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mildwild Fri, Nov-28-03 08:28

should his wife lose weight for him?
THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!!! This is Andy and Candy, they were married and she was hot on the honey moon and now, 5 years later, she's gained a few pounds. Anyway, read the first link and follow it or just click on the second...could this be some social experiment???

LadyBelle Fri, Nov-28-03 08:52

It could be a joke, you never know.

If he is concerned about her health, then that is a valid concern to have for a spouse. I've learned on bulliten boards men aren't always the best at expressing themselves clearly.

If it is a matter though that he is just shallow and wants her to lose for looks while she is perfectly happy at her current weight, then he should learn that respect is an important part of marrige. If she only has 30 pounds to lose to get back to her honeymoon weight, she could verywell still be within a healthy weight range for her body.

If they have been married for 5 years, there must be something besides just looks keeping them together. I don't think even the most shallow people could keep from annoying the heck out of each other unless there is something they have in common. Hopefully the bulliten board thing is more of a joke between them just to see how people would vote.

Scarlet Fri, Nov-28-03 12:21

If it's a joke it's not a funny one. God that is messed up.

speakerguy Fri, Nov-28-03 13:26

Being the first person to post to this thread with a penis, I'd have to say "Go Andy!". If I married a girl and then porked up, I'd expect the same.

Lisa N Fri, Nov-28-03 14:07

Personal opinion...those who marry strictly for looks or money, earn whatever they get. :rolleyes:
Maybe they should just take this part out of the marriage vows:
"..For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, 'til death do you part.." since a lot of folks just don't seem to take that seriously anymore and just want to bail at the first sign of trouble or something that they don't like about the other person (like, God forbid, gaining a few pounds).
My DH is a lot heavier (probably 50 pounds or so) than when I married him 18 years ago. While I would like to see him drop some of that weight, it's out of concern for his health since he has a strong family history of diabetes and heart disease and he's a strong candidate for both with where he carries his weight (primarly in his abdomen). If he doesn't, well...I'm not about to kick him to the curb. I didn't marry him because he was thin, I married him because he's a great guy. Looks don't last forever. Personality does. :)

J.J. Fri, Nov-28-03 14:20

Incredible! If I were Candy I'd be embarrassed to tears having a husband that would do such a thing!!!

No one should pressure another to lose weight, that just makes matters worse. Certainly she would look and feel better about herself, but what if the tables were turned? He would be filing for a divorce!!!!

potatofree Fri, Nov-28-03 16:05

She should have a "penile implant" site... either he gets a couple of inches put on it, or she'll leave...

mildwild Fri, Nov-28-03 20:15

potatofree HA!!! that's perfect, I'll have to remember that for my friends who have that bf is perfect (well....he has his moments), he says he thinks it's great that I'm trying to lose weight but just in case it doesn't work out for me he tells me all the time it's not a big deal, he thinks I'm beautiful...When I showed him this site he just nodded his head in shame and looked away (he agrees she should lose weight for her health but thinks Andy is an ass)...he's such a sweety...

addicted2s Fri, Nov-28-03 21:19

Nice one Potatofree

ItsTheWooo Sat, Nov-29-03 00:04

Originally Posted by speakerguy
Being the first person to post to this thread with a penis, I'd have to say "Go Andy!". If I married a girl and then porked up, I'd expect the same.

For a man who at one time weighed in at 325 pounds, and was most decidedly morbidly obese, you display a shocking shallowness, callousness, disrespect, and insensitivity to those who may struggle with weight. Shame on you. Too many men view women as creatures to stare at -- not humans with feelings and needs.

The girl before was very young, and very thin. Now she gained only about 30 pounds... probably with age. He can't possibly expect her to stay the way she was. Looks are fleeting. Besides, she is not hugely fat now, not even clinically obese really as before she was underweight. I think she should lose weight for her, not to impress her husband. I am sure her husband has a few gray hairs, added a few pounds, and most DEFINITELY probably stopped the honeymoon romantic treatment. I seriously doubt he would treat her this way if he had to trick... oops, I'm sorry, propose marriage to her.

Look the bottom line is this. People are not perfect, women were not put on this earth to entertain men, and guess what a marriage should be based on much more than superficial looks.

If I was Candy, I would dump that jerk without hesitation.

MyJourney Sat, Nov-29-03 06:38

I agree ItsTheWooo!

Candy should lose weight if she wants to when she is ready to and having that type of pressure on her doesnt make things easy on her and makes her husband look like a jerk.

If he wants her to lose weight he can be supportive and make suggestions like lets join a gym and go together or perhaps make options for healthier choices for both of them.

My ex boyfriend used to encourage me to lose weight after I gained 100 lbs while we were together in 1 year. He was supportive of me but would sit around and eat chinese food and pizza while I was trying to eat steamed something or another all the time and it became really difficult to do it alone.

There are better ways to go about this and many of those comments were hurtful and disgusting.

Why should a man make a woman feel ugly and unattractive it makes her even worse because she feels worse about herself and it lowers her self esteem.

kyrasdad Sat, Nov-29-03 07:04

Well, just looking at the pics to me, it's pretty obvious that the fat photo has been retouched. I dunno if that makes it bogus or not, but from the tone of the site and the bogus pics, I tend to think so.

huntress Sat, Nov-29-03 07:38

This is insult to us all!!!! That a.. Is saying she has control over her weight and can lose and gain at will, as if, how many of you know someone like that none! Who chooses to gain weight! I sure didn't, Couldn't stop it. Tried everything Saw Doctor after doctor This is the only way to lose. If this is real I really feel for her, Bet she is getting " you have such a pretty face now if you would only lose weight" Lecture, and a lot of other BS.

Thats my vent sorry this hit too close to home!! I say it dosn't bother me but I guess the scar is still open.


Lisa N Sat, Nov-29-03 08:14

I'm not convinced that this is really legit, but if it is, wow....some of those comments are really harsh! I can't imagine my husband putting up with some of the things that have been said to Candy on this site, let alone laughing at it and saying "see...they think you need to lose weight!".
Fat or not, if someone were to say some of the things to my face that have been said to Candy on this site in the presence of my DH, they'd be laid out on the floor unconscious and it would be a 50/50 bet as to which of us would be responsible for it.
At the very minimum, I think Andy is a total jerk for subjecting his wife to such comments on purpose.
I do know of a way that Candy can lose almost 200 pounds of ugly weight in a hurry, though...d-i-v-o-r-c-e. :rolleyes:
If this is really legit, I think she should lose the weight and then lose Andy.

doreen T Sat, Nov-29-03 08:43

I'd say the whole thing is contrived .. I notice that most of the site talks about Candy and Andy .. but next to the voting panel, it tells the reader to "leave a note for Dan or Candy in the guestbook". Name changed to protect the insensitive, I guess.

Here's a great comment, from someone around 13 yrs old (mental age, if not actual ..)
This guestboook just validates all you overweight web surfers who vote for Fat. Its pathetic, you tell her to stay fat and for Andy to love her. If she puts on any more weight Andy should divorce her fat ass and get himself a skinny chick who looks sexy. All the people who vote for fat are probably fat themselves. You morons need to lose weight yourselves. Poor Andy.



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