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Karen Thu, Apr-29-04 07:15

Protein Power Pals - Thursday April 29
What? No Thursday? :eek:


Songberrie Thu, Apr-29-04 07:34

Thanks Karen! I always hesitate to be the one to start the thread, I did it once and no one posted on it. I figured I'm a newbie and probably shouldn't be starting threads.

Boy did we get snow yesterday! I hope my flowers are ok.

Well, I need to go take in a pair of pants so I have something to wear today.

shrubie Thu, Apr-29-04 08:00

Songberrie, I to am a newbie and so I am not sure what to respond to or start. I guess we will learn as we go.

Our flowers are blooming lots of purple, yellows and reds coming in... nice to see the start of spring. Of course, tomorrow it is suppose to be cold. Good thing they are perenials so they can handle the cold, probably better than I. I am so ready for some warm weather to stay.

Glad to hear of your progress. It is fun to discover things in our wardrobes that take on a new live. I cleaned out lots of stuff which didn't fit last week. I actually am sewing so new stuff. Lots of great new fabrics to try.

Not down at all this week. I had a big lost last week though so hopefully, next week I move downward again. I know it is not suppose to be all about the pounds... Hope your day goes well.

Songberrie Thu, Apr-29-04 08:25

Shrubie - what are you sewing? I've got some fabric for a couple of tops, I bought it last summer and never made them. I'm glad I didn't, because now I can have some new tops that will fit. I'm thinking I'll wait a while to sew them up.

simplydawn Thu, Apr-29-04 08:57

Thanks Karen! Welcome Shrubie.. no rules as to who starts the thread or not, not sure what happen with the day you started the thread Song.. but I am SURE it wasnt because you are a 'newbie' I am relatively new to the board here as well, only since end of January.

Amazing, I put a bustier/corset thingy on ebay, and started the bidding at 5- and its up to 15.50 already..woohooee.. :)

New goal setting..that is my focus today. Maybe its partly due to the extra 2 lbs I am down today, but maybe its partly due to the fact that I have stuck to something and seeing amazing results for myself for a change. So: I am enlarging my vision. I am no longer going to limit what I accept about myself. All those little voices that pop into my mind ( I am not 3 faces of Eve or Sybill!) that say.. 175 will be good, you will feel better, you will be happy there.. it will be the best you can expect...etc..well those voices are now seeming to be very 'justifying..(even tho setting the goal that way is what got me going!) they now seem limiting.. very settling for second best, very short of what I can do. And.. if at some point during my weight loss journey, I reach a weight that seems right, after prayer and just listening to I may readjust my goals at that point..but for now..I am taking the golly.. this is what I want to do! I really want to weigh between 130-140!

New goals:
  • 194 lbs by July 1-losing 40 lbs
  • 174 lbs by Dec 25-60 lbs
  • 154 by March 2005-80 lbs
  • 134 by June of 2005-100 lbs goal
  • Walk EVERY DAY
  • Start using the exercise bike at the fitness center
  • Dust off the stretchband set and use ;)

acipenser Thu, Apr-29-04 09:12

good morning everybody!!

anybody and everybody is welcome to start the thread. don't be scared!!! we will all reply no matter who starts the daily pp pals thread.

here are my numbers from yesterday:
Calories Eaten Today
source grams cals %total
Total: 1723
Fat: 119 1067 64%
Sat: 45 405 24%
Poly: 14 129 8%
Mono: 38 345 21%
Carbs: 77 225 13%
Fiber: 20 0 0%
Protein: 94 377 23%
Alcohol: 0 0 0%

i had a strange tummy ache last night and didn't eat dinner. it was probably my body saying "you ate enough today already, let me digest!!" hehe. i feel better today.

i made it to the gym last night and also felt a lttle "off". i am thinking it had something to do with how much i ate yesterday. i will experiment next wed and try to limit my calories a little more during the day and eat dinner.

song-- SNOW????? i wore shorts yesterday!!! and ellie (or somebody on here) was in a bathing suit the other day!!! it is amazing how different the climates are aroung the states!!

shrubie-- WELCOME!! we like newbies!! post whatever....especially here, seems like we talk about everything from what we are eating to what we are doing or not doing or not eating or what our kids or dogs are doing....or not doing....hehe you get the point.

hi karen :wave:

lissette-- glad to see you post yesterday. i wish i could send some rain your way, but i don't have any either. i can't believe how nice it has been here lately, deffinately not the typical oregon spring weather.

dawn-- WTG on your loss, and your health!! setting goals is something i am leary of. don't want to set something i can't acheive. of course, i also believe if you want it bad enough, you can achieve ANYTHING!!

that said, i have new goal for myslef also. i am going cheat free till my birthday, june 11. cheat free for me is no cake/pie/real sugar treats/pasta/pizza/that kind of stuff. then on my birthday, i will enjoy that cake!!! there has been too many off nights/weekends lately and i am tired of going up and down, up and down. i am at 200.0 again this morning.

have a great day everybody!!! :D

ewinpa Thu, Apr-29-04 09:42

Hi all, been MIA for a while.

Am trying to straighten out getting my short term disbaility ok'd correctly so that I don't miss part of a paycheck. They approved me through the 5th, my doc had asked for throught the 12th, the disability co has me on file through the 12th,my company has me approved for pay through the 5th. I am livid.Orang, you ever have this problem??

Also went apartment hunting. Decided to look to get an idea even though I need to stick out my lease-it would cost me 2 months rent to break it.
Not been perfect with food but it's more about amounts than high or low carb.

