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Beaver Fri, Sep-06-02 12:44

Friends and family F'n with you and being all pissy
THe last 2 weeks I have had to bite my tounge around family and friends.

I stopped drinking so I get sh*t from friends.......when they see me eating bacon and eggs and mayo and butter they say "oh yeah you cant drink but you can eat that crap, whatever dude, you're retarded"

My Grandma seems to think I am starving myself, and doesnt understand the concept of carbohydrates. "well can you eat bread, I have about mashed potatoes, can you eat that, lemmie make you some"

My mother is upset that I got my dad excited to start a diet, hes the one who got me onto CKD. Hes a smart guy, dropped 129 pounds and used to sell supplements and shit, he goes through obsessive phases with this kinda stuff. He keeps raggin on me to get back on the zone. Then my mom will ask me a question and then tell me to just forget it....she understands the concept but not the specifics, so she'll mess with me..."mmmm oatmeal, maple brown sugar, mmmm" or "I made biscuits, want one...oh yeah, I'm sorry, how about some rice...HAHAHAH"

whats it like with friends and family for you guys and gals?

Big Dog Fri, Sep-06-02 12:48

My wife made a huge pan of lasagna the first week i was on Atkins. She didnt realize it at first and felt bad about it.

My Mom worries but that is what Mothers are for i guess.

Other than that most of my family is pretty supportive. I love the shock factor of eating tons of high fat food around my health concious co-workers and then losing weight. :devil:

TeriDoodle Fri, Sep-06-02 13:17

I love the shock factor of eating tons of high fat food around my health concious co-workers and then losing weight.

Ahhhhhhhhhh yes. Isn't that just the GREATEST???

Pepperoni anyone?

To those who keep offering starches, you just keep saying, "No thanks, I don't eat that anymore."

To those who think you're "retarded".... you just smile and keep on eatin'! In 6 months you'll still be retarded, but THIN!! :lol:

Fernie Fri, Sep-06-02 13:19

Thankfully, my hubby is doing CKD with me. We've been heavy together, did Protein Power together, tried the low-fat thing together (I gained weight, he turned mean!) and now this.

I do really sympathize with those who struggle with their loved ones over food. Our society is so food oriented, and lots of people equate food with love, so to reject their food is to reject them.

Just tough it out, eventually they'll get over it!


west_on_46 Fri, Sep-06-02 15:49

Well I don't have significant others to deal with, but parents and friends get on my nerves sometimes because neither can understand the concept of dieting to look better than average. Last weekend I mentioned my goals to some friends who've not seen me in a while and was immediately accused of having an unhealthy self-image. I blew it off, of course, but really had to use self-restraint not to use statements like "You wouldn't know what a good body looks like."

Big Dog Fri, Sep-06-02 16:05

Anymore i jsut tell people that I want to lose weight so i can be around to see my kid graduate from college.

That gets a better response than saying i dont want to be embarassed to take off my t-shirt at the beach.

west_on_46 Fri, Sep-06-02 17:31

Originally posted by Big Dog
That gets a better response than saying i dont want to be embarassed to take off my t-shirt at the beach.

I just think that it's conceptually wrong to heckle a person who is dieting for any reason at all.

Beaver Fri, Sep-06-02 17:35

Luckily I have one friend who is a kinestesaologisticalallyoxenfree major, whatever the technical term is for trainer/gym teacher haha. And he constantly tells friends to lay off, its much easier when at least one person understands.

Meg_S Sat, Sep-07-02 07:06

I have lost 8 sizes, and gone from "unable to sprint at all" to not being able to get enough exercise. Intervals, weight training etc.
Everyone is amazed at the transformation, yet my grandmother (my grandparents are more like my parents than my parents) still "Doesn't believe in low carb." I laugh at it now, because I am close to goal but it is frustrating because I swear she tries to sabotage my eating plans. As soon as I put up any kind of resistance to carby foods, she'll go out and make/bake everything she knows is my favourite and act hurt when I won't eat it. You all know how grandmother's pies are!
All of my friends are low fatters and it is annoying to see them not losing weight. They don't lecture me (anymore!!!), because they know I won't take it. Most people I refuse to discuss diet with because they're too closed minded.

You won't convince most people that fat is healthy. I guess that is what is so wonderful about this forum, it's like a haven of people you know are behind you even if your personal world is not.


