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ccook002 Sat, Feb-01-03 07:10

Not losing
I started low carbing last year and finally, after a month of not losing, lost about 20 lbs. I had a bad car accident in September and was out of work, then the holidays came, and I gained back 12 lbs. Now, I can't exercise cause I hurt my back (at least for the time being i can't). I started Atkins again and have been faithful for three week and have actually gained a couple of pounds. This is what I ate yesterday, as an example.

Two hardboiled eggs
two ounces of cheese

ten chicken wings, blue cheese & celery

some leftover roast pork (snack, about 6 ounces probably)

eight ounces sauteed shrimp in butter with two cups of salad greens (sauteed with the shrimp), one ounce of cheddar melted over the top, put under the broiler.

four cups of regular coffee with heavy cream and splenda
way over 64 ounces of water

I am back up to 184, was down to 168 at one point last summer. When I was on last year, I tried eliminating caffeine, cheese and the heavy cream one at a time, could not find any correlation between then and my lack of weight loss, then all of a sudden, i started losing. Any help you can give me would be appreciated, even if it is just encouragement to stay on track. Thanks. Cheryl

chiqui Sat, Feb-01-03 09:06

Dear Cheryl: I too lost a daily part time job last July and began putting on the pounds. I still freelance but not going to work every day sure puts a dent in the routine and leaves plenty of time to rummage thru the fridge.

Your menu sounds like mine - just eat it! I've always had a big appetite and it's very difficult to cut back. Luckily, I like my main meal at lunch. I eat a dinner-type of meal at that time, and then not too big a meal later in the day. Night eating is a big problem and I've had to say NO to myself after 10 pm.

I was glad to see that somebody cut out the caffeine and cheese and heavy cream. I suspected that they were hampering my weight loss and you've confirmed that.

I've started LC'ing again after many stops and starts. It's not easy. I put up an announcement on my board: You can buget your money, now budget your food. I have to give encouragement to myself, and I'll give some to other LC'ers as well.

Keep it up and don't lose faith.

Cheers from Chiqui

beabeau Sun, Feb-02-03 11:46

not losing either
I've been on Atkins for 3 months and haven't really lost any weight at all. I have been totally 100% faithful. I even went to the point of going to the doctor and having my thyroid checked--it was fine. I am beginning to believe that Atkins is not for everyone. It is very discouraging because I really believed in the beginning that it was the answer to my prayers. I'm more than discouraged I'm angry and a little concerned that maybe something is wrong with me if I'm the only person whe can't lose on Atkins.

LittleAnne Wed, Feb-05-03 03:08

Hi Cheryl

Congratulations on your weight loss first time round. I can understand why you are puzzled now that you are back on Atkins and not loosing. I assume that you are eating the same as last time?

Whilst low carbing is not about counting calories, they do play a part. How many calories do you think you eat on average a day. You should try to keep them to around 10 times your body weight. Too much more and you will not loose, perhaps gain, and much less and your body will go into starvation mode and again you will not lose. There is a sweet spot in the middle. I would encourage you to explore Fitday if you have not already. Many of us use it to keep track of their carbs, calories, protein and fat. I find it a godsend. It would be worth eating around 30 g carbs a day. Eating less does not mean faster weight loss. I now eat around 50 carbs a day.

You do not say how old you are. I had problems last year when approaching the menopause my estrogen levels were very low. If your hormones are not in balance you will also not loose weight. I had a bad patch of around 3 months where I stayed the same, gaining and loosing the same 2 pounds, however now I'm on HRT my hormones are balanced and I am loosing weight regularly again. Throughout this time I kept LCing as I feel good doing it.

So explore these 2 issues and look at the other factors in your life to see if there are any logical things that are stopping the weight loss. Keep the faith. The fat will come off in its own good time.

Have a read of the Sticky: post at the top of this forum - So you think you are a turtle.

Every success.

chiqui Thu, Feb-06-03 07:48

Hi LittleAnn
I received a notice to respond but I am sure the message was for BeaBeau, who you responded to. But I'm writing anyway. I read you message and as soon as I saw the word "whilst", I knew you were British. Our folks say "eh?" at the end of everything, which proves they're Canadians.

I went thru menopause and was cranky for 2 years and ate everything. I too went on the patch, which was a godsend. Pls check out risks for the patch. Very important. I also had my thyroid checked and will take medicine the rest of my life.

I am paying attention to your advice on calorie count. I didn't think it meant very much on low card but looks like I'm wrong.

Cheers from Chiqui

quikdeb Fri, Feb-07-03 16:10

Have you thought of switching plans? I could not lose on Atkins no matter how much I tweaked it. Finally got tired of it altogether. Recently, I started on CAD. So much more liveable for me and I am losing at a steady rate. Everybody is different. Maybe you need to check out some other plans


orchidday Fri, Feb-07-03 18:41

Hi Ccook!

