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crysania Sun, Aug-17-03 22:35

needing advise
ok this might take a few minutes to explain out here and I have a few questions as well
Me and my mother started LC'ing at the same time two monthes ago I started at 298 with 100 to loose (I am 6' so give or take a little) and she was unable to weight on the scale I own (which goes up to 330) my first question is for those that are larger how do you weigh yourself?
now today was our 2 month mark and I have lost 30 lbs and 10 inches while she is still unable to weigh but she has lost 15 inches
the only diffrence is I am more active than she is. I walk to work three days a week, do yoga 2x a week & bellydance 1x a week, Where as she has a office job and gets very little in the way of exersize. Question two, is it normal to loose alot of inches without weight? And also what causes that.
now she is happy for my results so far but I know its making her feel really bad, she is getting depressed cause she isn't loosing and I am afraid she is gonna end up quiting which i do not want to happen. she is breathing better she doesn't gasp for air when she walks and even doesn't snore like she was (acording to my step dad, who is also suportive, though not lc'ing) we have both told her we can see some diffrance but she doesn't belive us. in fact even though her pants are getting looser she insists she is gaining weight that she should eat less ect. any advise for me to cheer her up and help modivate her would be greatly appricated
hopefully this makes sense I am not always good puting my thoughts to words

Kathy54 Sun, Aug-17-03 23:53

YES YES YES lot's do loose inches,rather then just pounds, many say it's a better measument of how well the plan is working! So please tell here she is doing fabulous for me O.K.
If she has'nt been on scales to record her weight how does she know she has'nt lost?
Can you find something in her closet that she used to wear, but grew out of?? pick something you figure she could now fit into with those lost inches, maybe that would convince her.
What about the scales at her doctors office?
I sure hope both of you stick with it, this is such a great way of eating and the easiest way to lose !!

Cheers Kathy

LittleAnne Mon, Aug-18-03 01:44

Hi Crysania

Unfortunately for many of us we are conditioned to only see weight loss in terms of pounds on the scale. But as you have shown there is more to it than that and taking your measurements is just a good a measure of the reducing person. Often these can change when the scales do not, anyway.

I've heard of people going to mail offices or similar places with large scale weighing machines to be weighed. Does the doctor have a machine that goes up to 500 pounds?

However, congratulate your Mum on losing so many inches. Does she have an outfit or pair of trousers that are to tight for her now. Get her to use these to see how she is doing.

Don't forget your Mum may be scared of losing weight as with the new person comes different responsibilities. I know I've used it as a shield in the past.

Every success to you both.

geo53562 Mon, Aug-18-03 01:54

I have a "quick and dirty" solution to your scale problem. Get a second scale, have her stand with one foot on each scale, then simply add the two weights together. It won't be 100% accurate, but it will be close, and a lot cheaper than buying a specialty scale that weighs over 330 pounds.

An added advantage is that this will give her a terrific target to shoot for...the day when she can use a single scale to weigh herself!

It sounds like you are both making great progress...keep up the good work!

Paleoanth Mon, Aug-18-03 08:20

I think that one of the wonderful things about lcing is the inch loss! I have lost a total of 40 pounds, which is great, but I have lost TEN INCHES in my waist alone. That is more than 40 pounds can explain. My weight bobs up and down a couple of pounds on a daily basis (i.e. this morning I was 126-127) but my waist size is smaller two weeks ago when I was a steady 126.

If I were your mom I would track progress by inches lost and body fat % reduced. I am so glad she is doing this, not only for her, but for you too.

RcknRobin Mon, Aug-18-03 08:58

We have almost the exact situation as you! :) I am the mother, and my daughter is my LC partner. In a little over 3 weeks Induction, I have lost 15 inches, and she has lost 10 :) and we have no scale either!

We went to the Doctor's office and weighed ourselves 2 weeks ago, to get an idea of what we were starting at, even though we had already lost some inches. I have to admit, that it was a tiny bit disheartening to finally see a number for me, after feeling so great about losing inches, but it helped to put things into perspective. Also, now we know where we are heading from here. My daughter weighs less than me too!

We finally ordered a scale this week, as a birthday present to me, and we decided upon a Tanita. They make their scales, with some that will go as high as 440?? Or higher, and they come recommended from all the posts I have read about them. We got one that goes to 330, since things are dropping quickly now, and I can finally weigh myself at home soon.

We have also tried on some clothing we havent been able to wear, which now looks nice, and some smaller stuff, to see where we are going next. That and before and after pictures. I see people post theirs and they look remarkably different in just a short time, even 10-15 lbs can make a difference in a picture, when you can compare it to one when you are heavier. Also we put up a chart on the wall, so we can chart our success, seeing it helps, and we started to do exercise tapes together too :wiggle:

Its nice to know that there are others with so much in common :roll: There are a lot of other ways to motivate, but having a partner really helps.

Good luck to you both!


crysania Mon, Aug-18-03 09:40

thanks for the wonderful replies
She is using a pair of jeans she wore when she was right at 300, and she fit into them today though they were still tight. so maybe my scale doesn't go up as high as it says i am not sure but the fact that she could get them pants on seems to have cheered her for now
geting before pictures or getting her to go weigh i have been trying to get her to do both
but she is majorly camera shy, and just says i will get it later or somthing
and i think she is probably embarressed to go and get herself weighed though i dunno for sure

Kathy54>> I will tell her what you said tonight when I get off work :)

geo53562>> I never thought of using another scale, i have an old dial one that i could probably dust off will check it out on myself and see how close it comes on me before asking her if she wants to try it

RcknRobin>> wow we do have alot in common!
I would love to do exercise with my mom, but she has alot of knee problems and really should be doing like the under water stuff when she starts working out. I don't know exactly what is wrong but I know that it swells under the knee cap like crazy and makes walking a chore if she is not careful, the doctors have told her no stairs no biking and nothing that puts impact on it pretty much :/ though hopefully as she looses weight it will get better :)


Jannie Mon, Aug-18-03 11:22

Mom could always go back to the doctor's office, just to weigh herself, at least once. The other thing I would strongly advise is for her to exercise---now that can mean parking your car further from work, walking on lunch break, etc--anything to get her body moving on a regular basis. Then she can progress to whatever type of exercise appeals to her: walking, jogging, working out at a gym, exercise tapes (take your pick), Pilates, lifting weights (really easy to do at home), etc.

:wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle:

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