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fern2340 Wed, Aug-15-01 07:33

A Sit-Down Workout
Sounds like a good workout for people who are just sitting around the house... now you can get some exercise while you're sitting!!! :)

A sit-down workout

Chair Dancing is one of many exercise programs that combine the fun of music and dance with the health benefits of aerobic exercise. But Chair Dancing is unique in that it doesn’t require special clothing, equipment or a lot of space. In fact, it’s ideal for all ages and can be done just about anywhere. So pull up a chair and start dancing!

You can use Chair Dancing to improve your muscle tone, flexibility and posture. It gives almost everyone – even those with physical limitations – a chance to enjoy the health benefits of aerobic exercise. As you do Chair Dancing over time, your strength and endurance will improve. You’ll have more energy, better circulation and reduced stress – all the result of your heart pumping oxygen-rich blood throughout your body.

Check your pulse.

To effectively gauge the effects of aerobic exercise, you should monitor your heart rate before and after your workout. Place your index and middle fingers on your wrist (closer to the thumb side). Using a stopwatch, count the number of heartbeats you feel in exactly six seconds. Add a “0” to the number to get your heart rate. It should fall between 60 and 100 before your routine. Your goal is to gradually raise your heart rate to the exercise rate recommended for your age.

W O R K O U T N O . 1
All you need to get started is a chair. A straight-backed chair without arms is best. After you’ve taken your pre-exercise pulse, sit forward enough for your feet to rest comfortably on the floor. For good posture, lift your chest with your abdominal muscles, pressing them in to give support to your back.

Follow these cues in time with your favorite lively music. Mix and match them as you like. Feel free to make up your own motions as you go along. Just remember to work within your range of motion and be sure to not push yourself too hard. Do each movement eight times with the music and remember to repeat lateral movements for each side.

Begin lightly as the music starts, tapping your toes with the beat. Swing your toes out and in, out and in, letting the knees and hips open slightly, warming up your joints. Move your arms out and in, windshield-wiper style. Keep your feet going. You’ll feel your legs warming up.

Lift your elbows.

Stretch those sides.

With your hands on your hips, lift your heels and drop them down on the beat. Swing your heels out and in, out and in, your knees and hips opening slightly. Put your hands on your shoulders and lift your elbows like you’re flapping your wings. Keep the feet going!

Now stretch your left arm out and over to the right, bending from your waist. Curve your body forward, rounding your back. Turn for a left-side stretch, then straighten your body and bring your arms down. Recreate your favorite swimming motions in your chair. Stretch your shoulders and your back as you stroke each arm forward or back. Try the backstroke, the breaststroke, the butterfly stroke.

Holding onto your seat, lift your right hip up, then put it down. Use your stomach muscles and tighten your buttocks. Lift your left hip up, then put it down. Repeat the motion a little faster. With two hands, draw a big, bright, beautiful sun in the air. Reverse the circular motion to pull all that sunshine in, giving yourself brightness and light.

Play the trombone.

Get into the music! March to the beat with your knees rising high. Rap on the snare drum as you go. Grab your imaginary orchestra baton and conduct the orchestra. If you know the words, sing along. Pretend you’re playing the piano, the trombone, the guitar…. Make sure you do both sides and have fun!

Round the routine out with some gentle head rolls on each side and up and down. Follow it with shoulder rolls, alternating direction and speed. Sit up tall, open your arms wide and give yourself a big hug. Lift your arms up and down, shake them out.

When you’re done with your first workout (after 15 minutes or so), check your pulse. Your heart rate should fall within your recommended range. If it’s too high or you’re feeling tired, take it a little easier. If you heart rate is below your recommended level, you may want to put more vigor into your next Chair Dancing routine.

Strength training
continued from p1

W O R K O U T N O . 2
Strength training stimulates bone growth, improves posture, decreases body fat, and improves balance and mobility. This workout is designed to help you firm, tone and shape your muscles. It will make everyday tasks such as lifting, holding and climbing much easier.

Add some small hand weights for this routine. Beginners should start with no weights or at the most one-pound weights and then progress slowly to a maximum of three to four pounds. Don’t overdo it; too much weight will detract from your form and alignment. Most important, respect and listen to your body. Rest when you need to and stop the exercise if you have any pain.

As the music starts, inhale as you stretch your arms up and out. Exhale as you let them slowly fall. Pick up your weights and rest them on your thighs. March in place. Lift your right knee up and down. Feel the burn in the top of your thigh. Try it a little faster now, up and down, up and down, for a total of eight times. Try the other leg.

