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yvonne326 Tue, Dec-17-02 08:30

How will I survive this time of year! :(
Can someone please explain to me why I gain as much as 3 lbs the day after a carb binge? I totally lost it yesterday and paying for it today by the scale showing 3 lbs gain and bloated (water-retention). How the heck am I gonna get thru these holidays with all the cookies and emotional eating to boot - - oh and my cousin's wedding on 12/28! I feel that my willpower is at an all time low :(

vbrowne Tue, Dec-17-02 08:56

Yvonne: Just tell yourself that you don't want to gain another pound. Drink tons of water before you go out, that way you're full and not so tempted. If you fell you want "goodies", make some LC stuff (in the recipe section). As far as Christmas day, eat lots of turkey, you can have veggies with butter and skip the spuds - just keep in mind why you're doing this. Your cousins wedding, they will have salad, a meat / poultry / fish dish, I'm assuming and veggies. Finally, if you want to have a drink, have a couple of spritzers, the soda water helps and you won't drink as much as if you were having wine by the glass.

Good luck, I'm sure you can do it, and you'll be so happy you did in January - oh yeah, take good long walks weather permitting.


Crimson Tue, Dec-17-02 11:46

it's been a hard run for me as well this month. I went to my company dinner on Saturday which consisted of foods I've never eaten before (it was a gourmet chinese restaurant with tons of dishes ordered to share) . I had to take bites of foods before realizing that every dish there had sweet sauces and rice or noodles! I ended up eating very minimal, avoiding the dishes I knew contained carbs, and still packed on 2lbs! I guess the 3 glasses of wine didn't help my cause. :rolleyes:

I have my bf's dinner this coming Saturday, and I'm getting a little anxious. I'm hoping the dishes will be meaty and full of greens! ;)

DWRolfe Tue, Dec-17-02 13:28

But think...
If eating things you know you shouldn't eat makes you feel bad and gain weight...

...why turn to those foods for emotional comfort? Doesn't sound like it's comforting you much.

I completely understand how difficult this time of year is. Temptation is all around us. How about making some LC sweet treats to have at home or take with you so that you can have some treats while starting a new tradition at the holidays of enjoying treats that don't make you feel bad.

I guess the bottom line is try to avoid what you know you should avoid. And if you must give in, give in. But don't go over board. A little slice of cake or pie or a few cookies (or whatever your comfort food is) will probably satisfy your urge just as much as a big slice and so forth. Just try to keep servings in the small to normal size range.

Good luck!

Donald :wave:

Janiceb Tue, Dec-17-02 13:36

Yvonne, I know it can be difficult this time of year. I just wrote about a close call with chocolate in my journal.

I think it's important anytime to be prepared but more so during holidays. Do some LC baking, buy some LC chocolate, drink lots of water and most important reflect on how you feel now that you are LC'ing. What positive changes have you seen in your body and your life? Do you respect yourself for making choices that have led you to your positive changes? When you really take a moment to think about it you may decide all on your own not to cheat or that you know longer need these comfort foods.

I have no doubt that you will be successful during this holiday season.


KatieB Tue, Dec-17-02 13:55


I think the most important thing to get back on the bandwagaon. I blew it bad last week - See's Candy at the office, venison spagetti at a friends on Saturday. Yes, I gained. But yesterday when I came to work I put myself back on schedule. I was thinking I could never get it together on Sunday night but Monday at the office proved to me that I could do it. Tuesday is much easier.

Keep at it!


Mjsturg1 Tue, Dec-17-02 13:57

I know how you feel...
I am so good during the week then along comes the weekend with homemade cookies,fudge etc and I can't resist and I also put the lbs on BUT i always buckle down through the week and always end up losing it...I alwaya regret it to cuz then I have the carb withdrawal for a day...not to mention the terrible bloating...ugh..
My advice is to do the best you can and don't forget the water..that is another downfall on the weekends..I don't drink nearly enough water...

