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randisue Wed, Aug-27-03 08:01

no weight loss after inital induction
I'm 45 yrs old and been on Atkins several times over the past 4 years. Been off Atkins for over a year and bloomed to 250 pds.

I did great on my first 3 wks of Induction. Lost about 15 pds. Stayed on Induction, but quit losing weight (lose, gain, lose, gain a couple of pds). I read the posts about carb uploading and caved in to the idea one too many times. Also upped my carbs to 35-50 by adding fruit. My cravings came back and I fell right off the wagon.

Has anyone else lost a lot for the first few weeks and then really experienced little/no loss after that. Realistically, I'm not going to want to live on Induction for the rest of my life. I love and hate Atkins at the same time. I love it because I really do feel better. I hate it because I want to eat all the foods I can't have while on it.

Help me overcome or understand why I lose at first and then quit losing after a few weeks. What can I do to overcome this.

I've read years ago, for some people Atkins ceases to quit helping you to lose weight if you go on and off too many times. Is this true????

Sinbad Wed, Aug-27-03 08:20


How long did the "lose/gain" cycle last?

I lost a lot in my first 3 weeks, then stopped for a couple of weeks. This is totally normal, according to everyone I've asked ...
The scale started moving again yesterday. You just need to be patient if it's only been a couple of weeks.

Stick with it!

yvonne326 Wed, Aug-27-03 08:26

Sometimes people "stall out" right after a larger weight loss (i.e. Induction). I personally think it can be the fruit...I had to watch the fruit consumption to miniscule (2 strawberries for instance) during OWL. Also, eating salads and veggies is where the added carbs SHOULD be coming from...not fruit, dairy or artificial foods (i.e. low carb bars, shakes, products). ALSO, adding carbs does not work for everyone...some must stay at 20 carbs to lose weight and then up when they maintain. Calories also can play a part for some... I know they do for me....if I go over 1600 calories nothing happens. Exercise can also help as long as it is cardio based...any other can actually add weight to you...but the good weight...muscle.

Good luck.

dawn:} Wed, Aug-27-03 08:45

hang in there and don't give up. i think everyone plateaus for a few weeks sometime in the diet. don't forget that your body may store water in place of the fat you're losing until it finally realizes that it's okay to finally "release" the extra weight your body has been accustomed to having. i, too have found atkins to be a bit frustrating at times--i am a total carb addict and if i'm not careful, it's easy for me to go on days-long carb binges because i feel "deprived" on the atkins diet. I've come to realize that this is just my body lying to me! Focus on how much better your body feels on the lo-carb plan. This is such a healthy lifestyle. NO, i've never heard that it's harder to lose weight the more times you go on/off the diet. In fact, dr atkins said this diet was wonderful b/c when you do get off track, you can always go back to induction phase again as a way to lose any regained weight...sounded to me like a lifelong plan for maintaining a healthy weight. I would encourage you to find a buddy you can vent to and brainstorm with to find good lo-carb recipes to use. Keep in mind that induction is not forever, only to get you into ketosis and off carbs. As you progress and lose weight you will be able to add more variety to your diet (different veges, lower carb fruits). at this point i would just encourage you to stay off the scale and not lose hope. everyone loses at a different weight--i know that for me, the weight comes off painfully slowly...i lost less than 5 lbs my first time on induction and less than a pound a week afterwards...and i have "given up " and "restarted" more times than i can count. This time, though, i am determined to stick with it, no matter what the scale says, because i'm focusing on all-around health. There are some really good cookbooks out there that help you find variety in your diet while sticking to your plan--so you do not feel deprived. these help me tremendously... sorry to ramble on, but i really do want to encourage you that you're doing the right thing! Please hang in there! best wishes.

tugboatguy Wed, Aug-27-03 09:03

I dropped 10 lbs on 2 weeks of induction, then stalled for 3 weeks, lost 5 and stalled for 3 weeks again. Watch hidden sugar intake and don't get bummed out.

Leenie Wed, Aug-27-03 09:47

Get on Fitday and see how many calories your eating. Thats what my problem was, I was eating way over 2000 calories. Once I lowered it to 1500- 1800 the weight started coming off again.

Good Luck !!

HUGS !!!!!!!

Hilary M Wed, Aug-27-03 10:00

I dropped close to 20 pounds during Induction, then nothing for almost 4 weeks! Then a few pounds, then nothing for 3 weeks. I got desperate and tried the carb refeed (where you binge on carbs for a meal in hopes of "recharging" your metabolism). That was a week and a half ago, and I'm STILL up two pounds from what I was when I tried it. Won't be doing that again!

So I've had to get used to that fact that this is how my body is going to lose weight. A few pounds at a time, then nothing for several weeks. It may take a while to get to goal, but I'm on this for life. Even if it takes a year or two, it'll come off eventually -- and it'll stay off!

plum Wed, Aug-27-03 10:11

me too... long post induction stalls... I did this twice, got discouraged the first time and gave up. Second go... lost 12 lb and NOTHING for Months. Its been my pattern throughout to be stuck for months and then get going again :roll: . But the good news....
Ive lost 60 lb this way, admittedly over 2 years, but my skin is perfect and I am reaping the benefits right now .this isnt meant as a boast but just to illustrate that a turtle gets there just the same.
Stick with it and I wish you success

manucpa Wed, Aug-27-03 10:21

Yes, as you lose you need less calories, but don't go too low.

cs_carver Wed, Aug-27-03 11:10

Mine was 70 days
Lost a lot in two weeks, then "stalled."

I put the word in quotes because I think a real stall is legit--low enough carbs, no triggers, no binges even if Atkins-safe. That was not me.

Calories were major. Diet drinks are a problem. Pork rinds had to go. Cheese had to go.

Finally started losing when I started walking the dogs EVERY day, not just when I felt like it.

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