Just looking at your menu, I don't see ANY veggies???? You do need the 20 carbs to be able to go to the potty. QUICK add some! I sure hope you can keep losing weight. How horrible to be in an accident like that. Hang in there!! Cindi

beabeau Sat, Feb-08-03 11:06

reply to quickdeb
Hi Deb

I hope you come back to this thread because I don't know how to send this to you. Normally, I would send it to your journal. I'm not even sure if that is the correct route, but it gets it there. However, I couldn't find your journal.

CAD huh My extint of knowledge of CAD is what the initials stand for. What is the best book explaining it? And what if I am insulin resistant? can I still be on this plan. I was probably a diabitic, just not diagnosed. While I've been on the Atkins, I've noticed my enery levelto be more balanced. But, geez, I miss my barley.

Hope you read this!

chiqui Sat, Feb-08-03 20:42

quikdeb -CAD
Is CAD the Carb Addict's Diet? I thumbed thru their book in the library and think that's the one where you eat a baked potato at night. A lady passed by and said she tried it and it was great.

Are you on this 'baked potato at night" diet? How's it going?

Cheers from Chiqui

Hellwoman Tue, Feb-11-03 01:02

No weight loss either?????
Hi Beabeau
I am like you. I started Atkins beginning of January 2003 and lost 1 pound. I admit my clothes feel slightly looser, but I have not moved on the scales at all. I work to the plan at 100% and have stayed on Induction to help.
I truly do not know why I have not lost more weight?
I am not as hungry and am starting to get sick of Induction food, but will keep it up. I might look at that CAD that others have talked about.
I even looked at the Zone diet, but with all the food blocks, it looks too hard and a pain to work out.
Hellwoman :daze:

quikdeb Tue, Feb-11-03 11:06

chiqui and beabeau,

The best place to get info is in the books - Carbohydrate Addicts Diet ( the first) or Carbohydrate Addicts Life Plan (the latest.)
I've only been doing this for 4 weeks and have lost 7 pounds, but I am no expert.

I don't know about insulin resistance so I can't help on that score, but if you post in the CAD/ CALP forum I sure someone there can help you. There are people who have been doing this much longer than I.

It's much more than a baked potato diet! I have not had a baked potato yet. I eat whatever I make for my family preceded with a salad, and I eat a great dessert every night! Not all CAD people eat or desire to eat a dessert every night, but I don't see any point as long as I'm losing to give it up.

As a lifetime dieter, this is the easiest, most enjoyable diet I've ever been on and I can truely see myself living like this indefinately. Check it out, if you are not satisfied with the results you are having now. I think you might really like it.

I don't have a journal, and I was out of town or I would have answered you days ago. Sorry for the delay.


chiqui Mon, Feb-24-03 19:50

DEAr Quickdeb: I was off this website for awhile, had some heavy days at work. I haven't been able to diet, just been out of control. I need a vacation fast.

It's wonderful you've found a diet that you can live with. That hasnt happened to me yet.

Cheers from Chiqui

Linda Love Sat, Aug-09-03 18:26

Hope you don't mind my dropping in, but I am having one heck of a problem losing. I bought CoQ-10, L-Carnitine, Flaxseed Oil Evening Primrose Oil, CLA and I don't feel any smaller and my clothes are still snug. Geez, I'm really getting frustrated.

Three years ago when I started Atkins, the weight just melted off. Now, I'm 47 and started back July '03, I've only lost 6lbs, but I got on the scale at the clinic and it read 177lbs. I don't cheat. I take the Flaxseed and Primrose Oils for hotflashes and night sweats and they help. I just started taking the other 3 supps last week according to Dr. A's book DANDR.

Am I being too impatient? To make matters worse, I didn't even exercise three years ago. My nutritionist thinks that Atkins WOE has disturbed my thyroid. Could this be true? How long should I wait to see at least some results?

HELLLLLP!!!!! Getting scared!

chiqui Sat, Aug-16-03 15:36

Dear Linda: When youre getting hot flashes, your hormones are going crazy. Gewt your thyroid checked immed. as its a common condition of middle age and menopausal women. I have to take those little pills for the rest of my life. Sincerely, Chiqui

Linda Love Sat, Aug-16-03 19:40

Thanx, Chiqui, but I am now wearing size 12 jeans to my surprise. I experimented and it was too many veggies in my diet. Although they are the recommended 3 cups, plus one cooked, that's too many for me. I eat them in a salad or cooked once a day. It must be working finally, because men are giving me double-takes. They didn't do that last month. I don't know what I weigh, but I don't really care either. I don't usually weigh myself and to the end, I don't own a scale anymore. I'm fine. I've had my thyroid checked (blood test, which Dr. A is totally against) and it came back normal. I'm will, however, inquire about a the more thorough exam. I really appreciate your post and suggestion. I'm fine now. I was redecorating my apartment and painting 8-10 hours a day and became frustrated and I put the blame on something. Last month, I couldn't even get a size 12 over my upper thighs, now they are getting loose.

The bottom line is patience. From now on, that will be my savior. I'm not quitting this WOE because I know it will save my life. By the way, I notice you don't eat after 9p, well I don't eat 3 hours before bedtime either. I think that's your purpose, too. Take care and thanx again.

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