Good Luck and Happy Holidays !!

sharann Tue, Dec-17-02 14:29

Now, you say a 3 pound gain. Does anyone believe that is from anything but water re-distribution/retention. If you gained 3 lbs in 2 weeks,and stayed there consistently, then I would be careful. One day cant gain 3 lbs fat, right?
I just wanted to say this is my first ever reply on this forum,and this is just my humble opinion :)

DDMariana Tue, Dec-17-02 19:53

Shar's can't gain that much that fast by just a quick binge...but do be careful that you don't throw your body out of its new mechanism of burning fat instead of carbs.

Drinking water will help, also get in some really good walks outside...power walk, move your arms and breathe deeply as you go.

I'm going to bake about 200 dozen cookies on Saturday, all kinds of Italian goodies, simple ones, stuffed ones, you name it. I'm FIRST going to bake some LC stuff for myself and keep it at that.

If that's what it takes, fine. The holidays will be over in no time, and if the damage is kept to a minimum, we should all be doing okay at the New Year!


SueJ Tue, Dec-17-02 20:24

Both today and yesterday, we've had tons of homemade cookies and other goodies all over work. I was sooooooooo determined not to even start, that the oddest thing happened today. After dinner tonight, I updated by journal only to find I didn't eat enough carbs at all! I was only at about 10 for the day. So, I just ate something else. I was a little hungry. Weird, I think I'm psyching myself too well!


Just stand up to that cookie and yell, "I'm bigger than you are!"
Oops, maybe not "bigger", but BETTER!

Good luck.

MarieC Wed, Dec-18-02 09:18

Yes, what a tuff time of year. At work we have delivered chocolate to clients and they have been sending us treats. I'm taking this one "Thanks but I don't want any" at a time. I did make sure I have sf jello and peanut butter cups on hand at home and I have them in the evening as my "treat" for sticking to the plan.

I know this sounds REALLY stupid ........ but I also place on hands on my hips when I check out the latest carb-fest delivery to remind myself that my waist is three inches smaller than it was when I started this plan. It makes saying "I don't want any" more sincere. ;)

DDMariana Wed, Dec-18-02 10:07

Good for you...not stupid at all... :D :D

At the office it's called cognitive behavioral therapy!!

Works like a charm... :p


Anybody Wed, Dec-18-02 10:51

Just remember, you as a person deserve better treatment. Think about how much work and dedication you have put into bettering yourself. Also take a look at the people who are not taking care of themselves and ask yourself if your not worth the effort your putting in. The obvious answer is you are. Your totally and completly worth not being any pound heavier then you want to be.

You can make it through the holidays and still enjoy them while keeping to your plan. But if you need to take a break and just let the holiday be the holiday thats fine as well.. you will slow your progress and you will just have to start over again but it will be a choice and not an uncontrollable overpowering urge to "cheat". Who needs guilt?

If your not going to take a couple week break during the holiday's then do your best to stick to greens and meat take your suppliments and when you make it through be proud of yourself.

Congrats on the weight you've already lost and looking forward to hearing more about your successes.


Daethian Mon, Dec-23-02 17:19

I may get totally blasted for saying this but I'm gonna anyway.

I started Atkins two weeks before Thanksgiving and have vowed to stay on Induction as long as possible because I have so much to lose. I cheated several times in the first month but still lost. I didn't want to cheat again but my 30th birthday was this month and I didn't think I could resist cake. Another LCer I know recommened Carb Cutter to survive the holidays. I will not and am not going to use this as a crutch long term but I did use it the day of my birthday to help me out. I did not gain or lose last week so I feel that's not bad considering I had birthday cake and two and a half cookies. I used carb cutter today for our company holiday dinner and will again on Sunday for our family dinner. Today I stayed away from all sweets and will do so on Sunday. I'll either make something or have my LC ice cream. I don't know if this would help you or not or if you are willing to try. I feel stronger facing potential disasters with a little something to cushion my fall. I know that if I cheat and gain I'll be devastated and probably quit completely.

Good luck!

kaznz Thu, Dec-26-02 14:04

It happens to us all
Don't be too hard on yourself. We all know it's tough this time of year, but get back on track and away you'll go again. Life is for living and who of us doesn't have the odd fall. Go for it!!!!
Keep us posted - Karyn :daze:

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