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razzle Wed, Jan-02-02 00:18

dating fears
I'm certain this must have been discussed before, and I'm certain I'm not the only person who feels this way but...well, here I am discussing it. I went to a NyE party and two men showed interest in me and one actually asked me out and I am in a half-panic about it. And I don't have booze, drugs, or carbs to settle me down! (I would take up smoking, but it's

I know that many of us felt safe and secure from the difficulties of romantic relationships in our overcoat of extra fat. I know that many of us don't jump up and down with joy at the thought of getting naked in front of someone new (yeah, I know I'm not up to "naked" with this guy yet, but let's admit it...this IS where such things lead, if all goes well)....I both like and hate the added attention from men whenever I slim down. I know I'm not alone in these thoughts/feelings, but it would help me to hear others talk about their experiences. Maybe one of you has some insight, experience, knowledge, advice that would help me feel calmer about this date and the whole process of losing weight and how that changes one's love life.

So have at it! And thanks in advance.

K-Louise Wed, Jan-02-02 00:35

My response is short and sweet....
Hi Razzle....

I absolutely understand your panic. It is a scarey thing. I like to play the "what is the worst thing that can happen" game. If you think about the worst thing that can happen, I'm sure you will find you would survive it (the worst scenario, that is).

In short, if he is a great guy, and the chemistry is right, and you end up naked, well...... once the hormones kick in you won't be thinking such scarey thoughts. CONFIDENCE is the most attractive quality you can have. Relax and enjoy.

Its as much about you working out if you like him as it is him liking you remember.

Lucky girl.


tamarian Wed, Jan-02-02 01:09


As a guy (a small minority here! :) ), I think if a guy shows interest, that simply means he's already interested :p Naked or clothed, doesn't make any difference, as the only way we'd be surprised, is if there are hidden looks. Usually due to second degree burns or unusual skin disfiguration. As human beings, we project our images unto others, and can reasonably predict what others look like in their birthday suits. So, for all it's worth, if a guy sees you clothed, he has already seen you naked. :p

But away from all this physical dimension we all look for a mental/spiritual connection. Once we lay sight on a partner, the only thing that can go wrong is none-physical compatibility, since the physical aspect is already exposed from first sight. This should show up in a very short time after a few conversations. So I wouldn't worry about the physical part, it's already "covered".


LC Sponge Wed, Jan-02-02 05:03

Razzle - how flattering! Go read those resolutions I posted below in this General section.

The one that says "Burn your fear of rejection"

Read it till you believe it. And good luck out there, we're pulling for ya.

Marlaine Wed, Jan-02-02 10:18

Re: dating fears
Originally posted by razzle
I know that many of us felt safe and secure from the difficulties of romantic relationships in our overcoat of extra fat.

....I both like and hate the added attention from men whenever I slim down. I know I'm not alone in these thoughts/feelings, but it would help me to hear others talk about their experiences. Maybe one of you has some insight, experience, knowledge, advice that would help me feel calmer about this date and the whole process of losing weight and how that changes one's love life.

I understand exactly what you are talking about. Having been divorced for almost 5 years now after a 15 year marriage, the dating scene is very stressful for me as well. I think the number 1 answer for me has been to realize that all I can do is be myself. And if it turns out that 'he' doesn't care for who I am, then an inappropriate partner has been eliminated. I found a book that I keep re-reading because the advice is so sensible. It's called "If the Buddha Dated" written by Charlotte Kasl.

Try taking it "one date at a time". By that I mean....don't worry about what happens next, just enjoy what is happening now. Oh......and for the stress...just breathe. Long, slow, deep breaths. You'll be surprised how calming that can be.


alto Wed, Jan-02-02 13:24

Top Ten Worst Things That Can Happen
Originally posted by K-Louise
I absolutely understand your panic. It is a scarey thing. I like to play the "what is the worst thing that can happen" game. If you think about the worst thing that can happen, I'm sure you will find you would survive it (the worst scenario, that is).

The advice given so far is very comforting and kind -- and right on, I think -- but Kim's "what is the worst thing that can happen" game set me thinking. I always think of "what's the worst thing that can happen" and it's never "Well, we didn't seem to hit it off and so I went home and we both lived happily ever after." No.

These are the worst things that can happen and are much the same fears of High Adolescence. (And a gender switch will work here; substitute "she" for "he" if appropriate.)

1. When you say, demurely, "I got divorced 15 years ago and really haven't dated much since" he gets up from the table hurriedly and leaves out a back door -- but not before writing on the men's room wall "[yournamehere] is frigid!"