BigDaddy32 Sun, Sep-08-02 19:12

yeah I'm so sick of all this crap guys!

I'm just not going to listen to people who don't even know what a macro-nutrient is, when they tell me I'm unhealthy! My eating habits are the talk of the office and my mom just doens't really understand, she thinks I'm gonna die of heart disease or something!

Besides what is so bad about fat really. Its gotten such a bad rep which has killed it. The fact is in without carbs, fat is an excellent fuel source! Everyone thinks that things like chocolate is so bad for you because of the fat! Couldn't be the fact there's next to no protein and its got a ton of carbs in it!?!? No, no, it must be tha fat! :mad:

It's just gonna be a whole lot of fun when all the reports start coming out (like they are now) and we see major modifications to the food pyramid!

I was trying to explain the benefits of high-fat over high-carb and he said his activity levels wouldn't be enough to handle a high-fat diet, because he was so inactive! But a high-carb diet was his choice!?!? To me he's trying to tell me whats healthy and he doesn't even realise that for inactive people a high-fat diet is probably the best choice...

I've always felt like shit on low-fat diets, high-fat is definately the way for me! OK, I feel better getting that off my chest...

flyguy Mon, Sep-09-02 16:20

Hey Im with you on this CKDers!!!

I get crap just like all you.
Things like:
arnt you tired of all the same food?
Can't you just have a small sliver of cake?
Is that all you are going to eat.
You need your cholesteral checked asap.
You work out too much.
You are already skinny?
Your eating like this again? (mondays)
This is bad for your teeth. (carbup)

last weekend I told my mom I gained 9lbs from carb up and she was glad. She was trying to make me feel bad about it. I havent told her I lost all that and 2lbs more in the 5 days.

I think some of it if not all of it is envious from everyone cause I have self disipline to stick with this. Unlike them They also see that I am getting good results from this "wacky" diet.
A family member tried it and did not last 2 days....there reason was "I can't eat that much meat".

I just use all this as a motivator!

Although, I do get embarrased when there is a get together and I do not eat. Everyone asks Why don't you eat.


Trainerdan Mon, Sep-09-02 18:56

I used to get that all the time.

Fortunately for me, Fern understands low-carb/CKD very well ... She researched it, and then decided on her own to do it. It helps alot having someone who understands the mood swings, keto stink, and all of the other fun stuff that goes along with it. It is also great havingt that kind of support at home for the times when you hit a stall.

As for friends, well, most of my friends are people that I met or used to work with at gyms ... so they just say "Oh." Then they tempt me with all the carbby stuff. After you have been doing this for awhile, that stuff doesn't bother you.

The new owner at work is trying to tell me that it is unhealthy, and that all of the supplements I take will get me fat. LOL. Right.

Keep in mind that this guy looks a mess and is trying to give ME nutritional advice. LOL. I just tell him he's wrong, and that when he gets in better shape than me he can preach to me about nutrition.

Iowagirl Tue, Sep-10-02 14:15

My favorite are the overweight, sedentary smokers who tell me this low carb stuff just CAN'T be good for me. (exhale smoke, cough, spit) I just eat another stick of butter and walk away.

(kidding about that stick of butter!)

suzanib Tue, Sep-10-02 15:30

My answer
I was at a GNC yesterday (new to!) looking for a low carb breakfast drink...I've already had it with eggs... :(

Anyway, the clerk told me to mix the vanilla with fruit, to make it taste better. I told her that I didn't want any carbs, and she said, "oh, but it's a good carb" - and I just didn't bother.

I plan to tell people simply that I can't eat carbohydrates because my body doesn't metabolize them properly, same as a diabetic with sugar. I'm hoping by making it sound like I have a "medical condition", which I don't wonder if CA shouldn't be classified as such, since this has been the first week in years when I've not needed to take an afternoon there has to be something "metabolic" going on.... that no one will even try to lecture me. Afterall, would they tell a diabetic, "oh that's okay, eat just one candy..." I don't think so!

As for this being a WOL to lose weight/ gain health, etc...they will see that in time on their own. Right! :thup: :thup: :thup:

flyguy Tue, Sep-10-02 15:37

This week I went out to a club/bar. There were some girls there and a waitress that were harrassing me to drink. I just told the waitress I am a recovering alcholic. (im not really) And I did not want to fall off the wagon again. She finally then stopped bugging me. Got to do what you have to.

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