Lissette, you sound 'all cowed out' :D With the amount of work you are doing I wouldn't sweat a sandwich. Maybe try open-faced, using 1 piece of bread.(look who is telling who how to eat) :D

Hi to everyone else and welcome to Shrubie. It is considered a rite of passage to start the thread, haha :D :D :D

Songberrie Thu, Apr-29-04 11:13

Acipenser - our weather was gorgeous before the snow, everyone was wearing spring clothes and shorts!

Dawn - good job setting that goal. You can do it! I picked 200 for my first goal, but I would love to be below that, way below that! I think when I get to 200 I'll set a new goal.

eightc Thu, Apr-29-04 13:34

Good afternoon everyone :)

I'm always afraid to be the first to start the thread-especially lately, I could have been starting them all at l a.m. :D

Puppy is doing better, I think we have finally settled on our bathroom as the place to spend the night. DH and I are tall enough to step over the baby gate and the girls get their bathroom back.

Had company over for dinner last night- grilled chicken, steamed green beans, large salad, and fresh strawberries with real whipped cream for dessert. They thought they were getting spoiled, they didnt realize that this is how we eat all the time :)

We had one nice day this week, and now we are heading for another round of rain and thunderstorms. Supposed to last thru Mon.
Horse got first set of shoes this afternoon-I sure wish I got my feet pampered as often as he does.

Went to make a salad for lunch and realized that we are out of lettuce. Now I have to go to the groc store and I can never walk out of there for under $40, usually more. They should have personal shoppers that will just walk in the store and buy that one thing I need and nothing else.

Congrats to everyone on the sticking to plan. I am so thrilled to read all your thoughts and progress.
Dawn-dont be afraid to dream big. (or small, as the case may be ;) )
I always tell my family that if I cant have big dreams, how will I ever be able to accomplish anything. If I aim for the best, even trying is going to get me farther than not trying at all.

Well, off to the store, will check in later.
Bawdy-if you are lurking-hugs to you.

Love, Carrie

acipenser Thu, Apr-29-04 14:15

I'm always afraid to be the first to start the thread-especially lately, I could have been starting them all at l a.m.

how come? unity starts the thread late at night sometimes...

hehe.. your company sounds like mine. i always grill somekind of meat and have veggies. then strawberries and whipped cream for dessert..... i wonder why they think it is such a treat to get strawberries instead of cake or cookies??

Lissette Thu, Apr-29-04 20:56

Good evening everyone!

Song and Shrub, do not ever feel bashfull about starting a thread, like Elaine said it is a rite of passage, just get your feet wet and start it! Esp. when the rest of us are still in bed! :D

Yes Elaine I am cowed out, but we still have a bit more before all is out to pasture, we move yearlings tomorow, then next week we brand calves, this is a busy time and important, those calves need their shots this time of the year. it is so dry that we have had to doctor a few already for quick pnumonia,(we lost 2 in the pasture) it hits the lungs hard and fast, you really have to be on it! Today teased us with rain. The last few days were HOT 88* and today was 48*, no wonder the poor babies are getting sick! :(

Dawn isen't ebay fun? I have bought and sold alot of things on there with only a couple of not so great transactions! If you check your prices and the seller's reviews you usually will be fine! I always send emails for when I send things to when I receive things, you can meet alot of nice people on there! :)
WTG on setting a goal, you have to start somewhere, I know that has helped me, to each his own but I like the idea of something to aim for!!

Eightc, atleast you are getting enough moisture your horses hooves will be prime to keep shaped up, it is so dry here that our guys's hooves are so cracked and dry that I could not even start to get them shaped up! Glad to hear that your puppy is settling in better! Maybe more sleep for the pup's 'mom' now?? ;)

Hello to Karen and a thanks for starting the thread this THURSDAY! :thup:

Hi to everyone else, Orang (miss you today!),Wendy,Bawdy(HUGS),Ellie,Unity,Marnie,Blue! :)

simplydawn Thu, Apr-29-04 21:08

Just don't develop a cow 'lick'!


shrubie Fri, Apr-30-04 08:09

Good Morning everyone. Thanks for all the encouragement and motivation. This week has been pretty good at sticking with thing and the weekend shouldn't be too bad, unfortunately I am scheduled all weekend at the hospital so get lunch in doesn't always happen. Heck some days I am lucky to get away from my patients long enough to get a bathroom break.

Hey, yesterday was short season here. Of course this morning it is 38 out. Actually I am starting to not mind having shorts on and have other people see my legs.

Song, working on several projects. I did a spring jacket, finishing a sweatsuit too. Need to find a leggings pattern to make some walking shorts. My current shorts are now too big so they bunch up and give me leg burns. I know, it was the same problem when my thighs were too big. Same problem did reason. I am actually happy for this one :) Never thought I think of this as a problem. After I finish my new stuff I need to make some summer stuff for the kids.

Dawn WTG on getting off the meds. Isn't it a wonderful feeling?? I started this when I had complications with my cholesterol meds, now I have managed to control my cholesterol and my blood pressure is under such good control that I am off of my meds too. The doctor said with my family history it might not be forever, but I figure anytime without it is better than the effects of the meds.

Need to find some new recipes.... with summer coming I love to cook out and eat of the garden. Recently got Dana Carpender's "LC Barbeque Cookbook" Has anyone tried anything in it or got some really great salad recipes. I love fresh salads!!! Also, keeping my eyes open for a LC turtle cheesecake recipe. My husband loves it and he is kinda following LC, just not as closely as I do.

Have a great weekend everyone! Let's do something good for ourselves this weekend.

acipenser Fri, Apr-30-04 15:33

1 Attachment(s)
i found a pic of myself. lets see if i can post it...

edited to say....i couldn't just put it here in the post, but i could attach it. my hair is longer now, but i think i still look the same otherwise.

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