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Sydney1030 Thu, Feb-06-03 01:50

Sick a lot while doing Atkins?
I don't know if this is something that others have experienced, but I have found that in the 3 weeks I've been on the plan I've been sick! I never catch colds, maybe one every other year-and now I'm on my 2nd one in 3 weeks (and this one is very nasty-sore throat, tired, yucky stuffed nose & ears, etc. :thdown: ). I'm wondering if it has to do with the diet? I used to eat a lot of fruit but obviously now I don't...but I do take a lot of supplements including extra "C" and zinc, and eat a lot of veggies/greens. The thing is, my son started pre-school at the same time as I started Atkins-so I could just be catching all his bugs that he brings home and it doesn't have anything to do with the diet. What do you think? Anybody else notice a weaker immune system on the program?

Sydney1030 Thu, Feb-06-03 01:52

Wait...I dont' know how this post got put inot the journals board???? It was supposed to be on Newbies questions-I'm going to try to move it. sorry! :rolleyes:

SlimShAdY Thu, Feb-06-03 02:38

Has nothing to do with Atkins. Most likely from your catching it from the preschool.

Drink some broth, or make a lowcarb soup (chicken and lots of vegies!).. that should help ya get over it faster. :roll:

freydis Thu, Feb-06-03 07:24

How much extra C are you taking? I was taking 500 mg/day and was still catching stuff. When I upped that to 1000 mg/day, I began having fewer problems. Since I changed it to 1500/day, I haven't been sick once.

You probably ARE catching these things from your son's preschool, but the extra C could help you fight them off.

JimR-OCDS Thu, Feb-06-03 07:43

Well if it makes you feel better, for 3 years while I was on Atkins, I didn't catch one cold. However, I fell off the diet about a year ago and wanted to get back on it after the New Year. I'm currently suffering from my 3 cold. So, the diet has little to do with it. We're picking up viruses and this year in New England, because it's been so cold, we are staying indoors much more, thereby incubating and spreading these viruses.

lperk002 Thu, Feb-06-03 08:16

You live with a human petri dish now! Wash everyone's hands as frequently as you can... I've been sick this winter too (twice with pneumonia) but the ER doc said it is not related to LCing. In my particular situation, there is just a very virulent strain of pneumonia in my town and the antibiotics most likely did not knock out the first infection...

I agree with freydis; I've upped my vitamin c intake significantly and I push fluids. Although I am currently down with the pneumonia, I feel a world better this time than I did when I wasn't on good course of supplements.

But the hand washing is always a good policy (plus, kids love water!). I also tried to encourage my daughter to avoid mouthing toys and/or putting her hands in her mouth or rubbing her eyes when she first started preschool for what that was worth...

Azlocarb Thu, Feb-06-03 09:40

I have not had a cold or the flu since starting Lo-carb a year ago. Before lo-carb I would average 1 to 2 colds a year. Just about everyone I work with has been out a few days for the flu and I have felt nothing.

DWRolfe Thu, Feb-06-03 09:44

Code in da nose
My experience has been just the opposite. I have never felt better and I seem to miss all of the colds and flu that hit our area and my office. My partner has had several colds (one was a real doozy) and I didn't catch any of them.

I'd keep an open mind that it could be other factors...

Donald :wave:

gingertea Thu, Feb-06-03 10:52

I'd have to say the preschool germs. Put 20 - 25 kids in one room and there is a lots of germ spreading which they then bring home to you. I can relate. It gets better eventually, just new bugs you are being exposed too. Have you noticed your kids are sick more too?

Azlocarb Thu, Feb-06-03 11:16

I have not had a cold or the flu since starting Lo-carb a year ago. Before lo-carb I would average 1 to 2 colds a year. Just about everyone I work with has been out a few days for the flu and I have felt nothing.

Inanna Thu, Feb-06-03 12:04

usually I can fight off stuff really well too. But last friday, I caught what they think is the Norwalk virus, was better by Sunday then caught a cold on Monday. Some tell me the two are related, but I have no idea.

The bad thing about all this is (other than the ucky feeling), that I haven't been to the gym since last thursday (1 week today), and am feeling guilty.

I still have the cold, makes it hard to breathe when walking. So I decided to wait until I was better. Plus I am pretty worn out from the vomit-fest last week.

So what I am struggling with is the guilt feelings of not going. Has anyone felt anything similar?


Sydney1030 Thu, Feb-06-03 15:49

Good-I'll agree that's it's probably pre-school germs, too. And YES, my kids are sick all the time now that the oldest is in school! :thdown: Just the way it goes, I guess. Good to know most of you are healthier than ever on l/c diet- I was a serious carb addict and feel great (except for the colds) since I started. Losing stubborn pregnancy weight too! :roll:
I do take much vitamin C (normally 1500mg but now 1500 morning and night)...but being bombarded with all these new germs makes it rough. My kids are all over me all day and night, and I'm the one wiping their noses, etc...I wash my hands a billion times a day and try to keep up with my kids' hands, too-but it's hard not to infect one another. Oh well, I'm sure I'll live! Thanks for all your thoughts, guys!

mommatbird Fri, Feb-07-03 16:53

Give it time
Don't worry. Your resistence with get strong. Besides, moms are not allowed to be sick. Didn't you know that?
Really, you will build up immunity to all those little germs that are doing you in now. My babies are 15 months apart and when they both started preschool, I felt like crap 99% of the time. Now, one is in Kindergarten and the other in preschool still and I can get puked on and it not phase me (virus-wise).
Take care, disinfect your house, wash hands, buy stock in Kleenex and hold on.

Sydney1030 Fri, Feb-07-03 17:29

hahahaha :daze: My poor husband doesn't know what to do, I've been really knocked out with this nasty flu this past week. He tries, but he's used to me taking care of the home/kids end of things (I'm a stay at home mom)...last night he said, "Hon, I'm not used to YOU being sick. I think I'd rather be the sick one." It was cute.
I KNOW moms aren't allowed to be sick-that's why I have a medicine cabinet full of DAYQUIL! :rolleyes: I hope I get a tough skin soon like you say I will...

liz175 Fri, Feb-07-03 18:16

I've been on Atkins since July and am in the throws of the first cold I have had since starting this way of eating. I have been amazed at how healthy I have been. A few weeks ago, my husband came home from work with a high fever and I was sure I would catch it. I did not. I think that right now the germs are so strong that we are all just giving in to them.

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