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libra81 Mon, May-24-04 08:45

7-11 slurpees
I'm not sure if this has been posted or not but I called the 7-11 number for the new crystal light strawberry-kiwi slurpee, which is very good. The carb count is 12 grams though for 12 fl oz. Theres no sugar but its made w/ sucralose, so those carbs dont "count" right, I wasnt sure. In the diet pepsi slurpee there is 2gm carbs per every 8fl oz, and its also made with sucralose and ethrotyl(sp?). They dont count as net carbs do they? Not that I'd drink them everyday but I love slurpees and have missed them and its a nice treat. But I about freaked when I saw the carb count and wanted to make sure they're ok, the number was 1-800-255-0711 if anyone wants to call.

MyJourney Mon, May-24-04 10:23

liquid sucralose has no carbs. If they are telling you its 12 carbs then there is something else they are using to give it the carbs and those would definitely count. I will call them and see whats in it and let you know.

xxxomnixxx Mon, May-24-04 10:23

I'm not sure about the new crystal light strawberry-kiwi slurpee. The diet Pepsi slurpee contains a Tagatose, Erythritol, Sucralose blend. My experience with sugar alcohols thus far, is that certain ones definitely have an impact on my blood sugar. Most noticibly, maltitol. Along with that comes gastric distress in my case. I haven't tried any 7-11 slurpees. Based on my prior experiences with SAs, it's probably just as well. Oh, I would definitely count the carbs from the SAs, but that's me, ymmv.

whyspers Mon, May-24-04 10:24

My guess is that it might be some type of fruit juice? Even so...that does seem awfully high for something sweetened with sucrolose.


xxxomnixxx Mon, May-24-04 10:31

Oh, I forgot to mention the reason for the Tagatose, Erythritol, Sucralose blend. . . they couldn't make it with just sucralose, because it would freeze solid and gum up the workings of the machine. The blend acts as a sort of antifreeze allowing it to attain that slurpee consistancy.

MyJourney Mon, May-24-04 10:35

I called them up

it has 60 calories (for a 12oz)
and 12g carbs
1g sugar alcohols (sorbitol)

Now the guy I spoke with refused to read the ingredients to me, but insisted that somehow the 12g of carbohydrates were all coming from 1g of sugar alcohols I explained to him how 1g and 12g were different and he told me what it was sweetened with.

It does contain maltodextrin, but I think what is adding all those carbs is glycerine.

It contains
Propylene Glycol
Malic acid
Pottassium Phosphate
and sucralose

I am assuming the 1g of sugar alcohols is coming from the sorbitol so the rest would be the other stuff, mostly glycerine. Which may be why he was trying to tell me they were all sugar alcohols.

xxxomnixxx Mon, May-24-04 10:42

Hmmm. . . before sipping on one of these, you might want to read this:

MyJourney Mon, May-24-04 10:50

Note to Physician:
In case of ingestion, monitor for acidosis and central nervous system changes. Exposed persons with previous kidney dysfunction may require special treatment.

mmm yummy Just what I want for dinner

libra81 Mon, May-24-04 12:49

man just reading all of that and about the explanation of the "anti-freeze" blend, that just doesnt sound good for you at all. I wish I had the will power to do KISS forever however I dont think I will be drinking many slurpees though, maybe a small one everynow and then, but that just sounds dangerous to your health low carb or not

cc48510 Tue, May-25-04 22:23

The Crystal Light Slurpees are high in Carbs. If I remember correctly, its something like 1.0g CHO per ounce, or about 40g per Slurpee. Some of those are Sorbitol, but some are Maltodextrin, which is a High Glycemic (GI = 105) Carbohydrate derived by breaking down Cornstarch. Its basically halfway between Corn Starch and Corn Syrup. The Diet Pepsi Slurpees have 12g CHO per Slurpee or about 0.3g CHO per ounce...and are made with Tagatose and Erythritol. Erythritol is a Sugar Alcohol. It is one of only 2 SAs with a GI of ZERO. It is also the least absorbed. Only 1g per 20g of Erythritol is absorbed. Tagatose, while not a Sugar Alcohol, acts like one. It is only partially absorbed (3g per 8g) and has a GI that's either ZERO or pretty damn close. I now count the absorbable grams of Sugar Alcohols and Tagtose as Net Carbs. So, a Diet Pepsi Slurpee comes out to about 3g Net* [by my estimates.] I'd look it up, but for some reason Fitday PC will NOT run if you have Internet Explorer open.

Itty Wed, May-26-04 09:20


Is there anyone in Toronto who knows of a 7-11 that sells SF stuff? There is one on Yonge Street near Dundas (Eaton's Centre) but it is quite barren and only has full-of-sugar crap in their machines. Any other chains that have SF? I am gonna die this summer if I don't find something freezing to keep me cool in the city!


legwarmers Wed, May-26-04 10:07

my smarty pants friend just wrote this in response to myjourney's hunch:

Nope. A molecule of sucralose is too big to be absorbed into your bloodsteam. But sometimes a high sucralose ingestion can lead to increased time in the ladies room. lol

I bet the guy didn't know how to answer your question. Glycerin/ol doesn't generally effect insulin.

Ladycody Wed, May-26-04 11:06

Why dont you make your own frozen concoction with ice and crystal light? The lemonade (liquid- not powder) is very good when blended. Just a suggestion.

blueowl Wed, May-26-04 21:51

It has always been my understanding that surclose carbs do count, while Splenda is lower in carbs then suger, it still counts.

As for the Toronto question, they are not yet available in Canada, because Erythritol has not yet been approved by the Canadian Gov't, rumour has it, it's in the last stages of approval, and we could start seeing the slurpees soon.

cc48510 Wed, May-26-04 23:26

Originally Posted by blueowl
It has always been my understanding that surclose carbs do count, while Splenda is lower in carbs then suger, it still counts.

As for the Toronto question, they are not yet available in Canada, because Erythritol has not yet been approved by the Canadian Gov't, rumour has it, it's in the last stages of approval, and we could start seeing the slurpees soon.

Sucralose has no Carbs. Splenda, in the Granular or Packet form has 1g of Carbs per packet or 2 tsp, from the fillers: Maltodextrin and/or Glucose (Dextrose.) Liquid Splenda, which at least in the US is only available to major companies, not the general public has NO CARBS. Since Pepsi can easily obtain Liquid Splenda, the Carbs in a Diet Pepsi Slurpee do not come from the Splenda, but rather from the Tagatose and Erythritol. Atkins endorses the subtraction [in their entirety] of Sugar Alcohols, including Erythritol. I don't subtract all of the Carbs in SAs anymore, though. But, I only count Erythritol as 1g Net per 20g of Erythritol, since that's all of the Erythritol that the body is supposedly able to absorb. I count 3g per 8g of Tagatose, for the same reason. Atkins never mentioned Tagatose as far as I'm aware in any of his books. But, thats not suprising since it didn't really come on the scene until last Fall [after Dr. Atkins had already passed away] when 7-11 started using it in their Slurpees. If he allowed for the deduction of all SAs...I don't see why he wouldn't have allowed the deduction of Tagatose.

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