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gotbeer Thu, May-20-04 11:09

"The Atkins diet seems to work, and may bring other health benefits, too"
Big news

May 20th 2004, From The Economist print edition

The Atkins diet seems to work, and may bring other health benefits, too

FOR decades, the Atkins diet has been dismissed and disparaged by dieticians, doctors and nutritionists as faddy or dangerous or both. When Dr Atkins himself died in 2003, after slipping on an icy pavement, he had only just started to see the diet he invented considered seriously. This week, though, two papers in the Annals of Internal Medicine confirm earlier studies showing that the diet works, and demonstrate that it brings benefits to those with heart diseases or diabetes.

In both studies, a low-carbohydrate diet of the sort Dr Atkins recommended was compared with a low-fat diet over the course of a year. One of the studies was conducted by researchers at the Veterans Affairs Medical Centre in Philadelphia. Researchers at Duke University did the second, which was funded by the Atkins Foundation, an organisation set up by Dr Atkins to promote his ideas. Both studies found what dieters have known for a while: that weight is lost more quickly on Atkins. After six months, both Atkins groups had lost more weight than their low-fat counterparts. However, by the end of the study, each group of dieters had lost about the same amount of weight.

Although the Atkins diet is laden with protein and contains a plentiful supply of fat, dieters showed an increase in the level of their high-density lipoproteins (so-called “good” cholesterol) and no increase in the level of their low-density lipoproteins (“bad” cholesterol). In addition, people with diabetes had better control of their blood-sugar levels when on Atkins.

The reason that the diet has been the target of consistent abuse from the scientific establishment is that its rules contradict the central pillars of received nutritional wisdom. These are that eating a diet which is low in fat and high in starch reduces the risk to the consumer of developing heart disease and cancer, and also promotes weight loss. Food retailers responded to such advice in the 1990s with low-fat “healthy” options in milk, cheese, spreads, sauces and pre-prepared meals. Pasta and bread were to be favoured over meat-and-two-veg. And if meat was ever to appear in a meal, it was to be trimmed of fat. Atkins, however, says people must ditch the muesli and start tucking into bacon and eggs.

The most telling comment on the two new studies comes from Walter Willett, a nutritionist at the Harvard School of Public Health. In an editorial that accompanies the papers, he says “we can no longer dismiss very-low carbohydrate diets”, adding that “Dr Atkins deserves credit for his observations that many persons can control their weight by greatly reducing carbohydrate intake and for his funding of trials by independent investigators.” Nevertheless, some nutritionists are less than welcoming of the new findings, and are warning about the unknown health effects of following Atkins in the long term, and of nutritional deficiencies in the diet.

Although the ultimate outcomes of the low-fat and low-carbohydrate diets in the experiments were the same, in that people lost similar amounts of weight over the course of a whole year, this is unlikely to deter the hordes of Atkins aficionados who swear by the diet. They argue that it is easier to adhere to (proteins do indeed make people feel fuller for longer), and that they suffer from fewer of the hunger pangs and mood swings that are characteristic of low-fat diets.

Shortly before Dr Atkins died, Larry King interviewed him on his television show. “Do you have a feeling of I told you so?” he asked. Dr Atkins replied, “I've had that feeling all along.”

Nancy LC Thu, May-20-04 11:45

Ha! A resounding defeat to the Atkin's pooh-poohers!

Skyangel Thu, May-20-04 12:42

I bet Dean Ornish is squirming ...

MyJourney Thu, May-20-04 12:59

I feel sorry for the woman they took a picture of for this. I hate seeing stuff like that.

adkpam Thu, May-20-04 13:12

I like to think of Dean Ornish squirming, too...not that I'm sadistic, or anything.
Puritanism is not a substitute for science!

K Walt Thu, May-20-04 13:46

Alas, I don't think Ornish is squirming.

He has seen the vision. He knows his way is the truth and the light. A swami told him so.

No convincing him of anything.

mitzy39 Thu, May-20-04 18:38

It seems to me that people have just been having a knee jerk reation and not really even thinking through the science of this WOE. My doctors are not up on this stuff at all. When I was telling them that I was worried about my fam. history of diabetes and told them that I was eating lc they told me that it didn't matter what I ate, only if I excersized. I don't believe that because I was excersizing 5 days a week at the time and I was having higher blood sugar levels. So much for what they think. I know that my body is feeling a lot better on this diet and I can do this forever. Thank God for Dr. Atkins.

serrelind Fri, May-21-04 05:15

Mitzy, I agree with you. So many doctors are misinformed about lc. They do not know (through ignorance or what, I don't know) the science of lc. Maybe they have vested interests to keep people from doing lc. I dunno. But it makes me wonder about other advice and suggestions they give you. Can I really trust them???


LCanita Fri, May-21-04 05:28

I agree. I changed doctors to one who is supportive of low carb, and that has helped.

They just aren't trained in nutrition and supplements. They are trained to prescribe medication and spew out what the AMA says. Part of that though has to be fear of malpractice anytime they go outside of the AMA standards.

Also - pharmaceutical companies control so much of what goes on. Have you ever noticed that it seems everytime you go to the doctors there is a pharmaceutical salesman there? They control much of the AMA and medical schools. It's all about $$$.

Bottom line: Do your own research, take control of your own health.

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