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pookster Wed, Apr-18-07 09:52

My dad was right...
Wow... how long have I been a member of this forum and I never really explored the gym log features of this site :lol:
I guess I've got some catching up to do... luckily I haven't been regularly exercising that long that I can still kick off a gym log :)

Brief synopsis of what's brought me here:

My father passed away from lung cancer on March 11th of this year, 2007. It was only a little over 4 months since he was diagnosed. He had been smoking his entire life.
Once he was diagnosed and started getting sick, he started reiterating to me how important one's health was...
I remember being in the hospital with my dad, before they brought him home on hospice care and he told me that there's a Chinese saying..
that your health is always #1... if you have family, put a 0 to the right of the 1 so you have 10... have wealth, add another, another zero...
and the higher your number is, the more fulfilling your life is...
but take away that #1.. and you have nothing... all you have are a bunch of 0's...
nothing matters if you don't have your health
and I just thought that was so profound and sad and true.. and it's one of the last things my dad ever said to me in his final days that I will never ever forget...

Shortly before my dad passed, DH and I invested in a real treadmill. I mean a refurbished top of the line commercial treadmill (what you would find in gyms across the country)... not a "home" treadmill..
Brand new, this thing retailed over $5K
We bought it refurbished (2005 model) for little less than half of that...
It was still a TON of money but we had gone through the WalMart special treadmills before and knew that wasn't what we wanted...
After my dad passed, I started really focusing on my health and using it..
So far, since having the treadmill hooked up (it required its own grounded cable, special outlet and dedicated line ran directly from the breaker box) I have used it almost every single day.

My goal is to some day look back on my gym log at the very first page and maintain my promise to be a better healthier me. Because my dad is right.. without your health, you have nothing.

pookster Wed, Apr-18-07 10:01

Our treadmill was FINALLY hooked up on 4/3 and I started on it right away..
Here's the log I've been keeping of my distance I've been going on it

4/3/07.............1 mile
4/4/07.............1.1 miles
4/5/07.............1.32 miles
4/6/07..............2.5 miles
4/6/07..............1.7 miles
4/7/07..............1.55 miles
4/9/07..............2 miles
4/10/07............2.26 miles
4/12/07.............2.1 miles
4/13/07.............1.9 miles
Total miles...........24.68 miles

pookster Wed, Apr-18-07 10:03

Previous entry didn't include my exercise for last nite..
got started REALLY late so I didn't go that far...
Funny when I started, 1 mile was good for me.. and now 1.66 miles is "not that far" for me :lol:

Calories eaten yesterday: 1,386
Calories burned: 2,370
Exercise: 1.66 miles on the treadmill
Calories burned on the treadmill: 164

pookster Wed, Apr-18-07 20:00

Calories eaten today: 1607
Calories burned: 2410
Miles on treadmill: 2 miles
Calories burned on the treadmill: 211

emily30 Wed, Apr-18-07 20:06

I'm very sorry to hear about your Dad's passing. He sounded like a very smart man. Congrats on taking the initiative to get yourself to better health. I'm sure your Dad is smiling down on you.

Cissie_12 Wed, Apr-18-07 20:10

Originally Posted by emily30
I'm very sorry to hear about your Dad's passing. He sounded like a very smart man. Congrats on taking the initiative to get yourself to better health. I'm sure your Dad is smiling down on you.


Good parents are such a blessing. Sounds like both of us were very blessed since mine were wonderful also. Still are, just they live in Heaven now!

pookster Thu, Apr-19-07 09:41

I got visitors!!
hello Emily and Cissie!! :)

Weight this morning was at a solid 159..
oddly enough, my weight seems to be higher in the morning than it does in the afternoons...
which is just WEIRD.. cause it's always been the opposite for me...

Anyways, I dont' know if I'll get on the treadmill tonite..
my left ankle has a blister from the shoes... and trying to walk tonite might exacerbate it..
which is really a shame cause I LOVE those new balance shoes :(

Anyways, took a long hot soak in some epsom salt last nite... my muscles are feeling a little achy for some reason...
so might take tonite off from walking just to give everything a day of rest.. :)

azzyzzy Thu, Apr-19-07 11:00

Thanks for writing in my journal
Originally Posted by pookster
... there's a Chinese saying..
that your health is always #1... if you have family, put a 0 to the right of the 1 so you have 10... have wealth, add another, another zero...
and the higher your number is, the more fulfilling your life is...
but take away that #1.. and you have nothing... all you have are a bunch of 0's...
nothing matters if you don't have your health
and I just thought that was so profound and sad and true.. and it's one of the last things my dad ever said to me in his final days that I will never ever forget...

