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sk8termom Wed, Jan-22-03 13:10

Can you help me find my motivation - a last ditch effort by me
I promise not to post this any more... I can do so well for a few days, then just cannot keep it up. I don't know what's wrong. I have so much weight to lose. I've been able to lose weight before, but just can't seem to stay on track this time. I don't know if it's the slow weight loss, food temptation, what's going on. I really like the foods on this WOE, and after a couple of days the hunger pangs are gone, and I feel much better.

I desperately need to lose this weight for health reasons - can you guys give me a kick in the butt, some support, whatever you think could help.

I want to start again tomorrow morning, and I really need to get going. I am such a failure...

Thanks for reading - and thanks in advance for your help.


vbrowne Wed, Jan-22-03 13:29

sk8, you're not a failure! Well, if you are wanting to start tomorrow then I assume your fridge and cupboards are ready and stripped of "nasty things".

It took me a long time to actually stick to this WOL long term, I'd start, then lose a bit, which I thought was a lot, then cheat, get cocky, etc, then bitch and complain about my size. What I did, that helped me do an about face was looking at clothes - simple as that, I'd see clothes I'd love to wear and knowing I'd look ridiculous at the size I was made me change. When I actually stuck to this WOL, the way I felt health wise was phenominal and I can't ever imagine not feeling this good every again. Anyway, this is what keeps me going - I also started working out regularly, I used to cringe at the thought of exercise, now it's a part of my life, and again, couldn't do without it. So maybe a bit of "envy" for fashion may help and shear determination. You know you can do it, you said you like the food - read the recipes for variety and you should be able to stay on track. Let me know how you do tomorrow :thup:


sk8termom Wed, Jan-22-03 13:33

I think you made a great point
My husband eats all kinds of garbage, and leaves it everywhere.
Chocolate, cookies etc... There's no convincing him to do otherwise. Our 5 year old son, Alexander, is severely underweight so we have to keep high-carb food readily available for him.

I just have to find a way to resist the temptations - even though I have tons of low-carb foods around that I like to eat, it's very hard for me. Once I have lost about 10 lbs it gets easier, but the first 10 are very hard.

I have a pair of pants I'd like to get into - maybe I'll try them on once a week.

Thanks, Gail

lkonzelman Wed, Jan-22-03 13:42

Hi.... I make a separate meal for myself usually too. My DH eats what he wants and usually doesn't want what I make myself.

This has to be your choice. You need to take care of yourself. You need to be full and satisfied because in the real world there are lots of high carb choices always so easy to make.

Plan ahead a little to have lots of available options for yourself. Make lots of salads w/ tons of mayo and celery (like tuna, shrimp, chicken, egg, or turkey). These help when hunger hits and you need a couple of big bites of something to get you through.

Make larger meals for yourself and add cheese or cream sauces to fill up more. YOU ARE ALLOWED TO EAT HERE!

Have lots to raw yummy veggies to dip in high fat dressings or smear w/ cream cheese....

When family is eating something you want... have a snack too and FILL UP. Microwave some pepperoni.... Get the idea.

It is just planning. This is your health we are talking about here.

vbrowne Wed, Jan-22-03 13:59

Tell your DH to have a little consideration and help you out by not leaving stuff everywhere, you need his support - it's not fair to you when he knows you want to lose weight :mad:

I prepare all my lunches and snacks on Sunday afternoon, everything washed, prepped and put in tupperware for the week - it really helps stay on track. Dinner, we both pretty much eat the same, even though DH doesn't need to lose weight, he's always been a meat eater, I just make some kind of spuds for him (Irish man -- needs potatoes always) and he always eats hollandaise or bernaise sauces, whatever I make.

So tonight, sit down and insist that DH be supportive and understanding, and of course be true to yourself, JUST SAY NO!


sk8termom Wed, Jan-22-03 14:03

Thanks so much for your responses
I'm going to do some cooking tonight. I have the right lunch food here at work, lots of legal snacks too... I am kind of reluctant to talk to my husband - this is really my problem, not his. No matter where I go, there will be high carb sweets to tempt me. So I have to JUST SAY NO!!!! (There I've said it - but it's easy to say and harder to do)

I think I'm going to just do this a day at a time, give myself mini-rewards (not food) for being "good" each day. Hey, stickers work for motivating the kids, what's wrong with rewarding me?