Work the thighs.

Keeping your knees relaxed, straighten your right leg out and lift it up high. Lower it. Repeat on the other side. Remember to do eight of everything! When you’ve done both legs, put your weights down. Sit back in your chair and hold the side of your seat for support. Lift your legs, toes straight out. Open them and close them to the beat. Make sure you feel the outside and inside of your thighs working.

Bicep curls.

Picking up your weights again, tuck your elbows in at your side for some bicep curls. To the beat, take them up, higher, down, lower, up, higher, down, lower, etc. Feel a shortening contraction on the way up and a lengthening contraction on the way down. Now try it up and down in one motion without swinging. And then one arm at a time. Take the weight across to your shoulder, then open it out. After eight times, switch arms.

Bring both elbows down.

Take a deep breath and realign your body. With your arms overhead, pull the right arm down. Pull down and stretch, down and stretch. Bring your elbow to your thigh and feel the muscles of your outer back. Try it with both arms. Put your weights down and shake out your arms.

Holding only one weight, turn slightly to the right, pointing your knees diagonally from the back of your chair. Curl the weight up with your left hand eight times. Don’t forget to do it on the other side. Now pull the weight up, like you're pulling weeds. Your knuckles should be faced out. Your shoulders should be relaxed.

Stomach toning.

Now try stomach toning. Slide down in your chair so that your shoulders are resting on the back of the chair. Feet flat on the floor and knees relaxed, hold the front of your chair. Now contract your shoulders up, hold, then bring them and all the way back. Eight times. Exhale on the lean back, inhale on the contraction.

The pelvic tilt is similar. Still leaning back, put your fingertips on your lower abdominal muscles, pull your toes back and pull your belly button toward the chair. Eight count. Hold your chair again and contract your shoulders and lift your knees at once. Up, all the way back; up, and all the way back. Upper and lower muscles together. Now cross your right leg over your left, put your left hand behind your head, hold the chair with your right, and contract up, hold, then relax. Up, hold, relax. Eight times, then eight more on the other side.

Diverse musical styles
continued from p2

W O R K O U T N O . 3
Ready for a polka? Start by pulling your abdominal muscles up and in, placing your hands on your hips, and lifting your toes. Tap your toes on the first and third beats. Remember, eight times for each motion! Now point your toes out and in on alternating beats. Add your arms: fan them out, then clap your hands.

Now bounce your heels eight times. Then out and in, out and in. Add your arms, just like you did before. Lift your toes, tap your toes. Lift your heels and bounce your heels. Out and in, out and in. Add your arms again. Now try heel bounces: Press the palm of your hands toward the floor as you bounce your heel. Follow it with toe bounces: Shake your hands over your head like you’re shaking water off your fingers. Be sure to do both sides!

Take a deep breath. Now try a slower song for wide, graceful stretches. Check your posture, pulling your abdominal muscles up and in and straightening your spine. Reach your arms in front to the music, out and open, out and open. Eight times. Now, starting with your hands down, lengthen your torso, reaching out to the side in one direction with one arm and out in the other direction with the same side’s leg – the skate and reach move.

Leg out, arms spread

With a zesty tango, focus on toning your arms and legs. Bring both arms and your right leg to the front. On the beat, kick your right leg out and push both hands out in front at the same time: out and in, out and in. Now kick the leg out to the side, pushing your palms out on either side. Do eight counts on both sides.

Using paper plates.

With a fast rhythm, use two paper plates. Hold them as you do your movements to maintain the proper form. Shake your arms up and down, then side to side – like you’re shaking maracas. Up and down. Touch your left elbow with your right-hand plate, then your right elbow with your left-hand plate. Rock your feet as you shake your “maracas.” Really get into the dance!

When you’re done, check your pulse again and make sure it’s within the appropriate range for your age group. Doesn’t it feel great to treat yourself to exercise, fun and good health? With Chair Dancing, you’ve toned, stretched and strengthened your muscles, circulated oxygen-rich blood throughout your body, and taken the time to care for yourself.

CherylAust Thu, Aug-16-01 06:19

hey Fern,
I am going to give this workout a go, it looks interesting. I am glad that I am working at home, I don't think that I would have the guts to try it out in public.


fern2340 Thu, Aug-16-01 06:21

Let me know how it goes. I think this is something I might try once in a while when I do not feel like going to the gym. And I definitely agree, I wouldn't want to do this outside!!! Could imagine seeing people sitting on a park bench waving paper plates around?!?!?! :) LOL

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