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TomC Thu, Feb-27-03 11:51

Please List your Symptoms Here
Just wanted to take a moment to tally up people's symptoms during Induction. While I do get some of there normally in moderation, I find it odd to have experienced them all in the past 8 days ( since I started )

1) Migraines - I've had 3 so far. I typically may get 1 a month.
2) Fatigue - I've had two bouts of fatigue. One on day 3, and another on day 7.
3) Nose bleed - Haven't had a nose bleed in two years since I bought a humidifier. Noticed the dry mouth symptoms, now a nosebleed last night.
4) Dry Mouth. I can tank a whole bottle of water, but my mouth is dry just moments later.
5) A noticeable difference in urination odor. Typically I don't smell anything when I go, lately I smell an almost cabbage like smell.

Please be open and as graphic as you need to be. I talked to my one friend about his experience and he was like, "No, I never really had any problems." After I started listing mine, he was like, "Oh, yeah, I do remember having some minor issues." I won't list his here, because he isn't on this diet any more and it is a bit outdated info.


Tom C

vdub Thu, Feb-27-03 12:02

I, too, have had the fatigue--totally zapped--a condition I understand will go away in a few days. I'm told that strong urine is a sign of ketosis, so I guess that's a really good sign. As for the dry mouth, I'm experiencing that as well, but it's helping me get all the water I need.

jocelyn Thu, Feb-27-03 12:07

I am on day 10 of induction.
I have had all the same problems you have but since yesterday
I feel great.Still dry mouth but I havent had enough water yet today.Did you have any problems sleeping? Last night was better for me.
You will feel better soon.

blatla Thu, Feb-27-03 12:10

My symptoms were fairly mild but I did have:

1. Sweats, accompanied by weakness (feeling like I was going to pass out)

2. Yucky taste in my mouth that I couldn't get rid of

3. Dizziness/nausea

4. Fatigue

The good news, though, is that it was off and on and only lasted for a couple of days. I didn't drink caffeine before, though, so I didn't have to go through any of that withdrawel that a lot of people do. For me, I think it was just sugar detox...and maybe not drinking enough water. Since I've started actually keeping track of my water intake and being more intentional about getting enough it, I havn't had any problems at all (except for the frequent trips to the potty!).

GramnGramp Thu, Feb-27-03 12:13

My symptoms were much like the others:

Extreme fatigue: lasted a full week, but none after that.
Dry Mouth: still have that, but helps me drink the required water

My husband only had fatigue for a couple of days

It Does get better with time.

DWRolfe Thu, Feb-27-03 12:25

Oh yeah
I've done Induction twice. Both times I experienced:

Ugly mood swings (not that bad, but I was grumpy)
Bad breath (still do but it's OK)

But all of those things passed quickly and I started to feel better (really, really good) soon after. And then my cravings were gone too.

Good luck.

Donald (down 120lbs today) :wave:

reese Thu, Feb-27-03 13:25

I've had some wierd symptoms
That may or may not be related. I'm on day 9 of induction and I'm still really tired. Also, (and this is wierd) I've noticed that my face has much more color (like increased blood flow?) which seems to contradict the tiredness, since I usually become pale when I'm tired. My next two symptoms I'm pretty sure are related to this WOE: One is I'm not cold all the time anymore. My boss and I used to fight over the thermostat all the time but now, he's even turning it warmer when I'm not yet cold. This is a good thing! I used to be so uncomfortable. The second is my bowels, they are very infrequent, yet soft. (Sorry, gross I know) I'm wondering, has anyone else experienced this? I'm not taking laxatives, either. In my experience only going "#2" every 4 days or so, usually makes them like rocks. Is always a small amount, too.
OK, enough about my bodily functions.:Puke:

S_Hysmith Thu, Feb-27-03 13:28

My chronic migraines went away during induction. Likewise the fatigue. (except for the other night, but I only got about three hours sleep...) I haven't experienced that "energy rush" yet (into week 3 now) but that middle-of-the-day :yawn: has for the most part subsided.

The bad smell is definitely there. More so on some days than others. The dry nasty taste in my mouth is still there; no amount of Listerine seems to kill it, but it too is subsiding.

All in all, a small price for what I've gained (or rather, lost... :D ) in that amount of time!

Yaseruzo~! Thu, Feb-27-03 13:33

I've been really lucky in that I haven't had any of the negative effects like headaches or fatigue, but here's a few.

1) stinky breath
2) stinky urine
3) poop that sinks to the bottom instead of floating :p
4) feeling cold

lattegrl Thu, Feb-27-03 14:51

yup- I told someone on here a few days ago I got terribly sick during induction and would have given the stupid diet up if I had the energy :( However I was eating gobs of nitrates- you name it bacon, sausage, ham, spiced pork rinds. I ended up w/ one of the worst migrains in as long as i can remember -usually one imatrex fixes me right up- I took 3 over a 12 hour period) and promptly got sick to my stomach, I had woke up in the night with severe cramps- arms& legs. But alas as I felt to crappy to eat the next day and did stay on the diet. I ditched the nitrates, increased the water and correct foods. Now I love this WOE and cant imagine going back to all my bad habits. Dont know if it was dehydration,nitrates, caffine withdrawl, sugar withdrawl are some of all but i am so glad i stayed with it! :spin: Hope this next week goes by fast for you.