Thanks again!


lkonzelman Wed, Jan-22-03 14:07

We are here for you...

kmwebb1967 Wed, Jan-22-03 14:12

FOCUS!!!! That is what I have to do!!! Just focus on YOUR goal...whether it is fitting into that pair of pants or wearing a bathingsuit this summer or Whatever your goal may be. YOU are the only one who can do this for you. Don't let anyone keep you from your goals!!!

We have faith in you, and WE know you CAN do this!!!


lpioch Wed, Jan-22-03 14:43

Re: Can you help me find my motivation - a last ditch effort by me
Originally posted by sk8termom
I promise not to post this any more... I can do so well for a few days, then just cannot keep it up. I don't know what's wrong. I have so much weight to lose. I've been able to lose weight before, but just can't seem to stay on track this time. I don't know if it's the slow weight loss, food temptation, what's going on. I really like the foods on this WOE, and after a couple of days the hunger pangs are gone, and I feel much better.

In my humble opinion, there's NOTHING wrong with you. You just have not yet made up your mind that this is top priority in your life. Yes, you know it in your head...but not in your heart too.

I don't know how to get it to your heart...but I know when you've REALLY made up your mind, there really is no turning back.

This is true for ANY diet...not just a low carb diet. Heck...this is true for almost ANYTHING in life...stop smoking; exercise; getting organized; you name it!

The first thing you need to know is that you WILL FALL OFF the wagon. Just make sure you IMMEDIATELY forgive yourself and pick yourself up (we're here to help with that), and start all over again - NOW ... not tomorrow ... NOW.

Keep reading about this way of life. And all the benefits. It's like motivational reading. I think that helps get the knowledge from your head into your heart where you do make life-changing decisions that LAST.

And EVERY SINGLE DAY (sometimes every single hour) you need to REcommit yourself to this way of eating. It's not a 1-time decision and then you coast all the way to the end. Each day we are faced with challenges. Each time we put food in our mouths, what the food is is OUR DECISION. And we need to decide EVERY SINGLE TIME to make the RIGHT decision. Basically, we (and yes, I'm mostly talking to myself) need to GROW UP and take responsibility for what we are doing to ourselves. When it comes to food, sometimes I can be so childish!

Here's to your making a life-long change!

-- Loretta

Iowagirl Wed, Jan-22-03 14:49

Here's my 2 cents....
I would reconsider talking to your husband. I'm sure he is supportive of your efforts to lose weight and be healthy. Perhaps he simply isn't aware how tempting it is for you to see his sugar carnage everywhere. By not telling him you are depriving him of an opportunity to help you. You may be suprised by his response. I'm sure you take care of him in certain ways, it is not unreasonable to want him to help you take care of yourself as well. ;)

sk8termom Wed, Jan-22-03 14:51

Sugar carnage - I like that phrase
I guess I need to forget my pride (sure isn't worth much since I'm doing so poorly) and ask my husband to help out with this. Also,
I need to convince myself with my heart that I really want to do this. Not "I have to do this" but "I want to do this". Hope I can do it.

Thanks again everyone!


vbrowne Wed, Jan-22-03 14:54

Stick close the this forum, the folks here are wonderful and will also help keep you on track. Happy cooking tonight.

hetoame Wed, Jan-22-03 15:44

Here's a suggestion...
I don't know if this is possible for you but you might consider giving yourself a huge reality check and taking a walk through a nursing home. Many, many of the people there are there because they have behavior related illness (lung cancer and diabetes etc). I wonder if you had any idea what a living hell it is to die of diabetes in one of those places what impact it might have on your motivation. Some of these people are literally decaying from the toes up. Most suffer daily indignities that I don't even know you'd want me to go in to. Suffice it say that the people who will be wiping your butt are not always caring medical professionals but rather the only poor saps they can get to do the job for just a buck or so over minimum wage. They usually don't last long in the job and every few weeks you have to deal with anther batch of newbies rolling you around or propping you up on the toilet. Sorry to be so graphic, but seeing this really helped me to recognize that I had to take another path in my life or was going to end up like that.


Iowagirl Wed, Jan-22-03 16:16


DDMariana Wed, Jan-22-03 16:55

Nothin' like a good reality check!

Whatever it takes to get control of your life...that's the main job for all of us. It's only's only an's only distorted thinking that it's going to make us FEEL BETTER...

Well does it really, in the longrun? Sweet??? Just not worth it :thdown:


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