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diemde Sun, Feb-01-04 09:40

What is your weigh in ritual?
Ok, I know I'm a bit obsessive about weighing myself. I do it everyday, but I don't let it get me down if the weight is up one day to the next. I update my profile here on Mondays, so that's the official weigh in. As long as it's going down each Monday, then I don't worry about it.

However, I'm obsessive about when I weigh myself and what I wear. I have this ritual I go through. I do it in the mornings just after waking. Now my scale is in the main part of the house so that my daughter and I can both use it. So I can't weigh naked - well, I could, but let's not go there. :lol:

My ritual is that after waking up I go potty first. Then I put on my special tank top. I don't know how I started this, but at my size I didn't want the variations in the weight of my clothes to be an issue with weighing. So I always weigh in with the same shirt on. :lol:

See, I told you I was obsessive....How about you?

Julie88 Sun, Feb-01-04 10:09

Almost daily, Naked and first thing in the am after the nessary bathroom stop, and always before my coffee.
I always weigh 3 times. if im up I dont beatmyself up I just try harder that day. This works for me.

AZDean Sun, Feb-01-04 10:14

I weigh every morning, and thankfully my scale is in our master-bathroom. Since I'm looking for every little ounce, I try to make sure I've completely gone "potty" before weighing myself.

If my weight goes down, then I update my profile here. I NEVER update it in the other direction as I know my weight will soon come down again!

One thing that bothers me though is drinking late at night. I know the water weight will reflect on my scale, so I tend to stop drinking (or drink less) after a certain hour in the evening. It's amazing what we'll do to see lower numbers on that old scale!!

Charran Sun, Feb-01-04 10:50

I count my official weight as that on the gym scale. I weigh in on Mondays and change my profile then if it needs to be. I am fully dressed, with shoes on and have eaten breakfast already. I always weigh before my workout though. Sometimes during the week, I will weigh myself at home, however, my scale at home will change significantly by where I put it on the bathroom floor, so I really don't trust it that much. The one at the gym is digital and I can't get it to ( and believe me, I've tried)!

LCchickFL Sun, Feb-01-04 10:53

I weigh myself on Mondays after the potty break and before I eat anything. I wear whatever I wore to bed the night before since most of my nighties are pretty much the same weight. (I haven't weighed them :lol: but I don't really wear heavy stuff to bed).

I try not to weigh myself too early, since for some reason I tend to weigh a little more at say 7 than I do at 9. I try not to peek during the week but, sometimes do. My 'official' weigh in is on mondays though.

memaw O5 Sun, Feb-01-04 11:42

My offical weigh in is every 6 weeks at my dietians BUT I weigh in every morning after the regular out put and before any intake.

AntiM Sun, Feb-01-04 11:54

I only use my doctor's scale. Usually that means I get weighed once a month, but this last time it was three months.

I eat, drink, exercise first and wear normal clothes.

Now all this sounds kindof together, and like I don't care, but it's a battle with my head *every* time. 'If I don't drink water, I'll weigh less' ... 'I should wear the rayon pants, not the jeans', etc.

The bad thing about my ritual - I start feeling anxious the week before I'm going to get weighed (what if didn't lose anything?). The good thing? Dramatic drops every once in awhile.

I'm resisting getting a scale - which is easy since I want an accurate one that does body fat % too, and I just don't have the $$$. Still ... someday I'm sure I'll be standing naked in the bathroom, drained of all possible fluids, checking to see how I'm doing that day. :)

LauriTheRN Sun, Feb-01-04 11:57

I weigh myself every morning after the first potty stop and 1 c. of coffee. My scale is in my garage and it's really cold but I strip myself down and usually weigh in my panties or stark naked. I look forward to the weigh in, it's like a kid on christmas in the morning. Sometimes the weight is the same for a few days but I usually see at least a 1/4 lb loss after that.

hummelda Sun, Feb-01-04 12:31

Monday is my official weigh-in day and I use the scale at work -- it's a slidey-thing likethe doctor's scale so I figure it's accurate. I try to weigh in as soon as I arrive -- breakfast at home, and the official potty stop before heading to the scale -- even a few drops could make a difference, I reckon! :)

For the first number of months, I wore the same suit every Monday but it got so big and bulky that the woman who sits just outside the door where the scale is kept suggested that I change into a smaller outfit and I could just "keep" the pounds that were lost with the extra fabric -- just like my extra weight, that extra fabric is gone for good so I convinced myself she was right! No shoes and no jacket.

maryc Sun, Feb-01-04 14:12

My official weigh day is Sunday Morning after going potty and before my bath just after I wake up. I weigh naked and also try not to drink many fluids at least 3 hours before weighing. I have a habit of drinking water all night. Sometimes I will get an urge to weigh in, in the middle of the week so I do just to see how it is going, but always just after I get up after a potty break and before breakfast. If I'm lower I update my stats and if my weight is higher I let them be because I know in a few days it will go back down.

feather Sun, Feb-01-04 14:56

I weigh every morning NUFT (naked unfed toileted). Then I record my weight on a exel line graph. That sounds a bit obsessive, but actually it's helped me become less obsessive. I've been doing it since September and I now know that my weight loss follows a pattern of hills and valleys. I always go up after a big loss, but then come down in a series of swings. Knowing that helps me to chill a lot more about my weight.

Mossling Sun, Feb-01-04 16:56

NUFT? NUFT? :lol: Great term, feather!

I weigh in the morning, AFTER potty, BEFORE shower, totally...NUFT. I try not to update my profile here until the number is lower 2-3 days in a row (in other words, if I hit 271 once, then 270, then 271, I'll enter 271), because my pattern is to flirt with a weight, then go back up, back down, back up, back down...and then down again. So far, every time I've updated too soon, I've had to change it back. (sob.)


TeachinNV Sun, Feb-01-04 20:20

Hi all...:wave:

I pulled my scale back out on Friday, after decided I couldn't go a whole month without weighing myself. :rolleyes: My "official" weighing day will now be on Mondays, although I'm sure I'll sneak a peek in between.

My weigh ins are in the morning, post potty, post shower, pre-breakfast. This is usually around 5:30 a.m. The post shower part is so that I can have my contacts in...otherwise, I wouldn't be able to read the darn numbers. I'm usually in my bra and quickly becoming loose panties. :p

This is a great thread...I'm imagining all of you in various states of undress (yikes) gingerly stepping on the scale. I don't think I could weigh myself in the garage...there's a window.

TTFN!! :wave:

maryannec Sun, Feb-01-04 21:19


Definately NUFT! (typically daily, but I am slowly changing to weekly).

CindyG Mon, Feb-02-04 00:26

Sounds like we all have a ritual going on with our scales.

My official weigh in is once a month at Curves, where I get weighed and measured. Plus they chart it for me and it's great to see the big drops in inches and body fat. I always weigh on a Saturday morning before I have any water. I strip down as much as I can in public, which basically means I take off my shoes and leave everything else. I also wear the same clothes everytime.

Of course I can't stand to go an entire month without seeing whats happening, so I usually weigh every saturday just to see how things are progressing. I will also get on the scale at home, but it is so inaccurate that I put it bathroom cabinet way in the back. If I'm desperate to see the numbers, I can pull it out of there, but usually it's out of sight out of mind!

Two weeks until my next official weigh in. I'm hoping to break the 300 barrier then.

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