KoKo Thu, Feb-27-03 15:15

Hi, :)

I had a headache for a couple of days, and I had what I thought might be hot flashes at night, I would wake up very warm and I am usually freezing.

The only other time I had a headache on the diet or induction was after making and trying the recipe for Gummie Worms, it had 2 packs of SFJello disolved in only about .5 to 1cup of water don't know if it was the aspartame or the concentration of food coloring involved, but it was a KILLER headache - they did not taste much like gummies either - well not to me anyway.


TomC Thu, Feb-27-03 15:19

Please keep these coming. I read about a few symptoms in the book, but to be honest, such books need to keep the symtpom variations in check, or the diet doesn't sell. I don't want to assemble these to detract from the diet or scare us off it.

Anyhow, here is the list I am compiling. Answers from here, from people I know on the diet, and another low-carb board I posted on.

1) Migraines – Some people tend to get migraines the first week of Induction and it can even last longer. Some people contribute this to not only carbohydrate-withdrawal, but also possibly the elimination of chocolate and caffeine.

2) Fatigue – The fatigue variable is actually fairly common during Induction. It typically kicks in on the 2nr or 3rd day, but most people claim it subsides after that, even claiming to have a new found energy. Additionally, those that like to exercise often find they lack a second wind, or they just tires easily as well.

3) Sleep Dysfunction – A small number of dieters during Induction have reported sleep issues. Specifically, not getting enough sleep. Some have discredited this as perhaps due to being excited or enthusiasm for a new diet, while others claim to have sleep issues well past the first few days.

4) Halitosis – This is a very common symptom and exists well through Induction. Associated effects include dry nose and mouth. Reports from some dieters claim to by drinking large quantities of water, still not being able to satiate their first or the dry mouth symptoms. Extreme cases of dry mouth have followed with occasional nose bleed.

5) Malodorous urine – This is also fairly common during Ketosis. The urine, even if drinking ample supplies of water, seems flushed with stinky toxins that give off a sour cabbage like odor.

6) Body temperature change – This is a very common symptom, but what is odd is that some people seem to feel cooler and others seem to feel warmer. Some people claim to get hot flashes or even sweat in their sleep, while others claim to be wearing extra garments when it is cooler. This may be in part due to metabolic changes, and associated with #2, Fatigue.

7) Body flushing – Similar to the body temperature changes, some reports are of people becoming pale. Most people report actually becoming flushed or even slightly red-faced. Typically, this is a mild symptom, and has to do more with the consumption of red meats and other foods higher in Iron.

8) Constipation Variant – This symptom varies from dieter to dieter, but most people in Induction report a distinct reduction in defecation. The average person reports going approximately two times per day before the diet, and at most once per day while in Induction. Also, volume per bathroom session seems to be a lot smaller. Those who take psyllium husk supplements have a reduced effect and waste removal seems normal.

jch_rbm124 Thu, Feb-27-03 18:19

i've experienced a lot of the same... infrequent BM's, urine odor, dry mouth, bad breath, but what do you expect? we're all GOING THRU WITHDRAWALS!!!!! i'm sure it's not walk in the park quitting smoking, drinking, drugs, or any other bad habit... it'll subside, (i hope!!) :agree:

Lisa N Thu, Feb-27-03 19:06

Well....considering I was feeling so bad when I started that crappy would have been an improvement, I really can't say I experienced any negative symptoms. I did have constipation initially (wasn't drinking enough water), but that quickly resolved itself and elimination has been pretty much normal for me ever since.
I've never had headaches, mood swings or even bad breath, really. I just feel better all the way around.
Sleep is sounder and more restful. Fatigue, which was terrible before I began, is way better. :thup:

theresa113 Thu, Feb-27-03 19:06

i've experienced a lot of the same... infrequent BM's, urine odor, dry mouth, bad breath, but what do you expect? we're all GOING THRU WITHDRAWALS!!!!! i'm sure it's not walk in the park quitting smoking, drinking, drugs, or any other bad habit... it'll subside, (i hope!!)

This is so true. Sugar is poison. That is why there is the disease of diabeates. Hang in there! Once you go through the withdrawals the side effects will disapear.

Some basics really help with the symptons.

Drink water and plenty of it. I know you can have bacon on induction, and this is a real treat, but don't over do it. Processed meats are filled with salt and other things which can make your mouth dry and also make you dehydrated.

Bad breath and urine odor... well as far as the urine, no one is in there with you so who cares? Just means you are burning fat which is GREAT! The bad breath, you may want to chew on some parsley, eat your salad greens and buy blintz mintz (made with spenda and .12 carbs a piece.)

Make sure you eat enough vegis. Yes this is a diet based on fats and protien, but you need your fiber!

Rest when you feel tired. In a couple of weeks you will have more energy. Don't push yourself too hard in the beginning. Remember, you are detoxing. Take this time to take a warm bubble bath, a nap in the afternoon, etc. Soon, you will have so much pep you won't want to lay around anymore.

And last but not least, RELAX. Enjoy this new journey. Look forward to how you will feel. Love yourself and be proud that you made a great decision to take control of your life and embark on a new way of eating!

I am proud of all of you! :) Hang in there!

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