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fine Wed, Jan-22-03 12:46

Nuts, nuts oh glorious nuts - I think I am a squirrel
What is it with these golden little objects of delightfulness???
I love them - I can't get enough of them and when I am nearly finishing a bag, I am already planning when I can get through the next bag. I have them stashed in my bedroom, bathroom, study kitchen - everywhere - I even ate some in my bathtub!! The trouble is I can't limit myself to just a few. A few my little mind says a few handfuls, a few 100g's more like. Any nuts, almonds, macadamia, brazils, walnuts, pinenuts, anynuts!!!
This is only since I have been lc-ing. Are they bad for you in excess do you think?
Am I an addict? Am I a squirrel? Am I nuts?
Help me someone...?

Skamito Wed, Jan-22-03 13:33

Your post is so cute. ;)

I think the worst thing about being a nut addict is going over your carbs for the day. I've found I can eat 3-4 oz (about 12-20g of carbs depending on the nuts) in a sitting, therefore making them DANGEROUS. :daze:

I think some people have mentioned that nuts make them stall or cause cravings as well. My best advice (I should really take it myself too) is to divide your nuts into single serving packages and set limits.

But, then again, if you love nuts so much and your progress isn't being stunted, I don't see any reason for you to stop (besides possibly high sodium levels if they're salted).

Perhaps your body is craving the minerals in nuts? I believe they are high in magnesium and potassium.

Just my stab at it. Nut experts... go to town!

Happy low carbing! :)

wcollier Wed, Jan-22-03 14:15

I don't get it!!!! Why can we not eat one nut? Even the low carb nuts? Even the UNsalted nuts? Why can we not eat one?

Skamito, I can do better than 3-4 oz. Try 10 oz in one sitting. The next morning I swear never to do that again. Nope, I can only buy 1 serving of nuts at a time. I can't be trusted.

....this is the nut police, please put down the nuts, then raise your hands in the air..... :lol:

DDMariana Wed, Jan-22-03 16:28

I have had to swear off of nuts too...because I love them so much!! I've been known to bring in a large jar of peanuts (so I could have "LC snacks" throughout the day) and I'd end up throwing away the empty jar at 5:00. NOT a good idea...

Calories DO count on this WOE...I know it's not a popular subject, but I can tell you why I never lost another ounce after induction for MONTHS...because I allowed the legal foods to be a free-for-all!! Just limit or be careful... ;)


lisak17 Wed, Jan-22-03 17:42

Boy does this sound familiar. A few weeks ago i actually bought 2 large bags of almonds at trader joes and then bought a bulk container of almonds at sam's club. why you ask? because i was stocking up. not a good idea. during that week i couldn't keep my hand out of the almond jar. CALORIES!! CALORIES!! if you are eating 3-4 oz. of them, you could be eating between 600 and 800 calories in just nuts.

so i said to myself no more nuts and i stuck to it. yesterday i grabbed a few - and i am so pround of myself because i didn't put my hand back in the jar.

i think the reason we go crazy over the nuts is because they are an "allowable food." so we feel we are not cheating, but too many of them definitely becomes cheating.


wcollier Wed, Jan-22-03 18:54

Originally posted by DDMariana
Calories DO count on this WOE...I know it's not a popular subject, but I can tell you why I never lost another ounce after induction for MONTHS...because I allowed the legal foods to be a free-for-all!! Just limit or be careful...

Since the fall, I gained about 8 pounds, so post-Christmas, it was time to take them off before it got out of control. The other day I had to go out for lunch and I was so concerned I would eat inappropriate food. I made it through without even glancing at a dessert menu. I was so proud of myself.

Then I went to get groceries. Got some macadamia nuts for my husband. I should have known not to bring them in the house with me. When all was said and done, I gained 2 pounds the next day. In one night I gained what took me 3 weeks to lose. With nuts, calories do count!

I was so ticked at myself cause I figured I may as well have cheated after all. I can't even buy nuts for anyone, never mind for myself. I've always been addicted to them, even before LC. Some say our body craves the minerals, but I've never craved raw nuts.
I go for the "cravings" are bad theory (ie. food intolerace, mould) rather than the "cravings are good" theory (ie. needed micronutrients).


kjturner Thu, Jan-23-03 02:47

Try checking the USDA nutrient database. You may be craving something the nuts provide. I'm just coming off a major pistachio craving and when I looked them up I found that pistachios are *loaded* with potassium! Like, TWICE the potassium of bananas measured ounce for ounce. So go look 'em up--nuts are good for you.

freydis Thu, Jan-23-03 08:16

We've had nuts in the house since right after Induction. I keep almonds, macadamias, walnuts, pecans, pistachios, and sometimes black walnuts on hand all the time. Because they were "new" and permitted after Induction, we did eat a few too many in the beginning. Now, I really have to force myself to eat some nuts every week. It is not a problem AT ALL to keep to 1 oz/day; in fact I usually eat far less.

It has been suggested before on these forums that we may be "addicted" to them, in the beginning, because we haven't permitted ourselves to eat them on our low-fat regimens. Now that we can, I think the newness will wear off for most people when they've had their fill.

Cinderella Thu, Jan-23-03 09:20

I love nuts only buy them every once in a while because I can't stand the thought of them sitting in my cupboard...they need to be in a bowl...very close to me!


wcollier Thu, Jan-23-03 10:21

Originally posted by freydis
It is not a problem AT ALL to keep to 1 oz/day; in fact I usually eat far less.

It has been suggested before on these forums that we may be "addicted" to them, in the beginning, because we haven't permitted ourselves to eat them on our low-fat regimens. Now that we can, I think the newness will wear off for most people when they've had their fill.

Hi Freydis:

Ok, there should be an "I'm not worthy wave" icon cause this is where I would insert it! Or maybe a "rubbing salt in the wounds" icon! :D :lol:

I have been addicted to nuts since I was a kid so, for me, I think it is a true addiction. I think it might be the "crunch factor", cause I can keep nut butters in the house, but can't keep nuts. But you're right. For some, it's an extravagence which has been denied for so long.

Iowagirl Thu, Jan-23-03 13:58

I'm Iowagirl and I'm addicted to cashews..... :p

wcollier Thu, Jan-23-03 17:07

Hello Iowagirl:

I'm Wanda and I'm addicted to cashews.... and peanuts....and macadamians.... and sunflower seeds.... I've been clean for 3 days. :yay:

DDMariana Thu, Jan-23-03 17:37

My we need to start a 12-step program for you guys???

I've been known to take a tablespoon, scoop out a plop of peanut butter and dip it into salted peanuts so they stuck all over it....and this went on in front of the TV for God knows how long...

Needless to say, I don't do nuts - or peanut butter - anymore!!


Peabug Thu, Jan-23-03 18:18

Oh man. I shouldn't have read this thread! "...craaaaavings... nothing more than craaaaaavings...!"

I had to send hubby to work with a half-empty can of nuts this morning just to get them out of the house! :daze:

Iowagirl Thu, Jan-23-03 19:54

Which way did he go? :D

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