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pfire76 Sun, Nov-25-01 18:23

carbohydrate addict diet
I just started the Carbohydrate Addict Diet, and would love to hear some success stories if anyone is on this diet! Please e-mail me!

Karen Sun, Nov-25-01 20:00

In the spirit of community - which this is - it would be great if we could all benefit from hearing CAD progress and success stories.

It never ceases to amaze me how we have people barging in here with no introduction or "Hi! How are you?" But instead asking questions, wanting advice and support, sometimes leaving their email address and then just disappearing as if this was a free Low Carb Advice Service.

This happens much less often in a "physical" community. I wonder why that is? :rolleyes:


pfire76 Sun, Nov-25-01 20:47

I apologize if I have offended anyone. I am new to the internet world, I did post a history about myself, but I am not exactly sure where it disappereared to. I am actually very excited about this forum and am disappointed that instead of helping a new person out in need of help you would criticize and be rude! I am not going to let this discourage me, becuase I know I will be using this forum as a support system. So please Karen, don't respond to any of my messages, I only want positive replies. Thank You :)

lizziea Mon, Nov-26-01 15:30

Hi Karen!

I did the same as you and jumped straight in with questions... I didn't think about it appearing rude as I was so desperate for answers!
I was lucky that I got positive and helpful responses though.
This site is far better than one I visited yesterday which has a statement on its homepage saying 'All newbies please read this info.... - general bumpf about low carb BLAH BLAH!- then it said... for crying out loud will you people READ THE BOOK and stop pestering our longstanding members with the same questions!'

I can appreciate that it must be highly tedious to be asked the same old same old repeatedly, but we were all new once, and more to the point... The book is bound to give a positive and 'foolproof glowing'report of dieting success, what we new to low carb need to be able to do, is exactly what you did and ask the real experts... the people who've been lo carbing for a while.

Anyway as Marion said I'd be very interested to hear how you're getting on with CAD. Apparently the Heller's have modified the reward meal now, but my version is the old one ( bought last week in WH smith ) so I aint gotta clue !

Hang in there :roll: Lizziea

lizziea Mon, Nov-26-01 15:33


That post was to Pfire.... And Karen I appologise for renaming you Marion! Although it is an equally lovely name!

:confused: Lizziea

tamarian Mon, Nov-26-01 15:41

Hi Lizziea,

You'll find lots of us here willing to answer newbies' questions, even the repetitve one, and we also encourage reading the book for those who didn't, at the same time. :)

What might bother many of us here, is when someone asks a question, and requests that the response be emailed directly to them. This generally indicate that a person (and I'm being general here) does not prefer to join a community and participate in it, but rather saying me, me, me. With email, only one person benefits, while sharing in a community, lots of readers benefit.

That's the whole idea behind creating a public forum. :)


pfire76 Mon, Nov-26-01 17:45


Thanks so much for the encouraging words! I actually have found many interesting sites, with lots of success stories which I find very encouraging. I actually read the CAD book, both. The new one has different options you can add, exercise, cutting back on sugar (artificial). I tend be very analytical so I try to read everything there is to know about things especially if it involves my health. But your definately right, with so much contradicitng literature out there especially in regards to low carbing, its better to hear from people that have actually done it.
My sister has been an inspiration to me she actually has lost,over 7o pounds, on atkins and looks beautiful on. But atkins made me nautious which is why I am trying CAD. Its only been 3 days but I feel great! I have so much energy, I could hardly sleep last night! I am definately looking forward to this as a lifestyle change, becuase I was truly tired of feeling tired all of the time.
In response to marion, I actually put my e-mail address b/c I didn't realize I would be notified when there was a response. I am definately looking forward to being a part of this community, becuase one thing I know for sure, its best when you have support of others that have been through it.
Keep me posted too on your progrss Lizziea!

tamarian Mon, Nov-26-01 21:15

Re: Lizziea
Originally posted by pfire76
I actually put my e-mail address b/c I didn't realize I would be notified when there was a response.