I really sorry to hear about the passing of your father. What he said is really powerful. Our health is so important. Sometimes we get caught up thinking that I'll lose these 50 pounds but what does it all mean if were not healthy. Back in 2004, I started panicking after I realized I had 2 weeks until my graduation and I had gain back 15 of the pounds I loss doing Atkins. I went from 160 and 145 in 10 days but I was sick as a dog. I was hardly eating, drinking 5 large cups of coffee each day and smoking cigarettes like a chimney. And since then, my dieting efforts have been just that--a panic, resulting in some unhealthy behavior just to lose weight...until now.

I am really concerned about getting healthy and maintaining it. This is the only body I'll have. So unless I discover the fountain of youth, I'd better start taking action today. I'm really glad you're doing the same.

Maybe you should take the night'll be able to work harder once you heal. Just a thought :) but I'm stubborn, too...

Ann1231 Thu, Apr-19-07 11:06

I'm so sorry for your Dad's passing. It was two years ago today that my Dad's funeral was held. He also had lung cancer, as well as some others. He too talked of how important our health was. I was thinking of him this morning as I took my bike ride. The best thing you can do is take his advice and take care of your health. Smart men we both were priveleged to have in our lives!

pookster Thu, Apr-19-07 19:01

Not going to run tonite...
my blister hasn't recovered and I just really need some extra sleep tonite..
weird.. I feel guilty for not getting on that tread mill :lol:

pookster Fri, Apr-20-07 09:09

Didn't run last nite... and WHY WHY WHY do I feel guilty for not running/walking?
I guess guilt's a good thing when it comes to exercise tho :D :D :D
I think my blister's gone (it was just a little one) but we're still gonna go shop for new shoes this weekend.. .both DH and me
Weight's crept back up to 160-161...
whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy oh whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
I hate that stupid thing...
my body just REFUSES to let me below 160... REFUSES i tell yas!!! :mad:

Don't know if I'll get some running/walking in today either...
we're hosting a party tonite... so i've only got between 5:30pm and 8pm when everybody starts showing up.. and was planning on using that time to clean the house up and get a little rest since it'll be a long nite..

will see tho...

pookster Fri, Apr-20-07 09:35

Originally Posted by Ann1231
I'm so sorry for your Dad's passing. It was two years ago today that my Dad's funeral was held. He also had lung cancer, as well as some others. He too talked of how important our health was. I was thinking of him this morning as I took my bike ride. The best thing you can do is take his advice and take care of your health. Smart men we both were priveleged to have in our lives!

Ann, I'll respond to you here since you don't have a journal...
but thank you for your post and kind words :)
I'm sorry to hear about your dad as well... lung cancer is SO vicious that it's just unbelievable...
My dad went from nearly symptomless to passing away in a matter of 4 months... the speed at which the cancer spread was crazy and out of control... he had JUST finished his 3 month session of chemo 2 weeks before he passed away and we all thought (including the oncologist) that it was working and that the cancer was in remission... he was walking, talking, had visitors... had friends over... cooking for us... and next day, he was paralyzed..
In the end, the cancer had spread to his spine and paralyzed him from the waist down... and within 2 weeks after that, he passed away..

I think about him often too and it hits me at the oddest times...
I'll see something or hear something that reminds me of him and it just hits like a brick wall...

Anyways, thank you for your visit :)

azzyzzy Fri, Apr-20-07 12:28

Ann, I'm really sorry to hear about your loss. Pookie, thank you for sharing also. This makes me think about my dad. I'm not real close with him but I love him dearly. We are much alike--addictive personalities and such. I would never admit to that before. I have tried to reach out to him regarding his smoking. I made a pact with him to quit and we could do it together. That was months ago. I did manage to quit and he didn't. It really worries me because my mom passed away from an agressive cancer. It's really frustrating when you can't help the ones you love.

Anywho, just some passing thoughts.

Pookie, good luck with party tonight.


p.s. You will go below 160..and stay there. That's a promise :)

pookster Mon, Apr-23-07 20:02

2.53 miles sunday nite
2.12 tonite

Haven't had a chance to update gym logs or journal
will do so tomorrow
pwomise :)

pookster Tue, Apr-24-07 14:48

Well.. it's Tuesday
not too many miles put in this week, only 2.x for Sunday and Monday nite
for some reason today my right leg keeps giving me problems...
I'll just be sitting here and all of the sudden it will feel like jello and just tingle...
not sure if I'm not getting enough vitamins or what?? :confused:
also, noticed the past couple of nites when I try to run, it feels a little weird...
like my legs are just dragging...
dunno what's up with that...
on the bright side... I was able to run 1/2 mile last nite straight without stopping...

Weight's still not going down..
sitting pretty at 161/160 :rolleyes:

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