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wflow68 Mon, Oct-21-02 10:32

I would love to see sample menu's
For breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks!!!
I love ALL types of food.. but I am not sure of portions.
for sample menu

2eggs 1 egg white fried in small amount of butter with 3-4 slices of bacon (some mornings I have 2 sausages links)
2 cups of 1/2 cafien coffee with 1 slenda and small cream

usually leftovers from last nights dinners Steak or chicken or fish with celery sticks.. or romaine lettuce ( I add a slice of melted cheese on my steak also)

Steak with broccoli or chicken roasted with small salad

snacks I have a couple green olives with cream cheese on a celery stick... sometimes I have tuna w/mayo rolled into a romaine lettuce leaf.... yummy .. I find If I do not prepare food on the weekend I am lost... I also get a gallon of water a day down.. SLacked with the water this weekend.. but back to routine today..

My first weekend and I did fabulous... we even we to the KING RICHARDS FARE!! all that tempting food... TURKEY STEW IN A SOUR BREAD BOWL>.. and I didnt buy it... :yum:

Well any suggestions.. I havent lost any weight yet.. I am on the 7th day...

RCFletcher Mon, Oct-21-02 11:35

Hi wflow68!

You say you haven't lost any weight yet. Mmmm.

As you on day 7 you are still on induction. I'd say you need to cut the carbs even more than you are doing. That'll make it even more boring but it's only for a few weeks.

There are several things on your menu that you shouldn't be eatong on induction i.e. melted cheece, cream cheese - I'd cut out the dairy until you're off induction if I were you.

There is a menu's section on this board that will give you plenty of ideas.

Good luck,

Robert :wave:

wflow68 Mon, Oct-21-02 12:02

Hi Robert,
Thank you... however the menus section on this forum is tooooo complicated for me. The cookbook and recipes are not quick and easy. I am looking for quick and easy.. LOL (arent we all). My family refuses to eat lo-carb so I have to make 2 - dinners every night. (they havent had potatoes or rice in a week and havent said anything yet) lol

I thought on induction we could have cheese.. It is on the list for induction!! confused :roll:

Zuleikaa Mon, Oct-21-02 13:25


Cheese is allowed on induction. You look fine to me. I would take a look at your portion sizes of veggies a downfall with me (Isn't 2 cups of broccoli 1 serving?). All you're allowed on induction is a salad and lettuce leaves and if you're not losing you're to take out the salad. So I think the broccoli has to go.

The Induction phase of Atkins is very strict with carbs limited to 20 gms a day. That's not very many! Some people are more sensitive to carb limits than others (that's me :( ). The purpose of Induction is to get you into ketosis. After induction you can add the broccoli back in.

wflow68 Mon, Oct-21-02 13:31

Thanks Zule...
I just had my lunch and I ate 3 small pieces of steak and 1/2 cup of tuna with 1 celerly...

Not sure what I am doing for dinner.. I REALLY need to go shopping so I might just more tuna!!

Rosebud Mon, Oct-21-02 14:57

All you're allowed on induction is a salad and lettuce leaves and if you're not losing you're to take out the salad.

I'm sorry Zuleikaa, but I have to disagree with you! ;)
Induction allows 2 cups salad vegies (not just lettuce) and 1 cup of other vegies - such as broccoli! And there is no mention whatever about taking out the salad if you're not losing. Do you have the 2002 edition of Dr A's book?
Here is the list of foods acceptable on Induction.

In fact, 20g carbs is quite a lot. Remember we don't count the fibre carbs. If you are not sure of the carb and fibre counts, run them through

Wendy, I think your food looks just fine. If anything, I would add more vegies. And don't forget you can add fat freely.

The best place to see more menus is other members' journals. You can use the little journal icon at the bottom of each post or go to the My Journal/Bootcamp forum. You might consider starting your own journal while you are there!



wflow68 Mon, Oct-21-02 15:21

Rose thank you so much.. I weigh in tomorrow. I started last Tuesday and I figured I would wait the full week to weigh myself. All though I did weigh in on friday and I didnt lose a pound. :-( not worried about at all.. I know it took me a 6 months to add this extra 20 pounds on so I have patience.

I have visited the FITDAY web and my carbs come up REAL high on that website.. when I add in all spices like ( garlic powder, onion powder) butter, olive oil, splenda (1 packet) It just seems to go over 20 carbs... It is still under 30 carbs but I cant seem to get it at 20 without starving....


Rosebud Mon, Oct-21-02 15:33

Hi Wendy,

Do you mean your carbs are over 20 after you subtract the fibre? Even if you do, I still wouldn't worry too much. Under 30 carbs is still what Protein Power recommends.

Remember too, that as you don't have a huge amount of weight to lose, you are unlikely to lose a pound a day as the good Dr mentions in his book.

I'm not sure how much garlic and onion powder you are using - are you checking the amounts on Fitday? They tend to have cupfuls of things as their defaults! :D
As for butter and olive oil - no carbs! And 1 packet of Splenda only has 0.5g carbs.

How about resurrecting your journal (just click on the journal icon at the bottom of your post) and copy and paste your Fitday stats there?

I'll keep an eye out for new entries in your journal. :)


wflow68 Mon, Oct-21-02 15:39


Thanks I will do just that...

First, I never subtracted fibre from my carbs.. that is somethin new to me.. (fitday doesnt do that for you?)

