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KarenB Wed, Feb-13-02 11:58

The Other Side of 175
Now, 175 might sound like a lot to some of you reading. It might sound like waif-thin to others of you. But this is a real benchmark for me.

See, the last time I weighed 175 lbs I was all of about 14 years old and a freshman in high school. It was all uphill from there, so to speak. By the time I graduated I was close to 200, and once I got to college, well, all bets were off. I don't remember exactly what the scale read then, but on the day I got married (a year after I graduated) I was at 208. And no, I still wasn't done "growing."

I won't iterate all the fluctuations or all the failed diets. Let's just say it started before I was 14, when my mom decided I needed to lose about 40lbs (she was right, I did) and put me on the dreaded restricted-calorie plan. Just me, not herself or my dad. I got to have my measured portions and plain foods while they had whatever they liked, as much of what they liked, as often as they liked. I did lose the 40lbs. I went from 180 to 140 for *one day.* I wore a beautiful size 14 (which is now probably a 10, with the "vanity sizing" we have nowadays) dress to church that day, and when I came home, I hung it in the closet. It stayed there. I never, ever wore it again. I started to EAT. The cycle continued for decades.

Finally, last spring (April Fool's Day, actually--something serendipitous about that, I think!) I decided to Do Something. I'm not sure what the galvanizing incident was. Perhaps it had to do with my little girl, who the December before had remarked to me about a picture in a magazine, in an ad for some weight-loss scheme. "Mama, is that you?" No, I said, that's not me. "But you're fat like her!"

She will *never* know what that did to me. When I was alone that night I just lay in bed and cried. I had a steady fellow, true, but I knew he wasn't going to be The One--we just really enjoyed each other's company. I mentioned this to him not long after, when I had started rather half-heartedly to count fat grams and fiber as I had learned in my quasi-successful stint in WW a few years ago. He knew I was struggling, and he was behind me all the way. "Whatever you decide to do, you let me know if I can help. Even if it's just to say 'good going, keep it up' or hug you if you need it."

Anyway, I fiddled around with counting fat grams and fiber grams for a couple of months, but my heart wasn't really in it. It had worked for a while before, but ultimately I didn't really *learn* anything from the experience. Then one day I was buying some vitamins and mineral supplements at the local drugstore when I saw a copy of Dr. Atkins's "Age-Defying Diet." Well, being on the far side of 40 already, that caught my eye. I read the entire thing that night and decided that low-carb was the way for me. The section about "Syndrome X" struck a deep, deep chord. That was ME he was writing about.

The next day--April Fool's Day, 2001--I began low-carbing. I told my fellow about it, and he looked at me a little oddly but kept his word to be supportive. I didn't say a thing to anyone at work, or any of my friends. I had tried so many times to lose weight and never did for any length of time, I wasn't about to go around touting this as The Last Time and then fail again.

So here I am, 10 months later. I have lost 45 lbs and 15 inches. I'm wearing size 14s now, instead of the 18-20s I was in when I began. (At my heaviest I wore a 24-26. I managed to lose some of that weight with Herbalife, but gained a portion of it back when I quit using their products for financial reasons.) I expect I'll be in a 12 by the time I reach goal, which is only 25 lbs away now.

No, I'm not done. But that doesn't make this any less of a success story! :D

goingfor60 Fri, Feb-15-02 21:01

Without the right motivation nothing would have worked.

Now look how far you've come, continue to look forward and definately dont look back.

Well done...

Shannon :wave:

plum Sat, Feb-16-02 10:50

many congratulations Karen, I can imagine how you feel. Good for you

razzle Mon, Feb-18-02 11:55

it's a major accomplishment, Karen, and you should feel tremendously proud of yourself! There's a lot in your history I related to and I'm sure others will, too.

This time, you're going to stay at goal far longer than 1 day, too. :)

LittleAnne Sat, Feb-23-02 09:47

Well done Karen on your success so far. You must be really pleased with the new you that is emerging.

I look forward to the day I get to 175 lb, but expect that this will not be until the end of the year.

Keep up the excellent work.

Little Ann

KarenB Sat, Feb-23-02 12:06

Thanks, everyone
It's nice to know other people read these things I prattle on about. :)

If there's one thing I've learned on this WOL, it's not to put a time frame on success. I have *never* been successful in the long term with any other change in my eating--mainly because those changes weren't permanent. I didn't see them as *lifestyle* changes. This one is.

I no longer say "I'll weigh X by date Y." I say "I'll weigh X when I'm done losing weight." It takes as long as it takes. Come April 1 I'll have been LCing for one year. I have no clue where I'll be in my progess by then--hopefully farther than I am right now, but there's no way to *know* that. I *do* know that I will be eating this healthy way for the rest of my days, however many there are. I *do* know that I look better and feel better than I *ever* have before as an adult.

And it's "when I'm done losing weight," not "when I finish this diet." That's a *major* shift in my thinking too. This isn't a diet, kids. It's LIFE. It's my life, and I'm LOVING it!

HeyCE Sun, Feb-24-02 00:33

Yeah KarenB!
Great success story-in-the-making, Karen!!

(and anyone new here looking for inspiration, please run down to the Journals and read KarenB's from top to toe--you'll find even more inspiration.)

:D :D :D

MARY_MCCRE Sun, Feb-24-02 11:00

WOW, What an inspiration you are going to have a great summer. I can see you in your bathing suit and your little girl catching some sun.

Keep up the good work, you have the right idea and frame of mind,,this is surely a life style change and not a diet..that makes all the difference in the world to me.

Nest time, post some before and after pictures..i bet they are amazing.

Good luck to you.

230/150 hit goal after 9 months of lowcarbing..and feel wonderful. Ill never go backwards again.

KarenB Sun, Feb-24-02 22:42

WOW yourself, Mary!
Only 9 months!!?? Talk about inspirations!

I am SO envious... :) I know it's going to take me at least the year and probably longer than that, but it doesn't matter to me, as I said.

WTG, you!!

KarenB Tue, Apr-16-02 22:54

Okay, I was wrong.
See back there, where I said I thought I'd be in a 12 when I was finished losing?

I was SO wrong.


And I haven't lost weight in two months. I've lost *inches* but not weight. Since beginning BFL on 3/18, I've lost over 9.5 inches. And this weekend I put on a size 12 skort. Today I am wearing size 12 shorts. SHORTS!!! I haven't worn shorts in YEARS.

Don't bother with that freaking scale, folks. Ignore it. Turn it into a plant stand, like I did. Pay attention to your body and your clothes. You'll be glad you did.

dankar Wed, Apr-17-02 05:40

Congratulations, Karen, on your wonderful results. If I had to choose between lost weight and lost inches - like you I'd take the inches.
Thanks for sharing your story with the rest of us. dankar

HelloKitty Wed, Apr-17-02 08:09

I just love reading about your successes, Karen! You deserve them and more!!!!



TeriDoodle Wed, Apr-17-02 09:55

Karen, you are so much fun to read and a great inspiration!! Thanks for all your posts.... I read a BUNCH of 'em!!!

I'm very happy for all your positive changes....and I'm right behind you!!!

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