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aeburse4 Tue, Jun-21-05 06:38

After reading and being inspired by all the many successes that I see on this sight every day, I finally get to right about my own personal success. Yippie!

In high school, I was always right around 130-138 or so. I was very active and played many sports and always worked out. Like many on this site (and everywhere) I was also starving myself on low fat diets and skipping meals and whatever else I had to do to stay at that weight.

When I left high school and went off to college I was no longer playing sports, but I still worked out every day either my running or rollerblading. I was still sticking to my "starvation" method of eating and my weight crept up to about 145 lbs. That doesn't sound like much, but when you add 5 lbs to petite frame, you really notice!

In 2001 I fell in love with my husband and, of course, the weight fell off as it often does when you are in love. ;) I was too happy to step on the scale then, but I would guess that I was around 130 because I was fitting into a slim fit, size 7 jeans. As time went on and we moved in together, I put the weight back on. I remember one of my last doctors appointments before I got pregnant, my weight was 162. Had I been so deleriously happy that I hadn't noticed that none of my old clothes fit and I had to buy new ones?

About 2 months later, I was pregnant with my little girl and weight was really not a concern (although it should have been). I ate anything and everything I wanted with no hesitation. When I went in to deliver my little one I was at 209 lbs! Yikes! When I went home from the hospital I was about 180. I had lost 30 lbs and that was it. Everyone told me that breast feeding would be the way to loose the the end I was down to about 170 after breast feeding around the clock! I started going back on the low fat diet after I weined my baby (or should I say starving myself). After months and months of doing that and working out 3-4 times a week, I was at 160.

Go forward to Christmas 2004, just last December. We were puting up our Christmas tree and my husband was taking pictures of my daughter and me. When I looked at the pics, I was horrified. Was my butt that big! He had taken a picture of me hanging a high orniment and I saw a fat roll sticking out of my shirt. I deleated the pictures and said never again was I going to have another Christmas where I felt like I had to delete the photos for my own self preservation. I did not wait for New Years. I started Atkins on December 26th.

I am happy to say that I managed a squeeky clean induction and I think that really helped with my cravings. We also had absolutely NO food in the house that would allow us to cheat anyway. (no fail environment has been a key for me) I was down to 136.5 lbs by April, only 1.5 lbs away from goal when I found out I was pregnant with twins. I was of course, elatted beyond belief. My doctor, who had been all for the low carb diet, instructed me off it because I had to gain a pound a week. I did...I gained up to 145. I tragically lost the twins about a month ago in a cord accident at 12 weeks. They were single sac identicals (which we did not know until after). It took me about a week to recover physically, but started low carb up after that week and the morning I weighed myself I was still 145.

Since then I have worked out every day with a mix of cardio and weight training and Pilates. (about an hour) Sometimes I will walk as well in the evenings with my husband (also a low carber). I am not much of a "cheater". But, I will ocationally have a high carb meal about once a month or so. I used to call it my treat, but now that I have found so many creative and wonderful low carb recipes, it really is not that big of a deal any more. I generally stick to around 20-40 carbs a day comfortably. I love nuts! Macadamias especially and I really feel like those have helped a lot because they are almost like candy. Fealing my clothes get looser and looser has been the best reward.

I was always told all through school that I was a "big boned" girl and that is why I carried so much weight on a 5'2" frame. 135, although not overweight, is still quite a lot for a petite frame to carry. So, I think I am going to keep going with this and see where it takes me. I will never be "done" with low carb. I LOVE IT!

Plus...I would miss this web site way to much if I left! :)

Good Luck to All and Keep Low Carbing! :cheer:

Cheeks541 Thu, Jun-23-05 00:07

Congratulations on the success!!!

You look awesome!


rgaldamez Thu, Jun-23-05 14:05

You inspire me. Congratz, and be proud.


Aquaholic Thu, Jun-23-05 14:39

Geez, I'd like to know how you got such a flat stomach! You look fab.

SusanKH Fri, Jun-24-05 06:50

Wow, you look wonderful. I'm so sorry about your loss. I know you mourned but yet, you were still successful. Congratulations - you are an inspiration.

magikitty Fri, Jun-24-05 10:55

Cogratulations.. your a wonderful inspiration..and hearing that you can do this even after your horrible loss. ( I myslef lost twins at 14 wks. in '99 and started gaining weight in depressionbefore I got my act together and losing 60 lbs.) I hope you have much Happiness and enjoyment in your slimmer healthy lifestyle.

be well



watcher16 Sun, Jun-26-05 00:50

Congrats with your dieting, Amanda.

I hope the exercise etc. can help you recover from the loss of the twins. Be carefull with this isssue. Not processing this mentally in the right way can be of great danger for yourself and your relations.

Kristine Mon, Jun-27-05 06:31

Congratulations on being fit and securing that no-fail environment. :thup: Your DD is really cute - and lucky. She's being raised by folks who will teach her to love real food. :rheart:

See you 'round the maintenance forum!

magikitty Mon, Jun-27-05 07:02

How wonderful for you and your new lil family and your new lil size!! way to go in achieveing your goals. Stay strong and be well.. best wishes to you and yours thank you for sharing..



tsh10 Sun, Jul-03-05 09:19

Congratulations on your success and THANK YOU for taking the time to share your story with us. You're truly an inspiration ... and you look amazing!

Unholy Sun, Jul-03-05 13:44

To bad your already married!:blush:

dreamseeds Sun, Jul-10-05 22:08

big hugs...I am sorry you endured losing your twins, but your attitude is amazing.
And you look wonderful!

amixson Fri, Sep-30-05 10:40

Wow!! What a are a true inspiration!!! I'm 35 and 5'4, i have yo-yo in my weight my whole life. I've ranged in size from a 6 to an 18!!! weight has always been a problem for me..I'm back on Atkins and doing Curves 3 times a week, hoping to make this a life change this time and not just a diet. Thanks for your story!!!! Wish me luck, I've found great support in this group!!

surfer376 Sat, Oct-01-05 08:23

Congrats Amanda , you look great and the baby is very cute as well!

jme98105 Thu, Oct-06-05 05:39

Wow. Congrats. That is wonderful. I am very happy for you!!!

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