Second.. I did change the default for the portion sizes.. it was only like a 1/2 teaspoon of each...

I also read somewhere that my body may be repairing some damage to my muscles and tissues... so I am chalking it up to that..

I have to say I HAVE HAD ALOT MORE ENERGY... My husband keeps asking me if I am taking fat burners or something because I barely just sit
I find I dont want to sit because then the cravings may start and also with all the energy I have been hanging up new curtains and cleaning out closets.... I LOVE IT... .even my daughter said "WOW MOM THE HOUSE IS AWESOME" I love the way I feel... (minus the headache)
Thanks for helping me...I really appreciate it :-)

Zuleikaa Mon, Oct-21-02 17:37

In the edition of the book before this one. Atkins does say that if you are not losing weight on induction, take out the salad until you get into ketosis. Further in that version, you can only have a salad of 2 cups raw vegetables on induction.

I think (my personal opinion) that if people aren't getting into ketosis or losing weight during induction, they need to get a little stricter, "run clean". Veggies can always be added back later. Sometimes too many in the beginning can keep you from starting weight loss where additional once your body is used to ketosis won't throw you out.

Rosebud Mon, Oct-21-02 17:50

Hi Zuleika,

Did you know that the reason Dr Atkins increased the carb allowance to 20g was that he found that there was no significant difference in weight loss between people having 20carbs or 5 carbs?

By all means reduce carbs from things other than vegies, but vegies are so healthy and contain so many essential nutrients that I would be very reluctant indeed to ever suggest anyone ever stop eating them.

And don't forget that subtracting the fibre means you can actually get quite a lot of vegies for 20g.

These are a couple of the reasons why here on this forum we suggest that folk get hold of the latest edition of the Atkins book. If someone does not have access to the book, the info is available on

Zuleika, I'm sorry if this sounds as though I'm rousing on you, I don't mean to. It just worries me to think someone might try losing the vegies rather than the many other things that may need "tweaking."

And well done on your weight loss! :cheer:


Lisa N Mon, Oct-21-02 18:57

I have to agree with Rosebud on this. The amounts of veggies listed for induction are only a guideline. If you were to eat 2 cups of Romaine lettuce that would be 1.5 grams of carb (after subtracting fiber) and 1 cup of cooked broccoli would be 3.2 grams of carb after subtracting fiber. That amount leaves you at less than 5 grams of carb for the day. Now let's say you put 3 tablespoons of bleu cheese dressing on your salad at 1 gram of carb per 2 tablespoons for a total of 1.5 grams and had 2 cups of coffee (2 grams of carb) with 1 tablespoon of cream in each (1 gram of carb) and 1 packet of Splenda in each (2 grams of carb) and mid-afternoon you decided to have a snack of 2 ounces of cheese (2 grams of carb) where does that put you for the day? Let's add them up:

2 cups Romaine lettuce: 1.5 grams
1 cup cooked broccoli: 3.2 grams
3 tablespoons bleu cheese dressing: 1.5 grams
2 cups coffee: 2 grams
2 packets Splenda: 2 grams
2 Tablespoons cream: 1 gram
2 ounces hard cheese: 2 grams

Total: 13.2 grams of carb (let's say 14 for the sake of round numbers)

As you can see, you could easily have a few more cups of salad (maybe with oil and vinegar dressing this time) and another cup of broccoli and still stay under your 20 gram limit.

Like Rosebud said, dropping your carbs below 20 won't help you lose any faster, but it sure will make this WOE get boring quickly and get you constipated even faster. Eat your veggies! You need the fiber and the vitamins that they provide. There are a lot of different combinations of low carb veggies you can have and still stay under 20 grams...and that's just induction. Imagine what you can do when you hit 30 or 40 grams a day! :thup:

Karen Mon, Oct-21-02 19:20

Wendy, in the Low Carb Kitchen Forum is a forum called Daily Menus where people have posted what they eat on a daily basis. Very little of it is fancy stuff.

Did you know that the reason Dr Atkins increased the carb allowance to 20g was that he found that there was no significant difference in weight loss between people having 20carbs or 5 carbs?

Absolutely Rosebud! And what the Eades call the Intervention stage on Protein Power starts off at 30 effective grams. It allosw for a lot of flexiblity and teaches you how to count effective carbs right off the bat.

After reading this forum since day 2 of its inception, I would say that yo-yo dieting is a major factor in lack of fat loss during induction. Being entirely stressed as well as not being mentally ready to give up the fat is another. It's not always as easy as carbs low = fat gone.

In the case of yo-yo dieting, consistency is what pays off.


RCFletcher Tue, Oct-22-02 01:24

Hi Wendy!

Well I see you have attracted lots of interest, much of which has strayed from your two points that you lack recipes and you haven't lost any weight yet.

I'm going to stick to my guns and say you need to tweek the number of carbs. I've just been to the Atkin's site and yes, he does say you are allowed 4oz of cheese during induction.

If you are going to cut anything from your diet I would agree with your other correspondants and say keep the veggies. Cutting out the dairy might be an experient you could try however.

Make sure you take a good vitamin and mineral suppliment.

Best of luck,

Robert :wave:

Sandylee Tue, Oct-22-02 02:08

Hi Wendy,
I think you're doing great. It looks like your meals are just fine. I didn't lose weight either, the first week. I stared losing the third week.


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