2. When you get to his house and disrobe, he laughs.

3. When you get to his house and disrobe, he suddenly remembers an appointment in another state and asks you to leave. [Note: as any Cosmo girl knows, this is why you should always ask him to your house. Then he can leave at 3:00 a.m. and find a taxi home.)

4. He has a hidden camera.

5. At a crucial moment, 62 of his fraternity brothers burst from the closet, all with cameras, all laughing.

6. You don't know he has a hidden videocamera then, but find out when you see the trailers for the next hit movie at the local cinema. You've invited your parents.

7. He tells everyone you know absolutely everything you said and everything that happened.

8. Everything is wonderful and you're happy that you've taken this bold, brave step and he never calls again.

9. You call him and he hangs up.

10. At work the next day, everyone looks at you funny and bursts into giggles.

Razzle -- none of these things will happen to you :) But I understand the fears.

razzle Wed, Jan-02-02 14:02

guys, thanks so much. I loved these responses. There is great wisdom here, and I LMBO ~ wa'il and alto's funny responses. (I swear, I find nothing more therapeutic or calming than laughing at myself!) And thanks sooooo much, wa'il for the thought that every man who expresses interest has "already seen [me] naked." That one really calmed me down. :eek: lol. and Marlaine, I really will look for that book--sounds like my kind of dating book!

you guys are pretty darned smart, you know that? ;)

Sharon Wed, Jan-02-02 17:33

I don't think I have anything real intelligent to add here, but I really enjoyed reading this thread.

I think I have to agree with Wa'il though....if a guy has shown interest, he's seen the packaging. :daze:

On the night/day of your date, make sure you leave lots of time to pamper yourself...a nice long bath where you can relax. Time so that you don't have to be rushing around feeling stressed out before you even leave the house.

I remember when I first started lowcarbing (before the Lowcarb Forum here came to be), and I was surfing another site, and there was a conversation about how great everyone's sex lives where since they started lowcarbing... (Hey, what incentive to lowcarb!!) Anyways, the bottom line was the group concensus seemed to be that they felt sexier after losing some weight.

Anyways, good luck with your date. Keep us posted.

EllieEats Wed, Jan-02-02 17:39

Hi Razzle!
I've been divorced for 10 years and BOY! do I know what you're saying!! But, I also felt the same way when I was thin so its really just the new relationship jitters!! The good news is -- when and IF things should get intimate.... you'll both be so dazzled with each other, its unlikely you'll be "picking apart" how the bodies look naked.
Enjoy the dates!!! Don't let anxiety get in the way of what could be a wonderful time!!
Ellie :wave:

razzle Sun, Jan-06-02 15:54

report on my date
you guys were very very helpful...and then I talked with one of my wisest friends (a woman very active in the recovery community) and she too said, "you're nervous because you're imagining a future. stay in the moment!" And so I did, and...he was no great Or not the guy for me, rather.

But wow! I learned so much this week, I'm grateful for the experience. I learned that I can find a good balance between trusting my instincts about "warning signs" while allowing a person some slack for "first date nervousness gaffes." (I had feared since I'd chosen some unhealthy relationships in the past, I was sure to continue the pattern...but now I'm not afraid of that!) I thought a lot the night of the date about what it was that didn't attract me about him...and really began articulating to myself what it is I AM looking for in a friend/lover. (For one thing, no "dates!" -- relationships only work for me if I meet someone in the process of just living my life and interact with him and see him interact with others normally for some time and let an attraction grow slowly, in context out of that simply living my life)

So the date wasn't wonderful but the experience was simply great! Epiphanic! Just what I needed from a kind universe. :)

Thanks for your help, people--it really was very helpful indeed.

LC Sponge Sun, Jan-06-02 16:35

Hey razzle - Glad you are not leaving out the possibility of meeting good quality men friends, via "dates".

Sharon Sun, Jan-06-02 21:19

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Everyday life is a learning experience.

I like your attitude!!

daisy Mon, Jan-07-02 06:56

So, for all it's worth, if a guy sees you clothed, he has already seen you naked.

Eeek! :eek: Wa'il I'm blushing! And also regretting wearing this clingy sweater today! :o

Razzle, your friend is indeed very wise. Are you going to dish about this 'experience'?! :D

Take care,


wangeci Mon, Jan-07-02 13:14

Naked or clothed, doesn't make any difference

Wow, that is very hard to believe. But interesting point Wa'il, it is nice to get the guys point of view on these things..


JimOhio111 Wed, Jan-09-02 06:51

here is a suggestion: have morals and decency and wait until getting married before taking your clothes off.

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