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towerprncs Thu, Jun-27-02 00:12

anyone have any hints about raising good cholestrol?
I'm looking for a good way to raise my good cholestrol, even though I am taking 1 tb seeds, 1 tb linseeds, using olive oil and eating salmon at least once a week, as well as 1000 mg fish oil, good cholestrol was only 0.88 when tested, bad cholestrol was 5.8--doc didn't seem worried about 5.8 but said both should be about equal?--so I've got a LONG way to go...was really shocked as I assumed ALL these seeds, oil etc would do the trick

someone suggested I eat 4-6 egg whites cooked with 4 raw yolks on top each day---YUCK

ANything else I can do?

Am I eating too much bad fat because my BP is 164/100, but don't know what it was before--or should I give it more time--I've been on Atkins since April 1st.

Read somewhere that an intolerance to an acid in red meat and eggs drives your BP up--how can I tell if this is happening to me?

thanks for your help

doreen T Thu, Jun-27-02 07:33

hi Kae,

First, yes it's possible that arachidonic acid may be causing problems for you. The Drs Eades of Protein Power have this to say:
Are there people who should avoid red meat and eggs?

Yes. Some people just seem to have a sensitivity to them. It may be the arachidonic acid found in red meat and egg yolks. These people lose weight just fine eating them, but their elevated blood pressure or cholesterol won’t come down until they stop the red meat and eggs. Sometimes people do better avoiding them if you are suffering from hypertension, elevated cholesterol, fluid retention, or inflammation such as arthritis, bursitis, asthma, allergies and rashes.
You can read more information about arachidonic acid here.

Arachidonic acid (AA) is a fatty acid that's present in the FAT of red meat and egg yolks, not in the meat itself. How can you tell if it's a problem for you?? Eliminate red meat and egg yolks from your diet for 3 or 4 weeks. If the symptoms go away, it's the likely culprit. If you add back red meat and egg yolks (do it one at a time) and the symptoms return, then you'll know for sure.

If it is problematic for you, does it mean you'll never be able to eat red meat again?? No ... but you may have to limit consumption to once or twice a week. Since the AA is found in the fat, not in the meat, it's possible that if you choose the leanest, fat-free cuts and use cooking methods that allow the fat to drain away ... you'll remove much of the AA, and can then enjoy the meat with melted butter or olive oil as a dressing.


On the seeds and fish oils ... I suggest you increase your fish consumption to 3 times a week. If you have tinned fish (salmon, mackerel, tuna) make sure it's packed in its own juices, water or brine or olive oil NOT soya or sunflower or "vegetable" oil. Soya, sunflower and safflower oils are omega-6, and while they're not unhealthy per se, they negate any benefit of the omega-3 fats that are present in the fish. Alternatively, you could increase the fish oil capsules to 1000 mg, 3 times a day (total 3000 mg). Make sure you keep all your oil supplements, including fish oil capsules, in the fridge. If they go rancid, they're no longer beneficial, and in fact can be downright harmful ... oxidized oils become free-radicals in the body, and do a lot of damage. If you're not sure, poke a hole in one of the capsules and do a sniff and taste test. If it tastes rancid .. in the garbage with the whole bottle!

As well, increasing your consumption of monounsaturated fat will help the hdl .. which should be above 1.03 (not necessarily equal to the ldl ;), which should be below 3.3). Sources of monos include olives, raw nuts and seeds (especially almonds and macadamias) avocados, and the oils from these foods. It's also worth noting that poultry fat contains 44.7% monounsaturate fat .. so be sure to eat the skin from your chicken, turkey and goose :)



Natrushka Thu, Jun-27-02 07:42

Something else to look at for increasing good cholesterol and decreasing the bad stuff is guggulipids.

"From the resin of the mukul myrrh tree (Commiphora mukul) comes a remedy--gugulipid--that holds promise for lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels as effectively as certain prescription medications. Native to India, this tree is closely related to the plant that provides the fragrant myrrh described in the Bible.

The tree’s resin is called gum guggul, or guggulu. Traditional Ayurvedic healers in India have relied on this resin for centuries to treat arthritis and obesity. Interestingly, as early as 600 B.C. they were giving it to people who suffered from a condition associated with regular overindulgence in rich foods and a sedate lifestyle--what we now know as atherosclerosis.

Research has subsequently revealed that the refined resin (gugulipid) inhibits the formation of artery-hardening plaque. In addition, it has been found that active ingredients called guggulsterones encourage levels of cholesterol and fat to drop. This in turn lowers the risk for heart disease. Guggulsterones may also help to control arthritis-related inflammation and may aid in weight loss. "

You can read more here
Supplement Research Foundation


doreen T Thu, Jun-27-02 08:09

Cool! thanks Nat :thup:

I noted the cautionary statements that a person should look specifically for guggulipid and not just guggul or guggulu, which comes from the unrefined resin, and which could have negative side effects.

Kae, guggulipid is available in the UK :)


Natrushka Thu, Jun-27-02 08:45

I've been cycling guggulesterones for a few months now, primairly to help support thyroid function. It will be interesting to see how this influenced my cholesterol when I head back for more tests.

Swiss Herbal in Canada has a guggul product, this is the one I have been using.


tofi Thu, Jun-27-02 16:49

GNC carries a brand called TLN. It is in combination with other things.


towerprncs Thu, Jun-27-02 23:02

thanks LOADS for the info
Thanks loads, guys, for all the info--

I will look for tree resin product, thanks Doreen--I'll look into that--I'm getting so discouraged with all this stuff--I have just settled down to eating 2 organic eggs for breakfast and really enjoying them as well as eating loads of red meat--I find farmed fish yucky and don't like chicken that much--but I like thighs [avoid according to "Paleo" guy, sigh] all of it is SO expensive--I can get "fresh" tuna but can't bear to eat it in front of the family as I can't afford it for us all

Do have major prob with excema or some skin crud docs don't agree on what it is but it's been with me since I was 18 when I left maternal bosom to be released into the wild and get a job in the big city [Boise Idaho!].

I wonder if heart and liver have the same effect as other red meat--"Paleo" guy says they are lower in fat--have a source of organic meat but don't want to buy loads in if arachnid whatever acid is a problem with me--

I guess I could try pollock which I can get frozen and is pretty cheap--I could cut red meat down to lamb once a week, as it is our one family gettogether meal in the week.

I just get settled down with cutting out yet ANOTHER avoid for me and find the foods I AM eating are having some adverse effect

I have had the fish oil for ages in the cupboard and bought some flax seed oil the other day so will dump the fish oil and get on to the flax oil instead

I know I sound like a whining Winny and it's no good NOT working with your own body, but this is a major thing with me I guess

I'm hoping to get some relief from a holistic doctor--just made an appointment, could only get in in 6 weeks' time to see if she can do something about my menopause symptoms--maybe I'll cheer up--

Anyway--I'll go to doc to get BP checked and THEN do egg and red meat fast until next monthly checkup and see if things improve--THEN go back on red meat and eggs for month and see if BP goes up THEN I will know I guess

Can't tell you how much help means, guys--you are all real stars

I KNOW I CAN BEAT THIS WEIGHT THING somehow and I just want you to know that you all have been major in me getting this far--so I can't thank you enough--

Now just messed up about doing induction as I was eating LOADS of red meat and fatty chicken

Felt a lot better doing WW detox first week which is white meats and fish so maybe will go back to that without dairy or eggs [sigh] and get in some fresh tuna and try that for a week to see if weight starts going down again.


Love ya all loads

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