Ah, yes, this is a very useful feature. Be aware though, once you start posting into other topics, you may be bombarded with those notification (I'm at the receiving end of all complaints!). Note that there's a link at the bottom of each notification that allows you to disable a specific thread notification, or all notifications. This can be controlled through you option settings, always available for editing from the "profile" icon at the top.


Blondie28 Tue, Nov-27-01 02:13

When I found this website it was like a god send for me and I was so excited and I had sooo many questions I think I must of either complained non stop or asked non stop silly questions.

Which ofcourse in hind sight now I see I could of found the answers to my questions by simply reading through the material. Meaning.. Everyone else's posts.

They are very informational and yes inspirational. However if you simply wants opinions and ideas then by all means ask away!

Everyone on this site has been absolutey wonderful despite the fact that I have read NO diet books at all. No not even Atkins.

I simply made my way through it on good advice and alot of reading on this entire website.

And regarding Karens statement, I really think she was just making an observation of some people's behavior on this support board and did not mean to offend you at all.

You may want to reconsider having her answer your messages...She has always given me food for thought! And we all need as much support as we can get!


bsayne Thu, Nov-29-01 15:29

Welcome Pfire!
Hello there! I too am somewhat unfamiliar with protocol but am trying as best to learn as I go. You'll get through though. Good insight from Blondie28 about Karen though, I do agree she has some great advice and awesome recipes too.
I did Carb Addicts before the change and did lose some, felt good but I lost focus in the reward meal. Obsessed on it actually! But I have to credit the plan with really waking me up in the LC arena. I wish you the best of luck on the new plan. As in anything just take what works from this wonderful support network and toss the rest. If I never make a mistake, how will I learn?


Sharon Thu, Nov-29-01 16:54

I also agree that Karen was just making an observation. I'm sure the longer you hang around the forum the more you'll realize how very, very lucky we are to have Karen and her expertise. (I'm sure another lowcarb forum would steal her away from us in a minute!) She's not only had great luck lowcarbing and is the voice of experience, she's a great chef and I'm sure it would be tough to stump her with any of our lowcarb questions.

I personally have learned many things from Karen. I love her sense of humour and honesty. People like yourself and Karen are what make THIS lowcarb forum the best!!

Remember we're all here volunteering to help each other out. Isn't it neat that we can actually do something like this right from our own homes or offices. It's really neat to watch those who were new a few months ago, take charge and help other new people now with their experience.

The wheel goes round for sure, it's kind of like a passing marathon.

EllieEats Mon, Dec-17-01 07:03

I'm Shocked!!
Sorry... but this is the first time I've seen a post here where someone didn't want another to respond!
I'd re-think it if I was you-- Karen is definitely a "keeper". If you participate in this community, I'm sure you'll be gathering lots of helpful info from HER posts!! :D
Anything said that could help one person, might help thousands--- so why not let everyone have a read!!
I really think you over reacted Pfire!!
Welcome to the forum!!
Ellie :wave:

td2227 Thu, Dec-20-01 05:30

Had to add my two cents worth here
I dont think Pfire over reacted at all to the message. I would be offended if that had been a reply to me.

It is exciting when we first start low-carbing and I think the old timers need to remember that first excitment. We go searching the web for info for "ourselves" not for anyone else. It is great to be a part of a community but ultimately we need to look out for number one just as everyone else does.

I agree that we need to share as much info as possible and to help each other learn. So I say, jump in and ask away. Good on you for having a go Pfire!!!!!

Sorry if I have offended at all but I read the post just as pfire did.

dreamreh Fri, Dec-28-01 17:14

CAD success
I am pretty new to the forum also and am not quite sure how to use it. I have been on the CAD since June 2001. I have lost a total of 65 pounds. I feel great and know this is an eating plan I can stay on for life. Good luck!!

dreamreh Fri, Dec-28-01 17:21

CAD success
I am pretty new to the forum also and am not quite sure how to use it. I have been on the CAD since June 2001. I have lost a total of 65 pounds. I feel great and know this is an eating plan I can stay on for life. Good luck!!

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