute aerobic workout at Curves.
*15 minutes of stretching before I go to bed.

*15 minutes of stretching when I get up
*15 minute weight work at NEW APARTMENT FITNESS CENTER
*15 minutes of stretching before I go to bed.

*15 minutes of stretching when I get up
*20 minute aerobic workout at Curves.
*15 minutes of stretching before I go to bed.

*15 minutes of stretching when I get up
*15 minute weight work at NEW APARTMENT FITNESS CENTER
*15 minutes of stretching before I go to bed.

If, on Sunday, I look back and see that I have completed these goals, I will reward myself with a MANICURE! (As long as I haven't broken off all my nails with that hard work. :D)

Here we go!

MisterE Thu, Jul-24-03 15:36

Week One Goals:

1st) Wish I was as cool as Bree at writing this stuff. Her Week One looks like it was written in code. I am jealous. Mine looks like it was written in crayon.

A) "Stretching to the Classics" every morning.
B) Upper body workout every other day
C) Cardio tape OR machine every day; tapes "Sit Tight" OR "Silver Foxes" 10 minutes minimum; machine is a generic Health Rider type and I will do 2 minutes minimum working up from there.
AND lastly) AT WORK, I will walk up one flight of stairs at least once per week to exercise my knee.

Oh, and I have great arms. The rest of me may be styled after Dom Deluise...but I definately have Tom Cruise arms.

callmecare Thu, Jul-24-03 17:58

I, Caren, make this contract with myself. For eight weeks, I will participate in this thread and dedicate myself to increasing my fitness.

My goals for week one

Friday 7/25: I will do my Denise Austin stomach video (20 min)

Saturday 7/26: I will get up on my eliptical machine for 5 minutes (haven't been on it in 2 months) or will walk away the pounds 1 mile video

Sunday 7/27 thru Thursday7/31: will swim laps in brothers pool for 20 minutes, each day

My Goals for the part of Week Two

Friday 8/1 thru Sunday 8/3: will walk at least 15 minutes outdoors each day

I am going to be on "vacation untill 7/27-8/4 will hope to check in from time to time while I am gone. When I get back I will revamp my fitness schedule, for the rest of Week Two.

My reward will be an evening for myself--no kids, husband or pets

PattyCT Fri, Jul-25-03 05:52

I, Patty, make this contract with myself for 8 weeks to participate in this thread and to be dedicated to increasing my physical fitness

My 8 week goals: Curves 3x/week working up to adding in my exercise bike 2x/week for at least 15 minutes each. My secondary goal is more psychological-- I want to love the body that I have, I want to go on my vacation in 7 weeks feeling wonderful about who I am and where I am in this journey... I will feel like the most beautiful bride in the world and will love the pictures that are taken of our day. If I'm still a 26/28 size bride, then I am a 26/28... and a beautiful one at that!

Goal Week One:
Curves on Saturday, Tuesday and Thursday for 30 minutes each
Doing the "love my arms" exercise and homework


Hope1 Fri, Jul-25-03 07:00

This isn't going to look as good as any of the others, but I'm not going to use sleep over it.
I, Hope1 (Barb), make this contract with myself. For eight weeks I will participate in this thread and dedicate myself to increasing my fitness.

My goals for week one
1. 20 mins of bellydance practice everyday
2. 20 mins of pilates (aternating core work with arm, legs and abs)

I raise my glass (of de-caf green tea) to one and all. Up the rebels!

JYounginer Fri, Jul-25-03 07:09

I, Joni Y, make a contract with myself (and this forum) that I am committing to 8 weeks of fitness building pleasure. :) Althought my commitments might not seem as strict as others, this is my plan:

Week 1 - Walk 10 minutes a day (Knee injury causes it not to be fast, but I will prevail!)
Week 2 - Walk 15 minutes a day (Do you see where this is going?)
And so on...

Starting Weight - 322
Goal - 160

Ok, good luck to all. Can't wait to hear how we all are coming along!

Joni Younginer
Little Rock, AR

Marebear Fri, Jul-25-03 08:03

I, Mary, make a contract with myself. I will participate in this forum and focus my energy on working to improving my fitness and body image.

My goals:
1. Cardio 3 times a week doing a video. Right now I am doing 20 minutes and would like to be at 30 minutes in 8 weeks. My goal for the week is to just do 3 times for 20 minutes.
2. Weight lifting 3 times a week - full body 2 sets. I just work out at home with dumbbells and a bench.
3. Stretching - this is a very neglected area for me and I promise to stretch after lifting.
4. Love my arms (it is funny that this is the area to work on because just yesterday I was thinking how much I hated my arms LOL)

Good luck everyone!!!

tlmarshall Sat, Jul-26-03 09:19

Hi all - I know I am a day late posting but wanted to let you know that I am with you too! Thanks for the inspiration!

I, Teresa, make a contract with myself. I will participate in this forum and focus my energy on working to improving my fitness and body image.

My eight week goals are as follows:
Journal all activities, log all food intake, drink more water and stay postive!

Week 1
1. 10 Minutes Stretching Morning and Night
2. 10 Minutes Walking Daily

Week 2

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