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SuperSue04 Sat, Feb-14-04 10:13

Worried about an 8-day Mission Trip . . .
Hi, everyone! I need some help! :)

Two weeks from today, I'm going with a group of college students on a mission trip to Alabama. We'll be helping to set up a local tutoring program and helping with building and facilities repairs.

Although I'm really excited about the trip, the opportunities to meet and help people, and to be active (and warm!), I'm nervous about eating. We'll be living in Missionary housing, and I know that the churches in the area will be feeding us.

I feel it would be rude to "not eat" if they have mac and cheese or chili or spaghetti (major cheap food staples for these kinds of programs). I also feel it would be hard to get anything else to eat while there. We'll have a van, but the store is 7.2 miles away (I asked)--not a realistic daily walk for me right now.

I did buy a bunch of locally made, vacuum-sealed "beef sticks" (not the nitrates or preservatives of slim jims), and I did buy a box of Morning Start bars. I'll take both of these with me. We're only allowed one bag/suitcase, so I thought I might try to take a Keto shake mix container with me, too. I'm hoping to have a little protien (eggs? bacon?) and some salad or legal veggies served, but who knows?

Add to it all that there is a big, multi-group Dairy Queen party (I'm thinkin' hamburgers! not ice cream :nono: ), and I'm hoping to make due.

Does anyone have any suggestions?? Remember, for 2 of the 8 days, I'll be traveling with no fridge. While there, I don't "get to leave". And, I only get 1 bag/suitcase to put my clothes, books, and other things in.

Please help! Thanks in advance!


Squid Sat, Feb-14-04 10:29

Sounds like you've thought this through pretty well. I also take cheese with me when I travel. It can go without refrigeration for a few days if need be. I like those little round individually wrapped baby cheeses for traveling.

The shaker is a good idea, I always travel with mine. I also take along a big bag of nuts.


pd Rydia Sat, Feb-14-04 10:31

Originally Posted by Squid
I like those little round individually wrapped baby cheeses for traveling.

Pacman cheese! XD!

(It's what the wax wrapped looks like once you remove it).

FromVA Sat, Feb-14-04 10:38

The cheese is Laughing Cow mini Babybel...comes in three flavors that I know of, including chedder. Not cheap (better price at Costco) but an alternative you could use.

In your shoes, I wouldn't concentrate on trying to lose weight, but maintaining what you've lost. It is difficult when you aren't in a position where you are in total control of what's fixed, but it sounds like you will be quite active and have tried to plan ahead. Best of luck and enjoy the trip!

SuperSue04 Sat, Feb-14-04 13:29

Thanks for the replies, everyone! I'll try to roll with it. :roll: :roll:

I'll definitely get some of those little cheeses. :)

If you think of anything else, please let me know!!


TJE1219 Sat, Feb-14-04 13:29


Sounds like a blast!! I have to second what FromVA said about not so much worrying about losing as maintaining. Every year my son and I attend a mission trip similar to what you're doing. I tried it LC one year and it just didn't quite jell right--I took along protein shake powder to drink for breakfast and steeled myself to avoid the goodies. Didn't work, but I did manage to lose two pounds anyway by avoiding as much sugar and white flour as possible (the little old church ladies seemed so sorry when I wouldn't try the chocolate brownies, though...) Some of it was unavoidable, but it seemed there was usually some kind of fruit available and otherwise I just tried to minimize the damage. The real key was the exercise, I got a lot of walking done and exercising.

BUT...the most important thing was getting right back on Induction when I got back. It was the last thing I wanted to do, but I did it anyway. It helped a lot.

Best wishes!

tholian8 Sat, Feb-14-04 13:40

I was stuck at a conference last year where there was next to no LC food to be had. I took Myoplex LC protein shake powder with me and ended up eating it for 2 meals a day, and making the best of dinner with whatever I could salvage from the starch-fest they continually served.

I lost 3 or 4 pounds, but I can't recommend the way I did it--I was hungry and spacey much of the time, as I simply could not get enough legal LC calories and so went without.

The protein shake mix was a godsend though. :)

freckles Sat, Feb-14-04 16:43

You've gotten some good advice. I think I'd just look at it like a planned cheat...still do as little damage as possible, but don't make yourself miserable not eating. Then when you get home buckle down and get back on track.

SuperSue04 Sun, Feb-15-04 11:00

Thanks, everyone!

Good advice! I'll just take it 1 meal at a time and try my best to stay as "legal as I can" without being rude to those who are providing the food. I'll also take my bars, protein powder, beef sticks (normally I avoid these, but who knows?), and some of the little cheeses. And, of course, my trusty Nalgene water bottle!! I think it is kinda like my "security" water bottle, if you know what I mean. It is part of my Atkins "ritual," and I think it will help me to feel like I'm not "off" this WOE. :)

If you think of any other foods that I could take (think small in size, please!), just let me know! I appreciate it.

PS--Tholian8 . . . Star Trek reference?? :wiggle: I love any and all things "trekkie," although Kirk was a goober.

FromVA Sun, Feb-15-04 11:06

Originally Posted by SuperSue04
PS--Tholian8 . . . Star Trek reference?? :wiggle: I love any and all things "trekkie," although Kirk was a goober.

:lol: :lol: :lol:....I agree!

tamborine Sun, Feb-15-04 11:21

How about little cans of tuna & foil packets of mayo (I don't know if they sell the little packets at Costco, or wherever, but....if you or your friends went to McD's, etc., you could ask for them & save them up).

Macadamia nuts!

FromVA Sun, Feb-15-04 12:10

Tuna now comes in a foil package that needs no could possibly just mix the may up with the tuna and not have to worry about a container. As with every "convenience" food, though, it will be pricey.

latingirl Mon, Feb-16-04 13:26

Cans of chicken breast, cans of olives, cans of chicken broth (low sodium-no sugar), Atkins cereal. I know these are bulky, just a few ideas.

tholian8 Thu, Feb-19-04 16:25

Originally Posted by SuperSue04
PS--Tholian8 . . . Star Trek reference?? :wiggle: I love any and all things "trekkie," although Kirk was a goober.

ST reference...I'm afraid so, at least for the "Tholian" part. I've been waiting for Paramount to send me a "cease and desist" letter since 1998, but so far nothing has happened. :lol: :lol:

The "8" refers to my Enneagram personality type. I started adding "8" because, as you might imagine, "Tholian" by itself was a pretty popular geek nick.

I knew a lot of girls who had crushes on Capt. Kirk. I wanted to be him. But then again I was always a little unusual....


SuperSue04 Thu, Feb-19-04 21:18

Tholian9 (aka Emily),

That's OK! :lol:

I know some purist Trekkies might shudder at this personal testimonial from another "Star" screen dynasty, . . . . . but I actually wanted to be Han Solo . . . Really. Han had it good! :roll:


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