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mbutterfly Fri, Nov-15-02 11:10

Chinese at RM???
Ok, I think I blew it last night! Yesterday I had full intentions on eating those 2 pork chops, green beans and applesauce for dinner last night, but some people from work ordered Chinese for lunch and boy did it smell good!!!

So, I decided to stop on my way home and get some General Tso's Chicken in Chicken Fried Rice, an egg roll w/duck sauce and some Reese PB Ice Cream. What a combo, right? It was so delicious!!!

I'm thinking that wasn't the best thing to do since I've been told to keep my salt intake down, and I'm sure Chinese is FULL of it. Any suggestions on fixing this so that I don't have another week of failure??? Does anyone else eat Chinese during RM's?

AlluraD Fri, Nov-15-02 11:26

Me too~
Last night was my very first RM......I never even thought about the salt...........must be why my scales showed a 5 bl gain this morning........and yes......the ice cream I ate was great too! *L* Will remember that next time......*keeping fingers crossed* :spin:

mbutterfly Fri, Nov-15-02 11:36

Hi allurad! Welcome to CAD!

That is SOO funny! We both ate the same thing yesterday!!! Chinese and ice cream, and we're "dieting"! We'll have to remember to stay away from the Chinese for awhile and see how it goes without it. It just sounded sooo good after my co-workers tormented me with the smell yesterday!

Hopefully today I'm off to a better start. I had 2 chicken thighs, spinach leaves w/olive oil & balsamic vinegar and some cottage cheese. Planning on having those pork chops for dinner tonight! :)

I'll bet the 5 pounds is just water weight from all of the salt. Let us know how it goes!


nawchem Fri, Nov-15-02 11:47

Can I ask why do you say failure for the week? It was just one meal and if you ate it within 1 hour...

I think its okay to eat whatever food you love at the RM just balance it and have a salad first thing. It will probably keep you from getting too stuffed. I think in time we'll realize that we don't have to eat it all at once because we can have it all over again at tomorrows RM. :D

Ice cream sounds good, I haven't tried that yet. After nine days of having ding dongs at RM I'm starting to get a little sick of them. Do I dare buy a gallon of ice cream?


mbutterfly Fri, Nov-15-02 11:55

Hi nawchem!!!

The reason I say another week of failure is because last week I didn't lose any weight and I think it was due to my "girls night out", and so far I haven't lost any weight this week either.

I did eat the Chinese and ice cream within an hour (with 15 minutes to spare), so basically I woofed it! I'm just afraid that the salt will not help me and I'm afraid of getting frustrated if I don't lose any weight soon.

Are you doing the CAD or CALP? The CAD does not require a salad, but I'm beginning to think I should try it.

Go get the ice cream!!! YUMMY!!! There are so many wonderful flavors, I have a hard time choosing!!! Enjoy!!!

Zuleikaa Fri, Nov-15-02 12:37

Chinese food, fast food. It all has tons of salt! Don't worry about it, just be aware of water retention and don't freak out. It will go away. I promise!

On another note. A Reward Meal is whatever you want to have. If that's Chinese food, go for it. Just be aware of its effects.

mbutterfly Fri, Nov-15-02 12:53

Thanks again zuleikka!!

I'll stay optimistic and hope that my scale moves slightly over the weekend.

This site has become an addiction for me....

Tiggerlou Sat, Nov-16-02 17:30

B E W A R E - Chinese food is notoriously loaded with MSG!!!!

luv67fire Sun, Nov-17-02 01:46

Originally posted by mbutterfly
Are you doing the CAD or CALP? The CAD does not require a salad, but I'm beginning to think I should try it.

Actually, CAD does require you to have a salad first. It is in the book.

And about Chinese, I've been finding myself not wanting it because of the fact that it is hard to balance. I don't like stir fried veges, and I have to eat a TON of veggies and meat to eat the chow mein or fried rice I love so much.
Hehehe, I'll look at the chow mein and think"Yum, I want a lot of that, so I'll eat a lot of meat and vegies to balance it" and then since we're supposed to eat the carbs last, by the time I've eaten all of the meat and vegies, I"m totally stuffed!! Maybe that's the point? Lol!

Allura, my fruits are still hiding behind the ice cream too!! Haha! These past two weeks, I've totally been meaning to eat fruit during RM, but everytime I get to it, I think "ICE CREAM!!" Losing weight after eating ice cream does help me any with getting out of the ice cream fix either! Hahahahaa.......

AlluraD Sun, Nov-17-02 07:34

Cherry on top!!
Maybe if I put a cherry on top I can cover both bases!!!! :yum:

mbutterfly Mon, Nov-18-02 12:28

Originally posted by luv67fire
Actually, CAD does require you to have a salad first. It is in the book.

Hmmm...going to have to re-read my book. Maybe THAT's why I haven't been losing much weight these days! Thanks!

skyspinner Mon, Nov-18-02 17:44

Reading your book again is it often.

As I understand CAD, it says to do two weeks on the Entry plan, then decide which plan to follow for the next two weeks, based on how much you lost during the previous week (weekly average) and whether you wish to maintain or to lose.

One of the plans does require a salad at RM.....but they do not all have this requirement.

They seem to have take this one plan and turned it into the CALP plan, where you eat CMs and one RM that begins w/ salad. This is in the later books CALP and the Healthy Heart Program.

The interesting this is that the Hellers say that the CAD plan w/ salad may result in too rapid weight loss. ! Remember that they say over 2 pounds a week is too fast.

So do read your book again and decide just how you're going to do this, and then go from there. :)

luv67fire Mon, Nov-18-02 17:59

Hehehe, Skyspinner, you are right! You should see my book, it is already worn and torn, and it is only a month old!! LOL, I've studied that thing back and forth, and I just didn't catch that you didn't have to have a salad on all RMs. Maybe THAT is why I've been losing so fast! By the time I get to my high carbs, I don't feel like eating any cause I'm so full already! Lol... Thanks!!

mbutterfly Tue, Nov-19-02 08:07

Thanks Skyspinner! I started reading my book again last night. I have to admit that the first time I read it I skimmed through all of the stories of the different people that they studied thinking that I wanted to get to the "nitty gritty". This time I'm going to be patient and read the whole thing. I know that this works, I just need to follow it to a T.

Thanks for the great advice!

RedLisaP Fri, Nov-22-02 08:08

I love chinese food too - it was one of the things I missed most when I was on Atkins. Now on CAD I can eat it again, but I'm careful to tell them NO MSG, and I'm also careful to order something that has vegetables and protein in it to try to keep that 1/3 1/3 1/3 balance.

And I don't have dessert on those nights either. I just tell myself "you can have dessert tomorrow night" and then it's ok.

Have a great LC day, y'all!

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